<samba:parameter name="max reported print jobs" context="S" print="1" xmlns:samba="http://samba.org/common"> <listitem> <para>This parameter limits the maximum number of jobs displayed in a port monitor for Samba printer queue at any given moment. If this number is exceeded, the excess jobs will not be shown. A value of zero means there is no limit on the number of print jobs reported. See all <link linkend="TOTALPRINTJOBS"><parameter moreinfo="none">total print jobs</parameter></link> and <link linkend="MAXPRINTJOBS"><parameter moreinfo="none">max print jobs</parameter></link> parameters. </para> <para>Default: <command moreinfo="none">max reported print jobs = 0</command></para> <para>Example: <command moreinfo="none">max reported print jobs = 1000</command></para> </listitem> </samba:parameter>