security mask (S) This parameter controls what UNIX permission bits can be modified when a Windows NT client is manipulating the UNIX permission on a file using the native NT security dialog box. This parameter is applied as a mask (AND'ed with) to the changed permission bits, thus preventing any bits not in this mask from being modified. Essentially, zero bits in this mask may be treated as a set of bits the user is not allowed to change. If not set explicitly this parameter is 0777, allowing a user to modify all the user/group/world permissions on a file. Note that users who can access the Samba server through other means can easily bypass this restriction, so it is primarily useful for standalone "appliance" systems. Administrators of most normal systems will probably want to leave it set to 0777. See also the force directory security mode, directory security mask, force security mode parameters. Default: security mask = 0777 Example: security mask = 0770