$Id: vars.mod.xsl,v 2003/08/12 18:22:39 jelmer Exp $
CasellasRamonDevenishJames2000200120022003Ramon CasellasXSL Variables and ParametersIntroductionThis is technical reference documentation for the DocBook XSL
Stylesheets. It documents (some of) the parameters, templates, and
other elements of the stylesheets.javakr0 Display comment elements? Control the display of comments and remarks.number, Cull table-of-contents entries that are deeply nested Specifies the maximum depth before sections are omitted from the table of contents.4 Control the automatic numbering of section, parts, and chapters
Specifies the maximum depth before sections cease to be uniquely numbered.
This is passed to LaTeX using the secnumdepth counter.
Therefore, it is possible to use a value of 0 (zero) to disable section numbering.
A value of -1 will disable the numbering of parts and chapters, too.
41 Control mediaobject selection methods This controls how DB2LaTeX behaves when a figure contains
multiple mediaobjects. When enabled, DB2LaTeX will choose
the mediaobject with the "LaTeX" or "TeX" role, if present. Otherwise, the first mediaobject
is chosen.1 Control mediaobject selection methods When is enabled, this variable
can be used to specify the mediaobject role that your document uses for LaTeX output.
DB2LaTeX will try to use this role before using the "LaTeX" or "TeX" roles.
For example, some authors may choose to set this to "PDF". Specifies where formal object titles should occur
Titles for the formal object types (figure, example, quation, table, and procedure)
can be placed before or after those objects. The keyword before
is recognised. All other strings qualify as after.
figure not_before
example before
equation not_before
table before
procedure before
Control the appearance of page numbers in cross references
When enabled, xrefs will include page
numbers after their generated cross-reference text.
0 Control the display of URLs after ulinks
When this option is enabled, and a ulink has a URL that is different
from the displayed content, the URL will be typeset after the content.
If the URL and content are identical, only one of them will appear.
Otherwise, the URL is hyperlinked and the content is not.
0 Control the generation of footnotes for ulinks
When this option is enabled, a ulink that has content different to its
URL will have an associated footnote. The contents of the footnote
will be the URL. If the ulink is within a footnote, the URL is shown
after the content.
0 Override DB2LaTeX's preamble with a custom preamble.
When this variable is set, the entire DB2LaTeX premable will be superseded.
You should not normally need or want to use this.
It may cause LaTeX typesetting problems. This is a last resort or
expert feature.
Whether to apply templates for section titles.
Controls whether section titles will be generated by
applying templates or by conversion to string values.
When enabled, templates will be applied. This enables template
expression in titles but may have problematic side-effects such
as nested links.
This variable does not influence all title
elements. Some may have their own variables or not be configurable.
1 Whether to apply templates for admonition titles.
Controls whether admonition titles will be generated by
applying templates or by conversion to string values.
When enabled, templates will be applied.
1 Control imagedata selection. This controls how DB2LaTeX behaves when a mediaobject contains
multiple imagedata. When non-empty, DB2LaTeX will exclude
imagedata that have a format no listed within this variable. Improved typesetting of captions
DB2LaTeX supports $formal.title.placement
as a mechanism for choosing whether captions will appear above or below the objects they describe.
However, LaTeX will often produce an ugly result when captions occur
above their corresponding content. This usually arises because of
unsuitable \abovecaptionskip and \belowcaptionskip.
This variable, when set to '1', authorises DB2LaTeX to swap the caption
'skip' lengths when a caption is placed above its
corresponding content. This is enabled by default.
1 DB2LaTeX allows using an (externally generated) cover page
You may supply a LaTeX file that will supersede DB2LaTeX's default
cover page or title. If the value of this variable is non-empty, the
generated LaTeX code includes \input{filename}. Otherwise, it uses the
\maketitle command.
Bear in mind that using an external cover page breaks the
"encapsulation" of DocBook. Further revisions of these stylesheets
will add chunking support, and the automation of the cover file
title DB2LaTeX document class
This variable is normally empty and the stylesheets will determine
the correct document class according to whether the document is a
book or an article. If you wish to use your own document class,
put its non-empty value in this variable. It will apply for both
books and articles.
DB2LaTeX document class options
These are the first options to be passed to \documentclass
The common options are set to french,english by default.
They will be augmented or superseded by article/book options (see $latex.documentclass.article and $latex.documentclass.book) and pdftex/dvips options (see $latex.documentclass.pdftex and $latex.documentclass.dvips).
french,english DB2LaTeX document class options for articles
The article options are set to a4paper,10pt,twoside,twocolumn by default.
These are the intermediate options to be passed to \documentclass,
between the common options and the pdftex/dvips options.
a4paper,10pt,twoside,twocolumn DB2LaTeX document class options for books
The book options are set to a4paper,10pt,twoside,openright by default.
These are the intermediate options to be passed to \documentclass,
between the common options and the pdftex/dvips options.
a4paper,10pt,twoside,openright DB2LaTeX document class options for pdfTeX output
The pdfTeX options are empty by default.
These are the last options to be passed to \documentclass
and override the common/article/book options.
DB2LaTeX document class options for dvips output
The dvips options are empty by default.
These are the last options to be passed to \documentclass
and override the common/article/book options.
LaTeX location for admonition graphics The file path that will be passed to LaTeX in order to find admonition graphics.figures DB2LaTeX graphics admonitions size
Is passed as an optional parameter for \includegraphics and
can take on any such legal values (or be empty).
width=1cm Control which references are cited in the bibliography
The DB2LaTeX generated bibliography (bibitems) may either
include all biblioentries found in the document, or only thee ones explicitly
cited with citation.
