<chapter id="Portability">


<para>Samba works on a wide range of platforms but the interface all the 
platforms provide is not always compatible. This chapter contains 
platform-specific information about compiling and using samba.</para>


HP's implementation of supplementary groups is, er, non-standard (for
hysterical reasons).  There are two group files, /etc/group and
/etc/logingroup; the system maps UIDs to numbers using the former, but
initgroups() reads the latter.  Most system admins who know the ropes
symlink /etc/group to /etc/logingroup (hard link doesn't work for reasons
too stupid to go into here).  initgroups() will complain if one of the
groups you're in in /etc/logingroup has what it considers to be an invalid
ID, which means outside the range [0..UID_MAX], where UID_MAX is (I think)
60000 currently on HP-UX.  This precludes -2 and 65534, the usual 'nobody'

If you encounter this problem, make sure that the programs that are failing 
to initgroups() be run as users not in any groups with GIDs outside the 
allowed range.

<para>This is documented in the HP manual pages under setgroups(2) and passwd(4).


<title>SCO Unix</title>

If you run an old version of  SCO Unix then you may need to get important 
TCP/IP patches for Samba to work correctly. Without the patch, you may 
encounter corrupt data transfers using samba.

The patch you need is UOD385 Connection Drivers SLS. It is available from
SCO (ftp.sco.com, directory SLS, files uod385a.Z and uod385a.ltr.Z).



DNIX has a problem with seteuid() and setegid(). These routines are
needed for Samba to work correctly, but they were left out of the DNIX
C library for some reason.

For this reason Samba by default defines the macro NO_EID in the DNIX
section of includes.h. This works around the problem in a limited way,
but it is far from ideal, some things still won't work right.

To fix the problem properly you need to assemble the following two
functions and then either add them to your C library or link them into

put this in the file <filename>setegid.s</filename>:

        .globl  _setegid
        moveq   #47,d0
        movl    #100,a0
        moveq   #1,d1
        movl    4(sp),a1
        trap    #9
        bccs    1$
        jmp     cerror
        clrl    d0

put this in the file <filename>seteuid.s</filename>:

        .globl  _seteuid
        moveq   #47,d0
        movl    #100,a0
        moveq   #0,d1
        movl    4(sp),a1
        trap    #9
        bccs    1$
        jmp     cerror
        clrl    d0

after creating the above files you then assemble them using

<para><command>as seteuid.s</command></para>
<para><command>as setegid.s</command></para>

that should produce the files <filename>seteuid.o</filename> and 

then you need to add these to the LIBSM line in the DNIX section of
the Samba Makefile. Your LIBSM line will then look something like this:

LIBSM = setegid.o seteuid.o -ln

You should then remove the line:

#define NO_EID

<para>from the DNIX section of <filename>includes.h</filename></para>
