<chapter id="ADS">


<title>Samba as a ADS domain member</title>

This is a rough guide to setting up Samba 3.0 with kerberos authentication against a
Windows2000 KDC. 

<title>Setup your <filename>smb.conf</filename></title>

<para>You must use at least the following 3 options in smb.conf:</para>

  security = ADS
  encrypt passwords = yes

In case samba can't figure out your ads server using your realm name, use the 
<command>ads server</command> option in <filename>smb.conf</filename>:
  ads server = your.kerberos.server

<note><para>You do *not* need a smbpasswd file, and older clients will
  be authenticated as if <command>security = domain</command>,
  although it won't do any harm
  and allows you to have local users not in the domain.
  I expect that the above required options will change soon when we get better
  active directory integration.</para></note>

<title>Setup your <filename>/etc/krb5.conf</filename></title>

<para>The minimal configuration for <filename>krb5.conf</filename> is:</para>

	kdc = your.kerberos.server

<para>Test your config by doing a <userinput>kinit <replaceable>USERNAME</replaceable>@<replaceable>REALM</replaceable></userinput> and making sure that
  your password is accepted by the Win2000 KDC. </para>

<note><para>The realm must be uppercase. </para></note>

You also must ensure that you can do a reverse DNS lookup on the IP
address of your KDC. Also, the name that this reverse lookup maps to
must either be the netbios name of the KDC (ie. the hostname with no
domain attached) or it can alternatively be the netbios name
followed by the realm. 

The easiest way to ensure you get this right is to add a 
<filename>/etc/hosts</filename> entry mapping the IP address of your KDC to 
its netbios name. If you don't get this right then you will get a 
"local error" when you try to join the realm.

If all you want is kerberos support in &smbclient; then you can skip
straight to <link linkend="ads-test-smbclient">Test with &smbclient;</link> now. 
<link linkend="ads-create-machine-account">Creating a computer account</link> 
and <link linkend="ads-test-server">testing your servers</link>
is only needed if you want kerberos
support for &smbd; and &winbindd;.


<sect1 id="ads-create-machine-account">
<title>Create the computer account</title>

As a user that has write permission on the Samba private directory
(usually root) run:
<userinput>net ads join</userinput>

<title>Possible errors</title>

<varlistentry><term>"ADS support not compiled in"</term>
<listitem><para>Samba must be reconfigured (remove config.cache) and recompiled (make clean all install) after the kerberos libs and headers are installed.</para></listitem></varlistentry>



<sect1 id="ads-test-server">
<title>Test your server setup</title>

On a Windows 2000 client try <userinput>net use * \\server\share</userinput>. You should
be logged in with kerberos without needing to know a password. If
this fails then run <userinput>klist tickets</userinput>. Did you get a ticket for the
server? Does it have an encoding type of DES-CBC-MD5 ? 


<sect1 id="ads-test-smbclient">
<title>Testing with &smbclient;</title>

On your Samba server try to login to a Win2000 server or your Samba
server using &smbclient; and kerberos. Use &smbclient; as usual, but
specify the <parameter>-k</parameter> option to choose kerberos authentication.



<para>You must change administrator password at least once after DC 
install, to create the right encoding types</para>

<para>w2k doesn't seem to create the _kerberos._udp and _ldap._tcp in
   their defaults DNS setup. Maybe fixed in service packs?</para>
