<samba:parameter name="deleteprinter command" context="G" advanced="1" developer="1" xmlns:samba="http://samba.org/common"> <listitem> <para>With the introduction of MS-RPC based printer support for Windows NT/2000 clients in Samba 2.2, it is now possible to delete printer at run time by issuing the DeletePrinter() RPC call.</para> <para>For a Samba host this means that the printer must be physically deleted from underlying printing system. The <parameter moreinfo="none"> deleteprinter command</parameter> defines a script to be run which will perform the necessary operations for removing the printer from the print system and from <filename moreinfo="none">smb.conf</filename>. </para> <para>The <parameter moreinfo="none">deleteprinter command</parameter> is automatically called with only one parameter: <parameter moreinfo="none"> "printer name"</parameter>.</para> <para>Once the <parameter moreinfo="none">deleteprinter command</parameter> has been executed, <command moreinfo="none">smbd</command> will reparse the <filename moreinfo="none"> smb.conf</filename> to associated printer no longer exists. If the sharename is still valid, then <command moreinfo="none">smbd </command> will return an ACCESS_DENIED error to the client.</para> <para>See also <link linkend="ADDPRINTERCOMMAND"><parameter moreinfo="none"> addprinter command</parameter></link>, <link linkend="PRINTING"> <parameter moreinfo="none">printing</parameter></link>, <link linkend="SHOWADDPRINTERWIZARD"><parameter moreinfo="none">show add printer wizard</parameter></link></para> <para>Default: <emphasis>none</emphasis></para> <para>Example: <command moreinfo="none">deleteprinter command = /usr/bin/removeprinter</command></para> </listitem> </samba:parameter>