<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> <!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//Samba-Team//DTD DocBook V4.2-Based Variant V1.0//EN" "http://www.samba.org/samba/DTD/samba-doc"> <chapter id="ClientConfig"> <chapterinfo> &author.jht; </chapterinfo> <title>MS Windows Network Configuration Guide</title> <sect1> <title>Features and Benefits</title> <para> Occasionally network administrators will report difficulty getting Microsoft Windows clients to interoperate correctly with Samba servers. It would appear that some folks just can not accept the fact that the right way to configure MS Windows network client is precisely as one would do when using Microsoft Windows NT4 or 200x servers. Yet there is repetitious need to provide detailed Windows client configuration instructions. </para> <para> The purpose of this chapter is to graphically illustrate MS Windows client configuration for the most common critical aspects of such configuration. An experienced network administrator will not be interested in the details of this chapter. </para> </sect1> <sect1> <title>Technical Details</title> <para> This chapter discusses TCP/IP protocol configuration as well as network membership for the platforms that are in common use today. These are: </para> <itemizedlist> <listitem><para> Microsoft Windows XP Professional. </para></listitem> <listitem><para> Windows 2000 Professional. </para></listitem> <listitem><para> Windows Millennium edition (Me). </para></listitem> </itemizedlist> <sect2> <title>TCP/IP Configuration</title> <para> The builder of a house must ensure that all construction takes place on a firm foundation. The same is true of TCP/IP-based networking. Fundamental network configuration problems will plague all network users until they are resolved. </para> <para> Microsoft Windows workstations and servers can be configured either with fixed IP addresses or via DHCP. The examples that follow demonstrate the use of DHCP and make only passing reference to those situations where fixed IP configuration settings can be effected. </para> <para> It is possible to use shortcuts or abbreviated keystrokes to arrive at a particular configuration screen. The decision was made to base all examples in this chapter on use of the <guibutton>Start</guibutton> button. </para> <sect3> <title>MS Windows XP Professional</title> <para> There are two paths to the Windows XP TCP/IP configuration panel. Choose the access method that you prefer: </para> <para> Click <guimenu>Start -> Control Panel -> Network Connections</guimenu> </para> <para> <emphasis>Alternately,</emphasis> click <guimenu>Start -></guimenu>, and right click <guimenu>My Network Places</guimenu> then select <guimenuitem>Properties</guimenuitem> </para> <para> The following procedure steps through the Windows XP Professional TCP/IP configuration process: </para> <procedure> <step><para> On some installations the interface will be called <guimenu>Local Area Connection</guimenu> and on others it will be called <guimenu>Network Bridge</guimenu>. On our system it is called <guimenu>Network Bridge</guimenu>. Right click on <guimenu>Network Bridge -> Properties</guimenu>. See <link linkend="WXPP002"/>. <image id="WXPP002"><imagedescription>Network Bridge Configuration.</imagedescription><imagefile>WXPP002</imagefile></image> </para> </step> <step><para> The Network Bridge Configuration, or Local Area Connection, panel is used to set TCP/IP protocol settings. In <guimenuitem>This connection uses the following items:</guimenuitem> box, click on <guimenu>Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)</guimenu>, then click the on <guibutton>Properties</guibutton>. </para> <para> The default setting is DHCP enabled operation. (i.e., <quote>Obtain an IP address automatically</quote>). See <link linkend="WXPP003"/>. <image id="WXPP003"> <imagedescription>Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties.</imagedescription> <imagefile>WXPP003</imagefile> </image> </para> <para> Many network administrators will want to use DHCP to configure all client TCP/IP protocol stack settings. (For information on how to configure the ISC DHCP server for Microsoft Windows client support see, <link linkend="DHCP"></link>. </para> <para> If it is necessary to provide a fixed IP address, click on <quote>Use the following IP address</quote> and proceed to enter the IP Address, the subnet mask, and the default gateway address in the boxes provided. </para></step> <step><para> Click the <guibutton>Advanced</guibutton> button to proceed with TCP/IP configuration. This opens a panel in which it is possible to create additional IP Addresses for this interface. The technical name for the additional addresses is <emphasis>IP Aliases</emphasis>, and additionally this panel permits the setting of more default gateways (routers). In