<samba:parameter name="auth methods"
                 basic="1" advanced="1" wizard="1" developer="1"
    <para>This option allows the administrator to chose what
    authentication methods <command moreinfo="none">smbd</command> will use when authenticating
    a user.  This option defaults to sensible values based on <link linkend="SECURITY">
    <parameter moreinfo="none">security</parameter></link>.  This should be considered
    a developer option and used only in rare circumstances.  In the majority (if not all)
    of production servers, the default setting should be adequate.</para>

    <para>Each entry in the list attempts to authenticate the user in turn, until
    the user authenticates.  In practice only one method will ever actually 
    be able to complete the authentication.

    <para>Possible options include <constant>guest</constant> (anonymous access), 
    <constant>sam</constant> (lookups in local list of accounts based on netbios 
    name or domain name), <constant>winbind</constant> (relay authentication requests
    for remote users through winbindd), <constant>ntdomain</constant> (pre-winbindd 
    method of authentication for remote domain users; deprecated in favour of winbind method), 
    <constant>trustdomain</constant> (authenticate trusted users by contacting the 
    remote DC directly from smbd; deprecated in favour of winbind method).</para>

    <para>Default: <command moreinfo="none">auth methods = &lt;empty string&gt;</command></para>
    <para>Example: <command moreinfo="none">auth methods = guest sam winbind</command></para>