Chapter 34. Analysing and solving samba problems

Table of Contents
34.1. Diagnostics tools
34.2. Installing 'Network Monitor' on an NT Workstation or a Windows 9x box
34.3. Useful URL's
34.4. Getting help from the mailing lists
34.5. How to get off the mailinglists

There are many sources of information available in the form of mailing lists, RFC's and documentation. The docs that come with the samba distribution contain very good explanations of general SMB topics such as browsing.

34.1. Diagnostics tools

One of the best diagnostic tools for debugging problems is Samba itself. You can use the -d option for both smbd and nmbd to specify what 'debug level' at which to run. See the man pages on smbd, nmbd and smb.conf for more information on debugging options. The debug level can range from 1 (the default) to 10 (100 for debugging passwords).

Another helpful method of debugging is to compile samba using the gcc -g flag. This will include debug information in the binaries and allow you to attach gdb to the running smbd / nmbd process. In order to attach gdb to an smbd process for an NT workstation, first get the workstation to make the connection. Pressing ctrl-alt-delete and going down to the domain box is sufficient (at least, on the first time you join the domain) to generate a 'LsaEnumTrustedDomains'. Thereafter, the workstation maintains an open connection, and therefore there will be an smbd process running (assuming that you haven't set a really short smbd idle timeout) So, in between pressing ctrl alt delete, and actually typing in your password, you can gdb attach and continue.

Some useful samba commands worth investigating:

An SMB enabled version of tcpdump is available from Ethereal, another good packet sniffer for Unix and Win32 hosts, can be downloaded from

For tracing things on the Microsoft Windows NT, Network Monitor (aka. netmon) is available on the Microsoft Developer Network CD's, the Windows NT Server install CD and the SMS CD's. The version of netmon that ships with SMS allows for dumping packets between any two computers (i.e. placing the network interface in promiscuous mode). The version on the NT Server install CD will only allow monitoring of network traffic directed to the local NT box and broadcasts on the local subnet. Be aware that Ethereal can read and write netmon formatted files.

34.2. Installing 'Network Monitor' on an NT Workstation or a Windows 9x box

Installing netmon on an NT workstation requires a couple of steps. The following are for installing Netmon V4.00.349, which comes with Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0, on Microsoft Windows NT Workstation 4.0. The process should be similar for other version of Windows NT / Netmon. You will need both the Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0 Install CD and the Workstation 4.0 Install CD.

Initially you will need to install 'Network Monitor Tools and Agent' on the NT Server. To do this

At this point the Netmon files should exist in %SYSTEMROOT%\System32\netmon\*.*. Two subdirectories exist as well, parsers\ which contains the necessary DLL's for parsing the netmon packet dump, and captures\.

In order to install the Netmon tools on an NT Workstation, you will first need to install the 'Network Monitor Agent' from the Workstation install CD.

Now copy the files from the NT Server in %SYSTEMROOT%\System32\netmon\*.* to %SYSTEMROOT%\System32\netmon\*.* on the Workstation and set permissions as you deem appropriate for your site. You will need administrative rights on the NT box to run netmon.

To install Netmon on a Windows 9x box install the network monitor agent from the Windows 9x CD (\admin\nettools\netmon). There is a readme file located with the netmon driver files on the CD if you need information on how to do this. Copy the files from a working Netmon installation.

34.3. Useful URL's

34.4. Getting help from the mailing lists

There are a number of Samba related mailing lists. Go to, click on your nearest mirror and then click on Support and then click on Samba related mailing lists.

For questions relating to Samba TNG go to It has been requested that you don't post questions about Samba-TNG to the main stream Samba lists.

If you post a message to one of the lists please observe the following guide lines :

34.5. How to get off the mailinglists

To have your name removed from a samba mailing list, go to the same place you went to to get on it. Go to, click on your nearest mirror and then click on Support and then click on Samba related mailing lists. Or perhaps see here

Please don't post messages to the list asking to be removed, you will just be referred to the above address (unless that process failed in some way...)