most cases where DHCP is used, it will not be necessary to create additional settings. See <link linkend="WXPP005"></link> to see the appearance of this panel. <image id="WXPP005"><imagedescription>Advanced Network Settings</imagedescription><imagefile>WXPP005</imagefile></image> </para> <para> Fixed settings may be required for DNS and WINS if these settings are not provided automatically via DHCP. </para></step> <step><para> Click the <guimenu>DNS</guimenu> tab to add DNS server settings. The example system uses manually configured DNS settings. When finished making changes, click the <guibutton>OK</guibutton> to commit the settings. See <link linkend="WXPP014"/>. <image id="WXPP014"><imagedescription>DNS Configuration.</imagedescription><imagefile>WXPP014</imagefile></image> </para></step> <step><para> Click the <guibutton>WINS</guibutton> tab to add manual WINS server entries. This step demonstrates an example system that uses manually configured WINS settings. When finished making, changes click the <guibutton>OK</guibutton> to commit the settings. See <link linkend="WXPP009"></link>. <image id="WXPP009"><imagedescription>WINS Configuration</imagedescription><imagefile>WXPP009</imagefile></image> </para></step> </procedure> </sect3> <sect3> <title>MS Windows 2000</title> <para> There are two paths to the Windows 2000 Professional TCP/IP configuration panel. Choose the access method that you prefer: </para> <para> Click <guimenu>Start -> Control Panel -> Network and Dial-up Connections</guimenu> </para> <para> <emphasis>Alternately,</emphasis> click on <guimenu>Start</guimenu>, then right click <guimenu>My Network Places</guimenu> and select <guimenuitem>Properties</guimenuitem>. </para> <para> The following procedure steps through the Windows XP Professional TCP/IP configuration process: </para> <procedure> <step><para> Right click on <guimenu>Local Area Connection</guimenu>, now click the <guimenuitem>Properties</guimenuitem>. See <link linkend="w2kp001"></link>. <image id="w2kp001"><imagedescription>Local Area Connection Properties.</imagedescription><imagefile>w2kp001</imagefile></image> </para></step> <step><para> The Local Area Connection Properties is used to set TCP/IP protocol settings. Click on <guimenu>Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)</guimenu> in the <guimenuitem>Components checked are used by this connection:</guimenuitem> box, then click the <guibutton>Properties</guibutton> button. </para></step> <step><para> The default setting is DHCP enabled operation. (i.e., <quote>Obtain an IP address automatically</quote>). See <link linkend="w2kp002"/>. <image id="w2kp002"><imagedescription>Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties.</imagedescription><imagefile>w2kp002</imagefile></image> </para> <para> Many network administrators will want to use DHCP to configure all client TCP/IP protocol stack settings. (For information on how to configure the ISC DHCP server for Microsoft Windows client support, see <link linkend="DHCP"></link>. </para> <para> If it is necessary to provide a fixed IP address, click on <quote>Use the following IP address</quote> and proceed to enter the IP Address, the subnet mask, and the default gateway address in the boxes provided. For this example we are assuming that all network clients will be configured using DHCP. </para></step> <step><para> Click the <guimenu>Advanced</guimenu> button to proceed with TCP/IP configuration. Refer to <link linkend="w2kp003"></link>. <image id="w2kp003"><imagedescription>Advanced Network Settings.</imagedescription><imagefile>w2kp003</imagefile></image> </para> <para> Fixed settings may be required for DNS and WINS if these settings are not provided automatically via DHCP. </para></step> <step><para> Click the <guimenu>DNS</guimenu> tab to add DNS server settings. The example system uses manually configured DNS settings. When finished making changes, click on <guibutton>OK</guibutton> to commit the settings. See <link linkend="w2kp004"></link>. <image id="w2kp004"><imagedescription>DNS Configuration.</imagedescription><imagefile>w2kp004</imagefile></image> </para></step> <step><para> Click the <guibutton>WINS</guibutton> tab to add manual WINS server entries. This step demonstrates an example system that uses manually configured WINS settings. When finished making changes, click on <guibutton>OK</guibutton> to commit the settings. See <link linkend="w2kp005"></link>. <image id="w2kp005"><imagedescription>WINS Configuration.