

net -- Tool for administration of Samba and remote CIFS servers.


net {<ads|rap|rpc>} [-h] [-w workgroup] [-W myworkgroup] [-U user] [-I ip-address] [-p port] [-n myname] [-s conffile] [-S server] [-C comment] [-M maxusers] [-F flags] [-j jobid] [-l] [-r] [-f] [-t timeout] [-P] [-D debuglevel]


This tool is part of the Samba(7) suite.

The samba net utility is meant to work just like the net utility available for windows and DOS.



Display summary of all available options.

-w target-workgroup

Sets target workgroup or domain. You have to specify either this option or the IP address or the name of a server.

-W workgroup

Sets client workgroup or domain

-U user

User name to use

-I ip-address

IP address of target server to use. You have to specify either this option or a target workgroup or a target server.

-p port

Port on the target server to connect to.

-n myname

Sets name of the client.

-s conffile

Specify alternative configuration file that should be loaded.

-S server

Name of target server. You should specify either this option or a target workgroup or a target IP address.

-C comment


-M maxusers


-F flags


-j jobid








-t timeout



Make queries to the external server using the machine account of the local server.

-D debuglevel

set the debuglevel. Debug level 0 is the lowest and 100 being the highest. This should be set to 100 if you are planning on submitting a bug report to the Samba team (see BUGS.txt).


The NET TIME command allows you to view the time on a remote server or synchronise the time on the local server with the time on the remote server.

Without any options, the NET TIME command displays the time on the remote server.


Displays the time on the remote server in a format ready for /bin/date


Tries to set the date and time of the local server to that on the remote server using /bin/date.


Displays the timezone in hours from GMT on the remote computer.


The NET RPC command allows you to do various NT4 operations.

JOIN -U username[%password] [options]

Join a domain with specified username and password. Password will be prompted if none is specified.

JOIN [options except -U]

to join a domain created in server manager

USER [misc. options] [targets]

List users

USER DELETE <name> [misc options]

delete specified user

USER INFO <name> [misc options]

list the domain groups of the specified user

USER ADD <name> [password] [-F user flags] [misc. options]

Add specified user

GROUP [misc options] [targets]

List user groups

GROUP DELETE <name> [misc. options] [targets]

Delete specified group

GROUP ADD <name> [-C comment]

Create specified group

SHARE [misc. options] [targets]

enumerates all exported resources (network shares) on target server

SHARE ADD <name=serverpath> [misc. options] [targets]

Adds a share from a server (makes the export active)

SHARE DELETE <sharenam


This man page is incomplete for version 3.0 of the Samba suite.


The original Samba software and related utilities were created by Andrew Tridgell. Samba is now developed by the Samba Team as an Open Source project similar to the way the Linux kernel is developed.

The original Samba man pages were written by Karl Auer. The current set of manpages and documentation is maintained by the Samba Team in the same fashion as the Samba source code.