<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <HTML ><HEAD ><TITLE >SAMBA Project Documentation</TITLE ><META NAME="GENERATOR" CONTENT="Modular DocBook HTML Stylesheet Version 1.76b+ "><LINK REL="NEXT" TITLE="General installation" HREF="introduction.html"></HEAD ><BODY CLASS="BOOK" BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" TEXT="#000000" LINK="#0000FF" VLINK="#840084" ALINK="#0000FF" ><DIV CLASS="BOOK" ><A NAME="SAMBA-HOWTO-COLLECTION"><DIV CLASS="TITLEPAGE" ><H1 CLASS="TITLE" ><A NAME="SAMBA-HOWTO-COLLECTION">SAMBA Project Documentation</H1 ><H3 CLASS="AUTHOR" ><A NAME="AEN4">SAMBA Team</H3 ><HR></DIV ><H1 ><A NAME="AEN8">Abstract</H1 ><P ><SPAN CLASS="emphasis" ><I CLASS="EMPHASIS" >Last Update</I ></SPAN > : Wed Jan 15</P ><P >This book is a collection of HOWTOs added to Samba documentation over the years. I try to ensure that all are current, but sometimes the is a larger job than one person can maintain. The most recent version of this document can be found at <A HREF="http://www.samba.org/" TARGET="_top" >http://www.samba.org/</A > on the "Documentation" page. Please send updates to <A HREF="mailto:jerry@samba.org" TARGET="_top" >jerry@samba.org</A > or <A HREF="mailto:jelmer@samba.org" TARGET="_top" >jelmer@samba.org</A >.</P ><P >This documentation is distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2. A copy of the license is included with the Samba source distribution. A copy can be found on-line at <A HREF="http://www.fsf.org/licenses/gpl.txt" TARGET="_top" >http://www.fsf.org/licenses/gpl.txt</A ></P ><P >Cheers, jerry</P ><DIV CLASS="TOC" ><DL ><DT ><B >Table of Contents</B ></DT ><DT >I. <A HREF="introduction.html" >General installation</A ></DT ><DD ><DL ><DT >1. <A HREF="install.html" >How to Install and Test SAMBA</A ></DT ><DD ><DL ><DT >1.1. <A HREF="install.html#AEN26" >Read the man pages</A ></DT ><DT >1.2. <A HREF="install.html#AEN36" >Building the Binaries</A ></DT ><DT >1.3. <A HREF="install.html#AEN64" >The all important step</A ></DT ><DT >1.4. <A HREF="install.html#AEN68" >Create the smb configuration file.</A ></DT ><DT >1.5. <A HREF="install.html#AEN82" >Test your config file with <B CLASS="COMMAND" >testparm</B ></A ></DT ><DT >1.6. <A HREF="install.html#AEN90" >Starting the smbd and nmbd</A ></DT ><DT >1.7. <A HREF="install.html#AEN145" >Try listing the shares available on your server</A ></DT ><DT >1.8. <A HREF="install.html#AEN154" >Try connecting with the unix client</A ></DT ><DT >1.9. <A HREF="install.html#AEN170" >Try connecting from a DOS, WfWg, Win9x, WinNT, Win2k, OS/2, etc... client</A ></DT ><DT >1.10. <A HREF="install.html#AEN184" >What If Things Don't Work?</A ></DT ></DL ></DD ><DT >2. <A HREF="improved-browsing.html" >Improved browsing in samba</A ></DT ><DD ><DL ><DT >2.1. <A HREF="improved-browsing.html#AEN229" >Overview of browsing</A ></DT ><DT >2.2. <A HREF="improved-browsing.html#AEN233" >Browsing support in samba</A ></DT ><DT >2.3. <A HREF="improved-browsing.html#AEN242" >Problem resolution</A ></DT ><DT >2.4. <A HREF="improved-browsing.html#AEN249" >Browsing across subnets</A ></DT ><DT >2.5. <A HREF="improved-browsing.html#AEN289" >Setting up a WINS server</A ></DT ><DT >2.6. <A HREF="improved-browsing.html#AEN308" >Setting