<samba:parameter xmlns:samba="http://samba.org/common">
		<term><anchor id="MAXDISKSIZE"/>max disk size (G)</term>
		<listitem><para>This option allows you to put an upper limit 
		on the apparent size of disks. If you set this option to 100 
		then all shares will appear to be not larger than 100 MB in 

		<para>Note that this option does not limit the amount of 
		data you can put on the disk. In the above case you could still 
		store much more than 100 MB on the disk, but if a client ever asks 
		for the amount of free disk space or the total disk size then the 
		result will be bounded by the amount specified in <parameter moreinfo="none">max 
		disk size</parameter>.</para>

		<para>This option is primarily useful to work around bugs 
		in some pieces of software that can't handle very large disks, 
		particularly disks over 1GB in size.</para>

		<para>A <parameter moreinfo="none">max disk size</parameter> of 0 means no limit.</para>

		<para>Default: <command moreinfo="none">max disk size = 0</command></para>
		<para>Example: <command moreinfo="none">max disk size = 1000</command></para>