wins hook (G)
When Samba is running as a WINS server this
allows you to call an external program for all changes to the
WINS database. The primary use for this option is to allow the
dynamic update of external name resolution databases such as
dynamic DNS.
The wins hook parameter specifies the name of a script
or executable that will be called as follows:
wins_hook operation name nametype ttl IP_list
The first argument is the operation and is one
of "add", "delete", or "refresh". In most cases the operation can
be ignored as the rest of the parameters provide sufficient
information. Note that "refresh" may sometimes be called when the
name has not previously been added, in that case it should be treated
as an add.
The second argument is the NetBIOS name. If the
name is not a legal name then the wins hook is not called.
Legal names contain only letters, digits, hyphens, underscores
and periods.
The third argument is the NetBIOS name
type as a 2 digit hexadecimal number.
The fourth argument is the TTL (time to live)
for the name in seconds.
The fifth and subsequent arguments are the IP
addresses currently registered for that name. If this list is
empty then the name should be deleted.
An example script that calls the BIND dynamic DNS update
program nsupdate is provided in the examples
directory of the Samba source code.