up Browsing in a WORKGROUP</A ></DT ><DT >2.7. <A HREF="improved-browsing.html#AEN326" >Setting up Browsing in a DOMAIN</A ></DT ><DT >2.8. <A HREF="improved-browsing.html#AEN336" >Forcing samba to be the master</A ></DT ><DT >2.9. <A HREF="improved-browsing.html#AEN345" >Making samba the domain master</A ></DT ><DT >2.10. <A HREF="improved-browsing.html#AEN363" >Note about broadcast addresses</A ></DT ><DT >2.11. <A HREF="improved-browsing.html#AEN366" >Multiple interfaces</A ></DT ></DL ></DD ><DT >3. <A HREF="browsing-quick.html" >Quick Cross Subnet Browsing / Cross Workgroup Browsing guide</A ></DT ><DD ><DL ><DT >3.1. <A HREF="browsing-quick.html#AEN377" >Discussion</A ></DT ><DT >3.2. <A HREF="browsing-quick.html#AEN385" >Use of the "Remote Announce" parameter</A ></DT ><DT >3.3. <A HREF="browsing-quick.html#AEN399" >Use of the "Remote Browse Sync" parameter</A ></DT ><DT >3.4. <A HREF="browsing-quick.html#AEN404" >Use of WINS</A ></DT ><DT >3.5. <A HREF="browsing-quick.html#AEN415" >Do NOT use more than one (1) protocol on MS Windows machines</A ></DT ><DT >3.6. <A HREF="browsing-quick.html#AEN421" >Name Resolution Order</A ></DT ></DL ></DD ><DT >4. <A HREF="pwencrypt.html" >LanMan and NT Password Encryption in Samba</A ></DT ><DD ><DL ><DT >4.1. <A HREF="pwencrypt.html#AEN457" >Introduction</A ></DT ><DT >4.2. <A HREF="pwencrypt.html#AEN462" >Important Notes About Security</A ></DT ><DT >4.3. <A HREF="pwencrypt.html#AEN497" >The smbpasswd Command</A ></DT ></DL ></DD ></DL ></DD ><DT >II. <A HREF="type.html" >Type of installation</A ></DT ><DD ><DL ><DT >5. <A HREF="securitylevels.html" >User and Share security level (for servers not in a domain)</A ></DT ><DT >6. <A HREF="samba-pdc.html" >How to Configure Samba as a NT4 Primary Domain Controller</A ></DT ><DD ><DL ><DT >6.1. <A HREF="samba-pdc.html#AEN575" >Prerequisite Reading</A ></DT ><DT >6.2. <A HREF="samba-pdc.html#AEN581" >Background</A ></DT ><DT >6.3. <A HREF="samba-pdc.html#AEN620" >Configuring the Samba Domain Controller</A ></DT ><DT >6.4. <A HREF="samba-pdc.html#AEN663" >Creating Machine Trust Accounts and Joining Clients to the Domain</A ></DT ><DT >6.5. <A HREF="samba-pdc.html#AEN747" >Common Problems and Errors</A ></DT ><DT >6.6. <A HREF="samba-pdc.html#AEN795" >System Policies and Profiles</A ></DT ><DT >6.7. <A HREF="samba-pdc.html#AEN839" >What other help can I get?</A ></DT ><DT >6.8. <A HREF="samba-pdc.html#AEN953" >Domain Control for Windows 9x/ME</A ></DT ><DT >6.9. <A HREF="samba-pdc.html#AEN1091" >DOMAIN_CONTROL.txt : Windows NT Domain Control & Samba</A ></DT ></DL ></DD ><DT >7. <A HREF="samba-bdc.html" >How to Act as a Backup Domain Controller in a Purely Samba Controlled Domain</A ></DT ><DD ><DL ><DT >7.1. <A HREF="samba-bdc.html#AEN1127" >Prerequisite Reading</A ></DT ><DT >7.2. <A HREF="samba-bdc.html#AEN1131" >Background</A ></DT ><DT >7.3. <A HREF="samba-bdc.html#AEN1139" >What qualifies a Domain Controller on the network?</A ></DT ><DT >7.4. <A HREF="samba-bdc.html#AEN1148" >Can Samba be a Backup Domain Controller?</A ></DT ><DT >7.5. <A HREF="samba-bdc.html#AEN1152" >How do I set up a Samba BDC?