$Id: labelid.mod.xsl,v 2003/05/01 14:06:14 jelmer Exp $ Ramon Casellas James Devenish 2000 2001 2002 2003 Ramon Casellas Labels <filename>labelid.mod.xsl</filename>
Marks the current object with a label. This template marks the current object with a \label{.}. The passed argument indicates the object whose id attribute is used to generate the label. In this sense, in most cases its the current node itself. If the used object has not an id attribute, a unique id is obtained by means of the generate-id function. Moreover, if we are using the hyperref package, a hypertarget is also defined for this object. object The node whose id is to be used. This template returns the id that has been used to label the object. \label{ }