<samba:parameter name="interfaces"
                 basic="1" advanced="1" wizard="1" developer="1"
        <para>This option allows you to override the default 
	network interfaces list that Samba will use for browsing, name 
	registration and other NBT traffic. By default Samba will query 
	the kernel for the list of all active interfaces and use any 
	interfaces except that are broadcast capable.</para>

	<para>The option takes a list of interface strings. Each string 
	can be in any of the following forms:</para>

		<listitem><para>a network interface name (such as eth0). 
		This may include shell-like wildcards so eth* will match 
		any interface starting with the substring &quot;eth&quot;</para></listitem>
		<listitem><para>an IP address. In this case the netmask is 
		determined from the list of interfaces obtained from the 
		<listitem><para>an IP/mask pair. </para></listitem>
		<listitem><para>a broadcast/mask pair.</para></listitem>

	<para>The &quot;mask&quot; parameters can either be a bit length (such 
	as 24 for a C class network) or a full netmask in dotted 
	decimal form.</para>

	<para>The &quot;IP&quot; parameters above can either be a full dotted 
	decimal IP address or a hostname which will be looked up via 
	the OS's normal hostname resolution mechanisms.</para>

	<para>For example, the following line:</para>
	<para><command moreinfo="none">interfaces = eth0</command></para>

	<para>would configure three network interfaces corresponding 
	to the eth0 device and IP addresses and 
	The netmasks of the latter two interfaces would be set to</para>

	<para>See also <link linkend="BINDINTERFACESONLY"><parameter moreinfo="none">bind 
	interfaces only</parameter></link>.</para>
	<para>Default: <emphasis>all active interfaces except 
	that are broadcast capable</emphasis></para>