</A ></DT ></DL ></DD ><DT >8. <A HREF="ads.html" >Samba as a ADS domain member</A ></DT ><DD ><DL ><DT >8.1. <A HREF="ads.html#AEN1187" >Installing the required packages for Debian</A ></DT ><DT >8.2. <A HREF="ads.html#AEN1193" >Installing the required packages for RedHat</A ></DT ><DT >8.3. <A HREF="ads.html#AEN1202" >Compile Samba</A ></DT ><DT >8.4. <A HREF="ads.html#AEN1217" >Setup your /etc/krb5.conf</A ></DT ><DT >8.5. <A HREF="ads.html#AEN1227" >Create the computer account</A ></DT ><DT >8.6. <A HREF="ads.html#AEN1243" >Test your server setup</A ></DT ><DT >8.7. <A HREF="ads.html#AEN1248" >Testing with smbclient</A ></DT ><DT >8.8. <A HREF="ads.html#AEN1251" >Notes</A ></DT ></DL ></DD ><DT >9. <A HREF="domain-security.html" >Samba as a NT4 domain member</A ></DT ><DD ><DL ><DT >9.1. <A HREF="domain-security.html#AEN1273" >Joining an NT Domain with Samba 2.2</A ></DT ><DT >9.2. <A HREF="domain-security.html#AEN1337" >Samba and Windows 2000 Domains</A ></DT ><DT >9.3. <A HREF="domain-security.html#AEN1342" >Why is this better than security = server?</A ></DT ></DL ></DD ></DL ></DD ><DT >III. <A HREF="optional.html" >Optional configuration</A ></DT ><DD ><DL ><DT >10. <A HREF="integrate-ms-networks.html" >Integrating MS Windows networks with Samba</A ></DT ><DD ><DL ><DT >10.1. <A HREF="integrate-ms-networks.html#AEN1374" >Agenda</A ></DT ><DT >10.2. <A HREF="integrate-ms-networks.html#AEN1396" >Name Resolution in a pure Unix/Linux world</A ></DT ><DT >10.3. <A HREF="integrate-ms-networks.html#AEN1459" >Name resolution as used within MS Windows networking</A ></DT ><DT >10.4. <A HREF="integrate-ms-networks.html#AEN1504" >How browsing functions and how to deploy stable and dependable browsing using Samba</A ></DT ><DT >10.5. <A HREF="integrate-ms-networks.html#AEN1514" >MS Windows security options and how to configure Samba for seemless integration</A ></DT ><DT >10.6. <A HREF="integrate-ms-networks.html#AEN1584" >Conclusions</A ></DT ></DL ></DD ><DT >11. <A HREF="unix-permissions.html" >UNIX Permission Bits and Windows NT Access Control Lists</A ></DT ><DD ><DL ><DT >11.1. <A HREF="unix-permissions.html#AEN1605" >Viewing and changing UNIX permissions using the NT security dialogs</A ></DT ><DT >11.2. <A HREF="unix-permissions.html#AEN1614" >How to view file security on a Samba share</A ></DT ><DT >11.3. <A HREF="unix-permissions.html#AEN1625" >Viewing file ownership</A ></DT ><DT >11.4. <A HREF="unix-permissions.html#AEN1645" >Viewing file or directory permissions</A ></DT ><DT >11.5. <A HREF="unix-permissions.html#AEN1681" >Modifying file or directory permissions</A ></DT ><DT >11.6. <A HREF="unix-permissions.html#AEN1703" >Interaction with the standard Samba create mask parameters</A ></DT ><DT >11.7. <A HREF="unix-permissions.html#AEN1767" >Interaction with the standard Samba file attribute mapping</A ></DT ></DL ></DD ><DT >12. <A HREF="pam.html" >Configuring PAM for distributed but centrally managed authentication</A ></DT ><DD ><DL ><DT >12.1. <A HREF="pam.html#AEN1788" >Samba and PAM</A ></DT ><DT >12.2. <A HREF="pam.html#AEN1832" >Distributed Authentication</A ></DT ><DT >12.3. <A HREF="pam.html#AEN1839" >PAM Configuration in smb.conf</A ></DT ></DL ></DD ><DT >13. <A HREF="msdfs.html" >Hosting a Microsoft Distributed File System tree on Samba</A ></DT ><DD ><DL ><DT >13.1. <A HREF="msdfs.html#AEN1859" >Instructions</A ></DT ></DL ></DD ><DT >14. <A HREF="printing.html" >Printing Support</A ></DT ><DD ><DL ><DT >14.1. <A HREF="printing.html#AEN1920" >Introduction</A ></DT ><DT >14.2. <A HREF="printing.html#AEN1942" >Configuration</A ></DT ><DT >14.3. <A HREF="printing.html#AEN2050" >The Imprints Toolset</A ></DT ><DT >14.4. <A HREF="printing.html#AEN2093" >Diagnosis</A ></DT ></DL ></DD ><DT >15. <A HREF="winbind.html" >Unified Logons between Windows NT and UNIX using Winbind</A ></DT ><DD ><DL ><DT >15.1. <A HREF="winbind.html#AEN2225" >Abstract</A ></DT ><DT >15.2. <A HREF="winbind.html#AEN2229" >Introduction</A ></DT ><DT >15.3. <A HREF="winbind.html#AEN2242" >What Winbind Provides</A ></DT ><DT >15.4. <A HREF="winbind.html#AEN2253" >How Winbind Works</A ></DT ><DT >15.5. <A HREF="winbind.html#AEN2293" >Installation and Configuration</A ></DT ><DT >15.6. <A HREF="winbind.html#AEN2542" >Limitations</A ></DT ><DT >15.7. <A HREF="winbind.html#AEN2552" >Conclusion</A ></DT ></DL ></DD ><DT >16. <A HREF="pdb-mysql.html" >Passdb MySQL plugin</A ></DT ><DD ><DL ><DT >16.1. <A HREF="pdb-mysql.html#AEN2566" >Building</A ></DT ><DT >16.2. <A HREF="pdb-mysql.html#AEN2572" >Configuring</A ></DT ><DT >16.3. <A HREF="pdb-mysql.html#AEN2589" >Using plaintext passwords or encrypted password</A ></DT ><DT >16.4. <A HREF="pdb-mysql.html#AEN2594" >Getting non-column data from the table</A ></DT ></DL ></DD ><DT >17. <A HREF="pdb-xml.html" >Passdb XML plugin</A ></DT ><DD ><DL ><DT >17.1. <A HREF="pdb-xml.html#AEN2613" >Building</A ></DT ><DT >17.2. <A HREF="pdb-xml.html#AEN2619" >Usage</A ></DT ></DL ></DD ><DT >18. <A HREF="vfs.html" >Stackable VFS modules</A ></DT ><DD ><DL ><DT >18.1. <A HREF="vfs.html#AEN2640" >Introduction and configuration</A ></DT ><DT >18.2. <A HREF="vfs.html#AEN2649" >Included modules</A ></DT ><DT >18.3. <A HREF="vfs.html#AEN2703" >VFS modules available elsewhere</A ></DT ></DL ></DD ><DT >19. <A HREF="samba-ldap-howto.html" >Storing Samba's User/Machine Account information in an LDAP Directory</A ></DT ><DD ><DL ><DT >19.1. <A HREF="samba-ldap-howto.html#AEN2737" >Purpose</A ></DT ><DT >19.2. <A HREF="samba-ldap-howto.html#AEN2757" >Introduction</A ></DT ><DT >19.3. <A HREF="samba-ldap-howto.html#AEN2786" >Supported LDAP Servers</A ></DT ><DT >19.4. <A HREF="samba-ldap-howto.html#AEN2791" >Schema and Relationship to the RFC 2307 posixAccount</A ></DT ><DT >19.5. <A HREF="samba-ldap-howto.html#AEN2803" >Configuring Samba with LDAP</A ></DT ><DT >19.6. <A HREF="samba-ldap-howto.html#AEN2850" >Accounts and Groups management</A ></DT ><DT >19.7. <A HREF="samba-ldap-howto.html#AEN2855" >Security and sambaAccount</A ></DT ><DT >19.8. <A HREF="samba-ldap-howto.html#AEN2875" >LDAP specials attributes for sambaAccounts</A ></DT ><DT >19.9. <A HREF="samba-ldap-howto.html#AEN2945" >Example LDIF Entries for a sambaAccount</A ></DT ><DT >19.10. <A HREF="samba-ldap-howto.html#AEN2953" >Comments</A ></DT ></DL ></DD ><DT >20. <A HREF="cvs-access.html" >HOWTO Access Samba source code via CVS</A ></DT ><DD ><DL ><DT >20.1. <A HREF="cvs-access.html#AEN2964" >Introduction</A ></DT ><DT >20.2. <A HREF="cvs-access.html#AEN2969" >CVS Access to