</imagedescription><imagefile>w2kp005</imagefile></image> </para></step> </procedure> </sect3> <sect3> <title>MS Windows Me</title> <para> There are two paths to the Windows Millennium edition (Me) TCP/IP configuration panel. Choose the access method that you prefer: </para> <para> Click <guimenu>Start -> Control Panel -> Network Connections</guimenu> </para> <para> <emphasis>Alternately,</emphasis> click on <guimenu>Start -></guimenu>, and right click on <guimenu>My Network Places</guimenu> then select <guimenuitem>Properties</guimenuitem>. </para> <para> The following procedure steps through the Windows Me TCP/IP configuration process: </para> <procedure> <step><para> In the box labeled <guimenuitem>The following network components are installed:</guimenuitem>, click on <guimenu>Internet Protocol TCP/IP</guimenu>, now click on the <guibutton>Properties</guibutton> button. See <link linkend="WME001"></link>. <image id="WME001"><imagedescription>The Windows Me Network Configuration Panel.</imagedescription><imagefile>WME001</imagefile></image> </para></step> <step><para> Many network administrators will want to use DHCP to configure all client TCP/IP protocol stack settings. (For information on how to configure the ISC DHCP server for Microsoft Windows client support see, <link linkend="DHCP"></link>. The default setting on Microsoft Windows Me workstations is for DHCP enabled operation, i.e., <guimenu>Obtain IP address automatically</guimenu> is enabled. See <link linkend="WME002"></link>. <image id="WME002"><imagedescription>IP Address.</imagedescription><imagefile>WME002</imagefile></image> </para> <para> If it is necessary to provide a fixed IP address, click on <guimenuitem>Specify an IP address</guimenuitem> and proceed to enter the IP Address and the subnet mask in the boxes provided. For this example we are assuming that all network clients will be configured using DHCP. </para></step> <step><para> Fixed settings may be required for DNS and WINS if these settings are not provided automatically via DHCP. </para></step> <step><para> If necessary, click the <guimenu>DNS Configuration</guimenu> tab to add DNS server settings. Click the <guibutton>WINS Configuration</guibutton> tab to add WINS server settings. The <guimenu>Gateway</guimenu> tab allows additional gateways (router addresses) to be added to the network interface settings. In most cases where DHCP is used, it will not be necessary to create these manual settings. </para></step> <step><para> The following example uses manually configured WINS settings. See <link linkend="WME005"></link>. When finished making changes, click on <guibutton>OK</guibutton> to commit the settings. <image id="WME005"><imagedescription>DNS Configuration.</imagedescription><imagefile>WME005</imagefile></image> </para> <para> This is an example of a system that uses manually configured WINS settings. One situation where this might apply is on a network that has a single DHCP server that provides settings for multiple Windows workgroups or domains. See <link linkend="WME003"></link>. <image id="WME003"><imagedescription>WINS Configuration.</imagedescription><imagefile>WME003</imagefile></image> </para></step> </procedure> </sect3> </sect2> <sect2> <title>Joining a Domain: Windows 2000/XP Professional</title> <para> Microsoft Windows NT/200x/XP Professional platforms can participate in Domain Security. This section steps through the process for making a Windows 200x/XP Professional machine a member of a Domain Security environment. It should be noted that this process is identical when joining a domain that is controlled by Windows NT4/200x as well as a Samba PDC. </para> <procedure> <step><para> Click <guimenu>Start</guimenu>. </para></step> <step><para> Right click <guimenu>My Computer</guimenu>, then select <guimenuitem>Properties</guimenuitem>. </para></step> <step><para> The opening panel is the same one that can be reached by clicking <guimenu>System</guimenu> on the Control Panel. See <link linkend="wxpp001"></link>. <image id="wxpp001"><imagedescription>The General Panel.</imagedescription><imagefile>wxpp001</imagefile></image> </para></step> <step><para> Click the <guimenu>Computer Name</guimenu> tab. This panel shows the <guimenuitem>Computer Description</guimenuitem>, the <guimenuitem>Full computer name</guimenuitem>, and the <guimenuitem>Workgroup</guimenuitem> or <guimenuitem>Domain name</guimenuitem>. </para> <para> Clicking the <guimenu>Network ID</guimenu> button will launch the configuration wizard. Do not use this with Samba-3. If you wish to change the computer name, join or leave the domain, click the <guimenu>Change</guimenu> button. See <link linkend="wxpp004"></link>. <image id="wxpp004"><imagedescription>The Computer Name Panel.</imagedescription><imagefile>wxpp004</imagefile></image> </para></step> <step><para> Click on <guimenu>Change</guimenu>. This panel shows that our example machine (TEMPTATION) is in a workgroup called WORKGROUP. We will join the domain called MIDEARTH. See <link linkend="wxpp006"></link>. <image id="wxpp006"><imagedescription>The Computer Name Changes Panel.