.TH SAMBA 7 29/3/95 Samba Samba .SH NAME Samba \- a LanManager like fileserver for Unix .SH SYNOPSIS .B Samba .SH DESCRIPTION The .B Samba software suite is a collection of programs that implements the SMB protocol for unix systems. This protocol is sometimes also referred to as the LanManager or Netbios protocol. .SH COMPONENTS The Samba suite is made up of several components. Each component is described in a separate manual page. It is strongly recommended that you read the documentation that comes with Samba and the manual pages of those components that you use. If the manual pages aren't clear enough then please send me a patch! The smbd(8) daemon provides the file and print services to SMB clients, such as Windows for Workgroups, Windows NT or LanManager. The configuration file for this daemon is described in smb.conf(5). The nmbd(8) daemon provides Netbios nameserving and browsing support. It can also be run interactively to query other name service daemons. The smbclient(1) program implements a simple ftp-like client. This is useful for accessing SMB shares on other compatible servers (such as WfWg), and can also be used to allow a unix box to print to a printer attached to any SMB server (such as a PC running WfWg). The testparm(1) utility allows you to test your smb.conf(5) configuration file. The smbstatus(1) utility allows you to tell who is currently using the smbd(8) server. .SH AVAILABILITY The Samba software suite is licensed under the Gnu Public License. A copy of that license should have come with the package. You are encouraged to distribute copies of the Samba suite, but please keep it intact. The latest version of the Samba suite can be obtained via anonymous ftp from samba.anu.edu.au in the directory pub/samba/. It is also available on several mirror sites worldwide. You may also find useful information about Samba on the newsgroup comp.protocols.smb and the Samba mailing list. Details on how to join the mailing list are given in the README file that comes with Samba. If you have access to a WWW viewer (such as Netscape or Mosaic) then you will also find lots of useful information, including back issues of the Samba mailing list, at http://samba.canberra.edu.au/pub/samba/ .SH AUTHOR The main author of the Samba suite is Andrew Tridgell. He may be contacted via e-mail at samba-bugs@anu.edu.au. There have also been an enormous number of contributors to Samba from all over the world. A partial list of these contributors is included in the CREDITS section below. The list is, however, badly out of date. More up to date info may be obtained from the change-log that comes with the Samba source code. .SH CONTRIBUTIONS If you wish to contribute to the Samba project, then I suggest you join the Samba mailing list. If you have patches to submit or bugs to report then you may mail them directly to samba-bugs@samba.anu.edu.au. Note, however, that due to the enormous popularity of this package I may take some time to repond to mail. I prefer patches in "diff -u" format. .SH CREDITS Contributors to the project are (in alphabetical order by email address): (NOTE: This list is very out of date) Adams, Graham (gadams@ddrive.demon.co.uk) Allison, Jeremy (jeremy@netcom.com) Andrus, Ross (ross@augie.insci.com) Auer, Karl (Karl.Auer@anu.edu.au) Bogstad, Bill (bogstad@cs.jhu.edu) Boreham, Bryan (Bryan@alex.com) Boreham, David (davidb@ndl.co.uk) Butler, Michael (imb@asstdc.scgt.oz.au) ??? (charlie@edina.demon.co.uk) Chua, Michael (lpc@solomon.technet.sg) Cochran, Marc (mcochran@wellfleet.com) Dey, Martin N (mnd@netmgrs.co.uk) Errath, Maximilian (errath@balu.kfunigraz.ac.at) Fisher, Lee (leefi@microsoft.com) Foderaro, Sean (jkf@frisky.Franz.COM) Greer, Brad (brad@cac.washington.edu) Griffith, Michael A (grif@cs.ucr.edu) Grosen, Mark (MDGrosen@spectron.COM) ???? (gunjkoa@dep.sa.gov.au) Haapanen, Tom (tomh@metrics.com) Hench, Mike (hench@cae.uwm.edu) Horstman, Mark A (mh2620@sarek.sbc.com) Hudson, Tim (tim.hudson@gslmail.mincom.oz.au) Hulthen, Erik Magnus (magnus@axiom.se) ??? (imb@asstdc.scgt.oz.au) Iversen, Per Steinar (iversen@dsfys1.fi.uib.no) Kaara, Pasi (ppk@atk.tpo.fi) Karman, Merik (merik@blackadder.dsh.oz.au) Kiff, Martin (mgk@newton.npl.co.uk) Kiick, Chris (cjkiick@flinx.b11.ingr.com) Kukulies, Christoph (kuku@acds.physik.rwth-aachen.de) ??? (lance@fox.com) Lendecke, Volker (lendecke@namu01.gwdg.de) ??? (lonnie@itg.ti.com) Mahoney, Paul Thomas (ptm@xact1.xact.com) Mauelshagen, Heinz (mauelsha@ez.da.telekom.de) Merrick, Barry G (bgm@atml.co.uk) Mol, Marcel (marcel@fanout.et.tudeflt.nl) ??? (njw@cpsg.com.au) ??? (noses@oink.rhein.de) Owens, John (john@micros.com) Pierson, Jacques (pierson@ketje.enet.dec.com) Powell, Mark (mark@scot1.ucsalf.ac.uk) Reiz, Steven (sreiz@aie.nl) Schlaeger, Joerg (joergs@toppoint.de) S{rkel{, Vesa (vesku@rankki.kcl.fi) Tridgell, Andrew (samba-bugs@anu.edu.au) Troyer, Dean (troyer@saifr00.ateng.az.honeywell.com) Wakelin, Ross (rossw@march.co.uk) Wessels, Stefan (SWESSELS@dos-lan.cs.up.ac.za) Young, Ian A (iay@threel.co.uk) van der Zwan, Paul (paulzn@olivetti.nl)