<html><head><title>smbcontrol (1)</title> <link rev="made" href="mailto:samba@samba.org"> </head> <body> <hr> <h1>smbcontrol (1)</h1> <h2>Samba</h2> <h2>29 Sep 2000</h2> <p><br><a name="NAME"></a> <h2>NAME</h2> smbcontrol - send messages to smbd or nmbd processes <p><br><a name="SYNOPSIS"></a> <h2>SYNOPSIS</h2> <p><br><strong>smbcontrol</strong> <a href="smbcontrol.1.html#minusi">-i</a> <p><br><strong>smbcontrol</strong> <a href="smbcontrol.1.html#destination">destination</a> <a href="smbcontrol.1.html#messagetype">message-type</a> <a href="smbcontrol.1.html#parameters">parameters</a> <p><br><a name="DESCRIPTION"></a> <h2>DESCRIPTION</h2> <p><br>This program is part of the <strong>Samba</strong> suite. <p><br><strong>smbcontrol</strong> is a very small program, which sends messages to a <a href="smbd.8.html"><strong>smbd</strong></a> or a <a href="nmbd.8.html"><strong>nmbd</strong></a> daemon running on the system. <p><br><a name="OPTIONS"></a> <h2>OPTIONS</h2> <p><br><ul> <p><br><a name="minusi"></a> <li><strong><strong>-i</strong></strong> Run interactively. Individual commands of the form <a href="smbcontrol.1.html#destination">destination</a> <a href="smbcontrol.1.html#messagetype">message-type</a> <a href="smbcontrol.1.html#parameters">parameters</a> can be entered on STDIN. An empty command line will quit the program. <p><br><a name="destination"></a> <li><strong><strong>destination</strong></strong> is one of "nmbd", "smbd" or a process ID <p><br>The <strong>smbd</strong> destination causes the message to be "broadcast" to all smbd daemons. <p><br>The <strong>nmbd</strong> destination causes the message to be sent to the nmbd daemon specified in the <strong>nmbd.pid</strong> file. <p><br>If a single process ID is given, the message is sent to only that process. <p><br><a name="messagetype"></a> <li><strong><strong>message-type</strong></strong> is one of: debug, force-election, or ping. <p><br>The <strong>debug</strong> message-type allows the debug level to be set to the value specified by the parameter. This can be sent to any of the destinations. <p><br>The <strong>force-election</strong> message-type can only be sent to the <strong>nmbd</strong> destination. This message causes the <strong>nmbd</strong> daemon to force a new browse master election. <p><br>The <strong>ping</strong> message-type sends the number of "ping" messages specified by the parameter and waits for the same number of reply "pong" messages. This can be sent to any of the destinations. <p><br><a name="parameters"></a> <li><strong><strong>parameters</strong></strong> is any parameters required for the message-type <p><br></ul> <p><br><a name="VERSION"></a> <h2>VERSION</h2> <p><br>This man page is correct for version 2.2.0 of the Samba suite. <p><br><a name="SEEALSO"></a> <h2>SEE ALSO</h2> <p><br><a href="smbd.8.html"><strong>smbd (8)</strong></a>, <a href="nmbd.8.html"><strong>nmbd (8)</strong></a> <p><br><a name="AUTHOR"></a> <h2>AUTHOR</h2> <p><br>The original Samba software and related utilities were created by Andrew Tridgell <a href="mailto:samba@samba.org"><em>samba@samba.org</em></a>. Samba is now developed by the Samba Team as an Open Source project similar to the way the Linux kernel is developed. <p><br>This man page source was written in YODL format (another excellent piece of Open Source software, available at <a href="ftp://ftp.icce.rug.nl/pub/unix/"><strong>ftp://ftp.icce.rug.nl/pub/unix/</strong></a>) for the Samba 2.2.0 release by Herb Lewis. <a href="mailto:samba@samba.org"><em>samba@samba.org</em></a>. <p><br>See <a href="samba.7.html"><strong>samba (7)</strong></a> to find out how to get a full list of contributors and details on how to submit bug reports, comments etc. </body> </html>