

daemon, Alternative: Starting smbd as a Daemon
DDK, PostScript Drivers with No Major Problems Even in Kernel Mode, CUPS PostScript Driver for Windows NT/200x/XP
debug, Internal Errors
debug level, Debugging with Samba Itself, Log Level
debuglevel, Debug Levels
default case, Miscellaneous Controls
default profile, Default Profile for Windows Users, Changing the Default Profile
delete printer command, Adding New Printers with the Windows NT APW
delete roaming profiles, MS Windows 200x/XP
DHCP, Background Information
diff, Patches
directory mask, File and Directory Permissions-Based Controls
directory security mask, Interaction with the Standard Samba create mask Parameters
Directory Separators, MS Windows NTFS Comparison with UNIX File Systems
display charset, Samba and Charsets, Enabling SWAT Internationalization Support
DNS, TCP/IP without NetBIOS, DNS Lookup
Active Directory, DNS and Active Directory
Dynamic, Background Information
dns proxy, What Is Browsing?
domain admin group, Group Mapping MS Windows and UNIX
Domain Admins group, Discussion
domain logons, Preparing for Domain Control
domain master, Domain Network Logon Service, Example Configuration, What Is Browsing?, Making Samba the Domain Master
Domain Member, Domain Security Mode (User Level Security)
joining, Example Configuration
domain security, Features and Benefits
Domain Users group, Adding Domain Users to the Power Users Group
dont descend, Miscellaneous Controls
dos charset, Samba and Charsets, Japanese Charsets, Can't Be Found
dos filemode, File and Directory Permissions-Based Controls
dos filetime resolution, Miscellaneous Controls
dos filetimes, Miscellaneous Controls
Drive Identification, MS Windows NTFS Comparison with UNIX File Systems


fake oplocks, Miscellaneous Controls
File Naming Conventions, MS Windows NTFS Comparison with UNIX File Systems
File System, MS Windows NTFS Comparison with UNIX File Systems
case sensitivity, MS Windows NTFS Comparison with UNIX File Systems
feature comparison, MS Windows NTFS Comparison with UNIX File Systems
UNIX, MS Windows NTFS Comparison with UNIX File Systems
Windows, MS Windows NTFS Comparison with UNIX File Systems
flush name cache, How Can One Flush the Samba NetBIOS Name Cache without Restarting Samba?
foomatic, Using Windows-Formatted Vendor PPDs, The CUPS Filtering Architecture, The Role of cupsomatic/foomatic, cupsomatic/foomatic-rip Versus native CUPS Printing, foomatic-rip and Foomatic Explained, Foomatic's Strange Name
foomatic-rip, cupsomatic/foomatic-rip Versus native CUPS Printing, CUPS Print Drivers from, foomatic-rip and Foomatic Explained, The Grand Unification Achieved
force create mode, File and Directory Permissions-Based Controls, Interaction with the Standard Samba create mask Parameters
force directory mode, File and Directory Permissions-Based Controls, Interaction with the Standard Samba create mask Parameters
force directory security mode, File and Directory Permissions-Based Controls, Interaction with the Standard Samba create mask Parameters
force group, User and Group-Based Controls
force security mode, File and Directory Permissions-Based Controls, Interaction with the Standard Samba create mask Parameters
force user, User and Group-Based Controls, File Operations Done as root with force user Set, Beware of Force User
ftp, Accessing the Samba Sources via rsync and ftp