samba.org</A ></DT ></DL ></DD ><DT >21. <A HREF="groupmapping.html" >Group mapping HOWTO</A ></DT ><DT >22. <A HREF="speed.html" >Samba performance issues</A ></DT ><DD ><DL ><DT >22.1. <A HREF="speed.html#AEN3055" >Comparisons</A ></DT ><DT >22.2. <A HREF="speed.html#AEN3061" >Socket options</A ></DT ><DT >22.3. <A HREF="speed.html#AEN3068" >Read size</A ></DT ><DT >22.4. <A HREF="speed.html#AEN3073" >Max xmit</A ></DT ><DT >22.5. <A HREF="speed.html#AEN3078" >Log level</A ></DT ><DT >22.6. <A HREF="speed.html#AEN3081" >Read raw</A ></DT ><DT >22.7. <A HREF="speed.html#AEN3086" >Write raw</A ></DT ><DT >22.8. <A HREF="speed.html#AEN3090" >Slow Clients</A ></DT ><DT >22.9. <A HREF="speed.html#AEN3094" >Slow Logins</A ></DT ><DT >22.10. <A HREF="speed.html#AEN3097" >Client tuning</A ></DT ></DL ></DD ></DL ></DD ><DT >IV. <A HREF="appendixes.html" >Appendixes</A ></DT ><DD ><DL ><DT >23. <A HREF="portability.html" >Portability</A ></DT ><DD ><DL ><DT >23.1. <A HREF="portability.html#AEN3139" >HPUX</A ></DT ><DT >23.2. <A HREF="portability.html#AEN3145" >SCO Unix</A ></DT ><DT >23.3. <A HREF="portability.html#AEN3149" >DNIX</A ></DT ><DT >23.4. <A HREF="portability.html#AEN3178" >RedHat Linux Rembrandt-II</A ></DT ></DL ></DD ><DT >24. <A HREF="other-clients.html" >Samba and other CIFS clients</A ></DT ><DD ><DL ><DT >24.1. <A HREF="other-clients.html#AEN3199" >Macintosh clients?</A ></DT ><DT >24.2. <A HREF="other-clients.html#AEN3208" >OS2 Client</A ></DT ><DT >24.3. <A HREF="other-clients.html#AEN3248" >Windows for Workgroups</A ></DT ><DT >24.4. <A HREF="other-clients.html#AEN3269" >Windows '95/'98</A ></DT ><DT >24.5. <A HREF="other-clients.html#AEN3285" >Windows 2000 Service Pack 2</A ></DT ></DL ></DD ><DT >25. <A HREF="bugreport.html" >Reporting Bugs</A ></DT ><DD ><DL ><DT >25.1. <A HREF="bugreport.html#AEN3309" >Introduction</A ></DT ><DT >25.2. <A HREF="bugreport.html#AEN3319" >General info</A ></DT ><DT >25.3. <A HREF="bugreport.html#AEN3325" >Debug levels</A ></DT ><DT >25.4. <A HREF="bugreport.html#AEN3342" >Internal errors</A ></DT ><DT >25.5. <A HREF="bugreport.html#AEN3352" >Attaching to a running process</A ></DT ><DT >25.6. <A HREF="bugreport.html#AEN3355" >Patches</A ></DT ></DL ></DD ><DT >26. <A HREF="diagnosis.html" >Diagnosing your samba server</A ></DT ><DD ><DL ><DT >26.1. <A HREF="diagnosis.html#AEN3378" >Introduction</A ></DT ><DT >26.2. <A HREF="diagnosis.html#AEN3383" >Assumptions</A ></DT ><DT >26.3. <A HREF="diagnosis.html#AEN3393" >Tests</A ></DT ><DT >26.4. <A HREF="diagnosis.html#AEN3503" >Still having troubles?</A ></DT ></DL ></DD ></DL ></DD ></DL ></DIV ></DIV ><DIV CLASS="NAVFOOTER" ><HR ALIGN="LEFT" WIDTH="100%"><TABLE SUMMARY="Footer navigation table" WIDTH="100%" BORDER="0" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0" ><TR ><TD WIDTH="33%" ALIGN="left" VALIGN="top" > </TD ><TD WIDTH="34%" ALIGN="center" VALIGN="top" > </TD ><TD WIDTH="33%" ALIGN="right" VALIGN="top" ><A HREF="introduction.html" ACCESSKEY="N" >Next</A ></TD ></TR ><TR ><TD WIDTH="33%" ALIGN="left" VALIGN="top" > </TD ><TD WIDTH="34%" ALIGN="center" VALIGN="top" > </TD ><TD WIDTH="33%" ALIGN="right" VALIGN="top" >General installation</TD ></TR ></TABLE ></DIV ></BODY ></HTML >