<samba:parameter name="guest ok"
                 basic="1" advanced="1" print="1" developer="1"
    <para>If this parameter is <constant>yes</constant> for 
    a service, then no password is required to connect to the service. 
    Privileges will be those of the <link linkend="GUESTACCOUNT"><parameter moreinfo="none">
    guest account</parameter></link>.</para>

    <para>This paramater nullifies the benifits of setting
    <link linkend="RESTRICTANONYMOUS"><parameter moreinfo="none">restrict
    anonymous</parameter></link> = 2</para>

    <para>See the section below on <link linkend="SECURITY"><parameter moreinfo="none">
    security</parameter></link> for more information about this option.

    <para>Default: <command moreinfo="none">guest ok = no</command></para>