ldap admin dn, Backup Domain Controller Configuration, Sharing User ID Mappings between Samba Domain Members, Configuring Samba
ldap delete dn, Configuring Samba
ldap filter, Configuring Samba
ldap group suffix, Configuring Samba
ldap idmap suffix, Backup Domain Controller Configuration, Sharing User ID Mappings between Samba Domain Members, Configuring Samba
ldap machine suffix, Configuring Samba
ldap passwd sync, Configuring Samba, Password Synchronization
ldap ssl, Configuring Samba, Security and sambaSamAccount
ldap suffix, Backup Domain Controller Configuration, Configuring Samba
ldap user suffix, Configuring Samba, /etc/nsswitch.conf
hard, MS Windows NTFS Comparison with UNIX File Systems
soft, MS Windows NTFS Comparison with UNIX File Systems, CUPS Print Drivers from
lm announce, What Is Browsing?
lm interval, What Is Browsing?
LMB (see Local Master Browser)
load printers, Rapid Configuration Validation, The [global] Section
local master, What Is Browsing?, Configuring WORKGROUP Browsing
Local Master Browser, NetBIOS over TCP/IP, Use of the Remote Announce Parameter
locking, Discussion
locking.tdb, The Printing *.tdb Files
(see also TDB)
log files
monitoring, Assumptions
log level, Adding Machine to Domain Fails, Problem Resolution, extd_audit, Debug Levels
logon drive, Windows NT4 Workstation
logon home, LDAP Special Attributes for sambaSamAccounts, Windows 9x/Me User Profiles, Mixed Windows 9x/Me and Windows NT4/200x User Profiles, Disabling Roaming Profile Support, Windows NT4 Workstation, Sharing Profiles between W9x/Me and NT4/200x/XP Workstations
logon path, LDAP Special Attributes for sambaSamAccounts, Mixed Windows 9x/Me and Windows NT4/200x User Profiles, Disabling Roaming Profile Support, Windows 9x/Me Profile Setup, Windows NT4 Workstation, Sharing Profiles between W9x/Me and NT4/200x/XP Workstations
logon script, LDAP Special Attributes for sambaSamAccounts
lpadmin, CUPS Print Drivers from, Setting Up Quotas
lppause command, Linking smbd with, From Windows Clients to a CUPS/Samba Print Server, Pre-Conditions
lpq cache time, The [global] Section
lpq command, Linking smbd with, Pre-Conditions
lpresume command, Linking smbd with, Pre-Conditions
lprm command, Linking smbd with, Pre-Conditions
lpstat, Troubleshooting Revisited


