$Id: glossary.mod.xsl,v 2003/08/12 18:22:39 jelmer Exp $
Ramon Casellas
James Devenish
2000 2001 2002 2003
Ramon Casellas
Glossary glossary.mod.xsl
This reference applies to the glossary element name. Altough LaTeX
provides some glossary support, the better glossary management support
motivates the bypass of the LaTeX \makeglossary
Glossary XSL template / entry point
The glossary element is the entry point
to a docbook glossary. The DB2LaTeX processing of the element is quite straight-
forward. First thing is to check whether the document is a book or article. In
both cases two new LaTeX commands are defined. \dbglossary
and \dbglossdiv. In the former case, they are mapped to
\chapter* and \section*. In the second
case to \section* and \subsection*.
Call template map.begin.
Apply Templates for Preamble, GlossDivs and GlossEntries (serial).
Call template map.end.
Remarks and Bugs
Template for glossary/glossaryinfo is EMPTY.
Template for glossary/title | glossary/subtitle is EMPTY.
Template for glossary/titleabbrev is EMPTY.
Glossary Division and Glossary Lists XSL templates.
Call template map.begin.
Apply Templates.
Call template map.end.
Remarks and Bugs
Template for glossdiv/glossaryinfo is EMPTY.
Glossary Entry XSL template / entry point
Apply Templates.
Remarks and Bugs
Explicit Templates for glossentry/glossterm
Explicit Templates for glossentry/acronym
Explicit Templates for glossentry/abbrev
Explicit Templates for glossentry/glossdef
Explicit Templates for glossentry/glosssee
Explicit Templates for glossentry/glossseealso
Template for glossentry/revhistory is EMPTY.
( \texttt { } )
[ ]