<!DOCTYPE style-sheet PUBLIC "-//James Clark//DTD DSSSL Style Sheet//EN" [ <!ENTITY % html "IGNORE"> <![%html;[ <!ENTITY % print "IGNORE"> <!ENTITY docbook.dsl SYSTEM "@SGML_SHARE@/dsssl/docbook/html/docbook.dsl" CDATA dsssl> ]]> <!ENTITY % print "INCLUDE"> <![%print;[ <!ENTITY docbook.dsl SYSTEM "@SGML_SHARE@/dsssl/docbook/print/docbook.dsl" CDATA dsssl> ]]> ]> <style-sheet> <style-specification id="print" use="docbook"> <style-specification-body> ;; ============================== ;; customize the print stylesheet ;; ============================== (declare-characteristic preserve-sdata? ;; this is necessary because right now jadetex does not understand ;; symbolic entities, whereas things work well with numeric entities. "UNREGISTERED::James Clark//Characteristic::preserve-sdata?" #f) (define %generate-article-toc% ;; Should a Table of Contents be produced for Articles? #t) (define (toc-depth nd) 2) (define %generate-article-titlepage-on-separate-page% ;; Should the article title page be on a separate page? #t) (define %section-autolabel% ;; Are sections enumerated? #t) (define %footnote-ulinks% ;; Generate footnotes for ULinks? #f) (define %bop-footnotes% ;; Make "bottom-of-page" footnotes? #f) (define %body-start-indent% ;; Default indent of body text 0pi) (define %para-indent-firstpara% ;; First line start-indent for the first paragraph 0pt) (define %para-indent% ;; First line start-indent for paragraphs (other than the first) 0pt) (define %block-start-indent% ;; Extra start-indent for block-elements 0pt) (define formal-object-float ;; Do formal objects float? #t) (define %hyphenation% ;; Allow automatic hyphenation? #t) (define %admon-graphics% ;; Use graphics in admonitions? #f) </style-specification-body> </style-specification> <!-- ;; =================================================== ;; customize the html stylesheet; borrowed from Cygnus ;; at http://sourceware.cygnus.com/ (cygnus-both.dsl) ;; =================================================== --> <style-specification id="html" use="docbook"> <style-specification-body> (declare-characteristic preserve-sdata? ;; this is necessary because right now jadetex does not understand ;; symbolic entities, whereas things work well with numeric entities. "UNREGISTERED::James Clark//Characteristic::preserve-sdata?" #f) (define %generate-legalnotice-link% ;; put the legal notice in a separate file #t) (define %admon-graphics-path% ;; use graphics in admonitions, set their "../images/") (define %admon-graphics% #f) (define %funcsynopsis-decoration% ;; make funcsynopsis look pretty #t) (define %html-ext% ;; when producing HTML files, use this extension ".html") (define %generate-book-toc% ;; Should a Table of Contents be produced for books? #t) (define %generate-article-toc% ;; Should a Table of Contents be produced for articles? #t) (define %generate-part-toc% ;; Should a Table of Contents be produced for parts? #t) (define %generate-book-titlepage% ;; produce a title page for books #t) (define %generate-article-titlepage% ;; produce a title page for articles #t) (define (chunk-skip-first-element-list) ;; forces the Table of Contents on separate page '()) (define (list-element-list) ;; fixes bug in Table of Contents generation '()) (define %root-filename% ;; The filename of the root HTML document (e.g, "index"). "index") (define %shade-verbatim% ;; verbatim sections will be shaded if t(rue) #t) (define %use-id-as-filename% ;; Use ID attributes as name for component HTML files? #t) (define %graphic-extensions% ;; graphic extensions allowed '("gif" "png" "jpg" "jpeg" "tif" "tiff" "eps" "epsf" )) (define %graphic-default-extension% "gif") (define %section-autolabel% ;; For enumerated sections (1.1, 1.1.1, 1.2, etc.) #t) (define (toc-depth nd) ;; more depth (2 levels) to toc; instead of flat hierarchy ;; 2) 4) (element emphasis ;; make role=strong equate to bold for emphasis tag (if (equal? (attribute-string "role") "strong") (make element gi: "STRONG" (process-children)) (make element gi: "EM" (process-children)))) (define (book-titlepage-recto-elements) ;; elements on a book's titlepage ;; note: added revhistory to the default list (list (normalize "title") (normalize "subtitle") (normalize "graphic") (normalize "mediaobject") (normalize "corpauthor") (normalize "authorgroup") (normalize "author") (normalize "editor") (normalize "copyright") (normalize "revhistory") (normalize "abstract") (normalize "legalnotice"))) (define (article-titlepage-recto-elements) ;; elements on an article's titlepage ;; note: added othercredit to the default list (list (normalize "title") (normalize "subtitle") (normalize "authorgroup") (normalize "author") (normalize "othercredit") (normalize "releaseinfo") (normalize "copyright") (normalize "pubdate") (normalize "revhistory") (normalize "abstract"))) (mode article-titlepage-recto-mode (element contrib ;; print out with othercredit information; for translators, etc. (make sequence (make element gi: "SPAN" attributes: (list (list "CLASS" (gi))) (process-children)))) (element othercredit ;; print out othercredit information; for translators, etc. (let ((author-name (author-string)) (author-contrib (select-elements (children (current-node)) (normalize "contrib")))) (make element gi: "P" attributes: (list (list "CLASS" (gi))) (make element gi: "B" (literal author-name) (literal " - ")) (process-node-list author-contrib)))) ) (define (article-title nd) (let* ((artchild (children nd)) (artheader (select-elements artchild (normalize "artheader"))) (artinfo (select-elements artchild (normalize "articleinfo"))) (ahdr (if (node-list-empty? artheader) artinfo artheader)) (ahtitles (select-elements (children ahdr) (normalize "title"))) (artitles (select-elements artchild (normalize "title"))) (titles (if (node-list-empty? artitles) ahtitles artitles))) (if (node-list-empty? titles) "" (node-list-first titles)))) </style-specification-body> </style-specification> <external-specification id="docbook" document="docbook.dsl"> </style-sheet>