page_log, The page_log File Syntax
passdb backend, MS Windows Workstation/Server Machine Trust Accounts, Account Information Databases, Technical Information, The pdbedit Command, Configuring Samba, Configuring, Users Cannot Logon, Configuration of auth methods, Remote CIFS Authentication Using, Quick Migration Guide, Passdb Backends and Authentication
password level, Password Checking, The Tests, Password Case Sensitivity, Slow Logins
password server, Server Security (User Level Security), Security Mode and Master Browsers, Joining an NT4-type Domain with Samba-3, Configure smb.conf, The Tests
patch, Patches
path, The [printers] Section, Any [my_printer_name] Section, Print Commands, Creating the [print$] Share, [print$] Section Parameters, The [print$] Share Directory, Samba Receiving Jobfiles and Passing Them to CUPS, Auto-Deletion or Preservation of CUPS Spool Files, Permissions on /var/spool/samba/ Get Reset After Each Reboot, The Tests
PCL, GDI on Windows -- PostScript on UNIX, Windows Drivers, GDI and EMF, UNIX Printfile Conversion and GUI Basics, Driver Execution on the Server, Network PostScript RIP
pdbedit, New Backends, Account Management Tools, The pdbedit Command, XML, Passdb Backends and Authentication, Steps in Migration Process, Samba-3 Implementation Choices
PDF, Windows Drivers, GDI and EMF, PostScript Printer Description (PPD) Specification
pdf, MIME Type Conversion Rules
PDL, GDI on Windows -- PostScript on UNIX, PostScript and Ghostscript
file/directory ACLs, Managing UNIX Permissions Using NT Security Dialogs
share, Share Definition Access Controls
share ACLs, Access Controls on Shares
UNIX file and directory, Features and Benefits
PGP, Verifying Samba's PGP Signature
PJL, Network PostScript RIP, Windows CUPS PostScript Driver Versus Adobe Driver, Adobe and CUPS PostScript Drivers for Windows Clients
point 'n' print, Installation of Windows Client Drivers, Driver Upload Methods, The Role of cupsomatic/foomatic, Run cupsaddsmb (Quiet Mode), Installing the PostScript Driver on a Client, Manual Driver Installation in 15 Steps
PostScript, Advanced Intelligent Printing with PostScript Driver Download, GDI on Windows -- PostScript on UNIX, Windows Drivers, GDI and EMF, UNIX Printfile Conversion and GUI Basics, PostScript and Ghostscript, Prefilters, Driver Execution on the Server, Network PostScript RIP, CUPS: A Magical Stone?, CUPS PostScript Driver for Windows NT/200x/XP
(see also Ghostscript)
RIP, PostScript and Ghostscript
PPD, PostScript and Ghostscript, PostScript Printer Description (PPD) Specification, PostScript Printer Descriptions (PPDs) for Non-PS Printers, PPDs for Non-PS Printers on UNIX, PPDs for Non-PS Printers on Windows, CUPS: A Magical Stone?, Installing the PostScript Driver on a Client
preferred master, What Is Browsing?, Configuring WORKGROUP Browsing, Forcing Samba to Be the Master, Making Samba the Domain Master, The Tests
preserve case, Windows 9x/Me Profile Setup
print command, The [global] Section, Default UNIX System Printing Commands, Custom Print Commands, Linking smbd with, From Windows Clients to a CUPS/Samba Print Server, Pre-Conditions, Manual Configuration
printable, The [printers] Section, Any [my_printer_name] Section
printcap, Default UNIX System Printing Commands, Basic CUPS Support Configuration, Linking smbd with, More Complex CUPS smb.conf Settings, Pre-Conditions
printcap name, The [global] Section
printer admin, The [global] Section, Any [my_printer_name] Section, [print$] Section Parameters, Add Printer Wizard Driver Installation, First Client Driver Installation, Setting Device Modes on New Printers, Always Make First Client Connection as root or printer admin, Setting Default Print Options for Client Drivers, Adding New Printers with the Windows NT APW, More Complex CUPS smb.conf Settings, Requirements for adddriver and setdriver to Succeed, Print Options for All Users Can't Be Set on Windows 200x/XP
printing, The [global] Section, Default UNIX System Printing Commands, Custom Print Commands, Basic CUPS Support Configuration, Linking smbd with, More Complex CUPS smb.conf Settings, From Windows Clients to a CUPS/Samba Print Server, Pre-Conditions, Manual Configuration
printing.tdb, The Printing *.tdb Files
(see also TDB)
PrintPro (see ESP Print Pro)
public, The [printers] Section


queue resume command, Linking smbd with
queuepause command, Linking smbd with


raw printing, Central Print Serving, Explicitly Enable raw Printing for application/octet-stream
read list, User and Group-Based Controls
read only, Miscellaneous Controls, The [printers] Section, [print$] Section Parameters
read raw, Read Raw
read size, Read Size
Relative Identifier (see RID)
remote announce, NetBIOS over TCP/IP, How Browsing Functions, Use of the Remote Announce Parameter, Browsing Support in Samba
remote browse sync, NetBIOS over TCP/IP, How Browsing Functions, Use of the Remote Browse Sync Parameter
replication, Features and Benefits
browse lists, Cross-Subnet Browsing
SAM, Domain Controller Types, Features and Benefits, MS Windows NT4-style Domain Control, Backup Domain Controller Configuration, Can Samba Be a Backup Domain Controller to an NT4 PDC?, How Do I Replicate the smbpasswd File?
WINS, NetBIOS over TCP/IP, WINS Server Configuration, WINS Replication
RID, Default Users, Groups and Relative Identifiers
roaming profiles, Disabling Roaming Profile Support
root preexec, Logon Scripts
adddriver, Run cupsaddsmb with Verbose Output, Understanding cupsaddsmb, Installing PostScript Driver Files Manually Using rpcclient, Understanding the rpcclient man Page, Requirements for adddriver and setdriver to Succeed, Manual Driver Installation in 15 Steps
enumdrivers, Installing PostScript Driver Files Manually Using rpcclient, Manual Driver Installation in 15 Steps
enumports, Installing PostScript Driver Files Manually Using rpcclient
enumprinters, Installing PostScript Driver Files Manually Using rpcclient, Requirements for adddriver and setdriver to Succeed, Manual Driver Installation in 15 Steps, Troubleshooting Revisited
getdriver, Producing an Example by Querying a Windows Box, Manual Driver Installation in 15 Steps
getprinter, Producing an Example by Querying a Windows Box, Manual Driver Installation in 15 Steps, Troubleshooting Revisited
setdriver, Caveats to be Considered, Run cupsaddsmb with Verbose Output, Understanding cupsaddsmb, Installing PostScript Driver Files Manually Using rpcclient, Requirements for adddriver and setdriver to Succeed, Manual Driver Installation in 15 Steps
rsync, Accessing the Samba Sources via rsync and ftp
rundll32, Adding Printers without User Intervention