</imagedescription><imagefile>wxpp006</imagefile></image> </para></step> <step><para> Enter the name <guimenu>MIDEARTH</guimenu> in the field below the Domain radio button. </para> <para> This panel shows that our example machine (TEMPTATION) is set to join the domain called MIDEARTH. See <link linkend="wxpp007"></link>. <image id="wxpp007"><imagedescription>The Computer Name Changes Panel &smbmdash; Domain MIDEARTH.</imagedescription><imagefile>wxpp007</imagefile></image> </para></step> <step><para> Now click the <guimenu>OK</guimenu> button. A dialog box should appear to allow you to provide the credentials (username and password) of a Domain administrative account that has the rights to add machines to the Domain. </para> <para> Enter the name <quote>root</quote> and the root password from your Samba-3 server. See <link linkend="wxpp008"></link>. <image id="wxpp008"><imagedescription>Computer Name Changes &smbmdash; User name and Password Panel.</imagedescription><imagefile>wxpp008</imagefile></image> </para></step> <step><para> Click on <guimenu>OK</guimenu>. </para> <para> The <quote>Welcome to the MIDEARTH domain.</quote> dialog box should appear. At this point the machine must be rebooted. Joining the domain is now complete. </para></step> </procedure> </sect2> <sect2> <title>Domain Logon Configuration: Windows 9x/Me</title> <para> We follow the convention used by most in saying that Windows 9x/Me machines can participate in Domain logons. The truth is that these platforms can use only the LanManager network logon protocols. </para> <note><para> Windows XP Home edition cannot participate in Domain or LanManager network logons. </para></note> <procedure> <step><para> Right click on the <guimenu>Network Neighborhood</guimenu> icon. </para></step> <step><para> The Network Configuration Panel allows all common network settings to be changed. See <link linkend="WME009"></link>. <image id="WME009"><imagedescription>The Network Panel.</imagedescription><imagefile>WME009</imagefile></image> </para> <para> Make sure that the <guimenu>Client for Microsoft Networks</guimenu> driver is installed as shown. Click on the <guimenu>Client for Microsoft Networks</guimenu> entry in <guimenu>The following network components are installed:</guimenu> box. Then click the <guibutton>Properties</guibutton> button. </para></step> <step><para> The Client for Microsoft Networks Properties panel is the correct location to configure network logon settings. See <link linkend="WME010"></link>. <image id="WME010"><imagedescription>Client for Microsoft Networks Properties Panel.</imagedescription><imagefile>WME010</imagefile></image> </para> <para> Enter the Windows NT domain name, check the <guimenu>Log on to Windows NT domain</guimenu> box, click <guimenu>OK</guimenu>. </para></step> <step><para> Click on the <guimenu>Identification</guimenu> button. This is the location at which the workgroup (domain) name and the machine name (computer name) need to be set. See <link linkend="WME013"></link>. <image id="WME013"><imagedescription>Identification Panel.</imagedescription><imagefile>WME013</imagefile></image> </para></step> <step><para> Now click the <guimenu>Access Control</guimenu> button. If you want to be able to assign share access permissions using domain user and group accounts, it is necessary to enable <guimenu>User-level access control</guimenu> as shown in this panel. See <link linkend="WME014"></link>. <image id="WME014"><imagedescription>Identification Panel.</imagedescription><imagefile>WME014</imagefile></image> </para></step> </procedure> </sect2> </sect1> <sect1> <title>Common Errors</title> <para> The most common errors that can afflict Windows networking systems include: </para> <itemizedlist> <listitem><para>Incorrect IP address.</para></listitem> <listitem><para>Incorrect or inconsistent netmasks.</para></listitem> <listitem><para>Incorrect router address.</para></listitem> <listitem><para>Incorrect DNS server address.</para></listitem> <listitem><para>Incorrect WINS server address.</para></listitem> <listitem><para>Use of a Network Scope setting &smbmdash; watch out for this one!</para></listitem> </itemizedlist> <para> The most common reasons for which a Windows NT/200x/XP Professional client cannot join the Samba controlled domain are: </para> <itemizedlist> <listitem><para>&smb.conf; does not have correct <smbconfoption name="add machine script"/> settings.</para></listitem> <listitem><para><quote>root</quote> account is not in password backend database.</para></listitem> <listitem><para>Attempt to use a user account instead of the <quote>root</quote> account to join a machine to the domain.</para></listitem> <listitem><para>Open connections from the workstation to the server.</para></listitem> <listitem><para>Firewall or filter configurations in place on either the client or on the Samba server.</para></listitem> </itemizedlist> </sect1> </chapter>