$Id: figure.mod.xsl,v 2003/05/01 14:06:14 jelmer Exp $ Ramon Casellas James Devenish 2000 2001 2002 2003 Ramon Casellas Figures and InformalFigures <filename>figure.mod.xsl</filename>
XSL template for figure|informalfigure Outputs \begin{figure}, applies templates and outputs \end{figure}. Remarks and Bugs The figure.title can be typset in italics by specifying $latex.figure.title.style (\itshape would be common). If a figure.mediaobject.caption exists, it will be typeset after the figure.title (but only if there is a single figure.mediaobject.caption). \caption{{ { }} . } \captionswapskip{} \captionswapskip{}