I. General installation

Table of Contents
1. How to Install and Test SAMBA
1.1. Read the man pages
1.2. Building the Binaries
1.3. The all important step
1.4. Create the smb configuration file.
1.5. Test your config file with testparm
1.6. Starting the smbd and nmbd
1.6.1. Starting from inetd.conf
1.6.2. Alternative: starting it as a daemon
1.7. Try listing the shares available on your server
1.8. Try connecting with the unix client
1.9. Try connecting from a DOS, WfWg, Win9x, WinNT, Win2k, OS/2, etc... client
1.10. What If Things Don't Work?
1.10.1. Diagnosing Problems
1.10.2. Scope IDs
1.10.3. Choosing the Protocol Level
1.10.4. Printing from UNIX to a Client PC
1.10.5. Locking
1.10.6. Mapping Usernames
2. Improved browsing in samba
2.1. Overview of browsing
2.2. Browsing support in samba
2.3. Problem resolution
2.4. Browsing across subnets
2.4.1. How does cross subnet browsing work ?
2.5. Setting up a WINS server
2.6. Setting up Browsing in a WORKGROUP
2.7. Setting up Browsing in a DOMAIN
2.8. Forcing samba to be the master
2.9. Making samba the domain master
2.10. Note about broadcast addresses
2.11. Multiple interfaces
3. Quick Cross Subnet Browsing / Cross Workgroup Browsing guide
3.1. Discussion
3.2. Use of the "Remote Announce" parameter
3.3. Use of the "Remote Browse Sync" parameter
3.4. Use of WINS
3.5. Do NOT use more than one (1) protocol on MS Windows machines
3.6. Name Resolution Order
4. LanMan and NT Password Encryption in Samba
4.1. Introduction
4.2. Important Notes About Security
4.2.1. Advantages of SMB Encryption
4.2.2. Advantages of non-encrypted passwords
4.3. The smbpasswd Command