SAM, Features and Benefits, Domain Controller Types, Features and Benefits, Result Caching
SAM backend
LDAP, Features and Benefits
ldapsam, Features and Benefits, Features and Benefits, Mapping Common UIDs/GIDs on Distributed Machines, ldapsam
ldapsam_compat, Features and Benefits
mysqlsam, Features and Benefits, MySQL
non-LDAP, Features and Benefits
smbpasswd, Features and Benefits, smbpasswd Encrypted Password Database
tdbsam, Features and Benefits, Features and Benefits, tdbsam
xmlsam, Features and Benefits, Mapping Common UIDs/GIDs on Distributed Machines, XML
schannel, Cannot Log onto Domain Member Workstation After Joining Domain
secrets.tdb, The Printing *.tdb Files
(see also TDB)
security, Samba Security Modes, Domain Security Mode (User Level Security), Server Security (User Level Security), What Makes Samba a Server?, What Makes Samba a Domain Controller?, What Makes Samba a Domain Member?, Constantly Losing Connections to Password Server, Preparing for Domain Control, Security Mode and Master Browsers, Joining an NT4-type Domain with Samba-3, Why Is This Better Than security = server?, Configure smb.conf, Run cupsaddsmb (Quiet Mode), cupsaddsmb Keeps Asking for Root Password in Never-ending Loop, Passdb Backends and Authentication, The Tests, Configuring Windows for Workgroups Password Handling
security mask, File and Directory Permissions-Based Controls, Interaction with the Standard Samba create mask Parameters
Security Mode, Samba Security Modes
Server Manager, MS Windows Workstation/Server Machine Trust Accounts, Manual Creation of Machine Trust Accounts, Remote Server Administration
Server Type, Server Types
Domain Member, Example Configuration, Example Configuration, Features and Benefits
sessionid.tdb, The Printing *.tdb Files
(see also TDB)
share_info.tdb, The Printing *.tdb Files
(see also TDB)
short preserve case, Miscellaneous Controls, Windows 9x/Me Profile Setup
Short-Cuts, MS Windows NTFS Comparison with UNIX File Systems
show add printer wizard, The [global] Section, Adding New Printers with the Windows NT APW
SID, Features and Benefits, The System Cannot Log You On (C000019B), Backup Domain Controller Configuration, Technical Information, Features and Benefits, Side Bar Notes, Get SID, Profile Migration/Creation
signing, Cannot Log onto Domain Member Workstation After Joining Domain
simple configuration, Example Configuration
Single Sign On, Caveats to be Considered
slow browsing, Browsing of Shares and Directories is Very Slow
smbclient, Testing with smbclient, The Tests, Sample smb.conf Add Group Script
socket options, Socket Options
central, Central Spooling vs. Peer-to-Peer Printing
peer-to-peer, Central Spooling vs. Peer-to-Peer Printing
spooling-only, Raw Print Serving Vendor Drivers on Windows Clients
SRVTOOLS.EXE, Managing Domain Machine Accounts using NT4 Server Manager, Remote Server Administration
strict locking, Discussion
swat, SWAT
enable, Enabling SWAT for Use
security, Securing SWAT through SSL
System Policy Editor, Creating and Managing System Policies, Administration of Windows 200x/XP Policies