Two values are possible: all or cited.all
Control the output of the \bibliography{.bib}.
The value of this parameter is output.An example is citations.bib,
if your BibTeX file has that name. Adjust bibliography formatting The environment bibliography accepts a parameter that indicates
the widest label, which is used to correctly format the bibliography
output. The value of this parameter is output inside the
\begin{thebibliography[]} LaTeX command.WIDELABELSelect the optional parameter for the babel LaTeX packageSee the babel documentation for details.frenchToggle the use of the isolatin1 LaTeX package1Toggle the use of the hyperref LaTeX packageThis is used extensively for hyperlinking within documents.1Toggle the use of the fancybox LaTeX packageThis is essential for admonitions.1Toggle the use of the fancyvrb LaTeX packageProvides support for tabbed whitespace in verbatim environments.
See also .1Choose indentation for tabs in verbatim environmentsWhen is enabled,
this variable sets the width of a tab in terms of an equivalent number of spaces.3Toggle the use of the fancyhdr LaTeX packageProvides page headers and footers. Disabling support for
this package will make headers and footer go away.1Toggle the use of the parskip LaTeX packageSupport a block paragraph style as opposed to
indented.0Toggle the use of the subfigure LaTeX packageUsed to provide nice layout of multiple mediaobjects in figures.1Toggle the use of the rotating LaTeX package1Toggle the use of the tabularx LaTeX packageUsed to provide certain table features. Has some incompatabilities
with packages, but also solves some conflicts that the regular tabular
environment has.1Toggle the use of the umoline LaTeX packageProvide underlining.0Toggle the use of the url LaTeX packageProvide partial support for hyperlinks.1Toggle the use of the makeidx LaTeX packageSupport index generation.1 DB2LaTeX hyphenation linebreak tricks
Usually, LaTeX does not perform hyphenation in teletype (monospace)
text. This can lead to formatting problems. But certain monospace texts, such as
URLs and filenames, have natural breakpoints such as full stops
and slashes. DB2LaTeX's tttricks exploit a hyphenation trick in
order to provide line wrapping in the middle of monospace text. Set this to '1'
to enable these tricks (they are not enabled by default). See also the FAQ.
0 DB2LaTeX hyperref options
The hyperref options are set to bookmarksnumbered,colorlinks,backref, bookmarks, breaklinks, linktocpage by default.
You may wish to specify additional options using latex.hyperref.param.pdftex
or latex.hyperref.param.dvips.
bookmarksnumbered,colorlinks,backref, bookmarks, breaklinks, linktocpage DB2LaTeX hyperref options for pdfTeX output
This variable is empty by default. See the hyperref documentation for further information.
DB2LaTeX hyperref options for dvips output
This variable is empty by default. See the hyperref documentation for further information.
Left HeaderCenter HeaderRight HeaderLeft FooterCenter FooterRight Footer Control the style of step titles Step titles are typeset in small caps but if
this option is set to a LaTeX command, such as \itshape{}, then
that command will precede the title and it will be typeset accordingly.\sc Override DB2LaTeX's choice of LaTeX page numbering style By default, DB2LaTeX will choose the 'plain' or 'fancy' page styles,
depending on . If non-empty, this
variable overrides the automatic selection. An example would be the literal
string 'empty', to eliminate headers and page numbers. Control the style of procedure titles Procedure titles are typeset in small caps but if
this option is set to a LaTeX command, such as \itshape{}, then
that command will precede the title and it will be typeset accordingly.\sc Control the style of figure titles Figure titles are typeset in the default typeface (usually 'roman') but if
this option is set to a LaTeX command, such as \itshape{}, then
that command will precede the title and it will be typeset accordingly. Controls the output of LaTeX commands to support the generation
of PDF files.If this parameter is set to 1, the stylesheets generate code to
detect if it is either latex or pdflatex
the shell command that is being used to compile the LaTeX text file. Some
packages (graphicx, hyperref) are used
with the right parameters. Finally, the graphic extensions declared, to use in
\includegraphics commands depends also on which command is
being used. If this parameter is set to zero, such code is not generated (which
does not mean that the file cannot compile with pdflatex, but some strange issues
may appear). DEFAULT: 1 Only more code is generated.
1 Format the output of tabular headings. Controls the output of LaTeX packages and commands to support
documents with math commands and environments..If this parameter is set to 1, the stylesheets generate code to
DEFAULT: 1 Only more code is generated.
1 Controls if the revision history table is generated as the first document
If this parameter is set to 1, the stylesheets generate code to
DEFAULT: 1 Only more code is generated.
All purpose commands to change text width, height, counters, etc.
Defaults to a two-sided margin layout.
Begin document command
LaTeX code that is output after the author (e.g.
\makeindex, \makeglossary% --------------------------------------------
% --------------------------------------------
LaTeX code that is output at the end of the document
\end{document}% --------------------------------------------
% End of document
% --------------------------------------------
The begin document The value of this variable is output from the article template
after the author command. The default value
(shown below) is just the begin document command. Users of the XSL LaTeX
stylesheet may override this parameter in order to output what they want.
Controls what is output after the LaTeX preamble. Basically the \maketitleDefault Values
Controls what is output after the LaTeX preamble. Basically the \maketitleDefault Values\maketitle
Controls what is output at the end of the article. Basically the \end{document}
command, with some markup comments. % --------------------------------------------
% End of document
% --------------------------------------------