.TH "smbcacls " "1" "3 Dec 2000" "Samba" "SAMBA" .PP .SH "NAME" smbcacls \- Set or get ACLs on an NT file or directory .PP .SH "SYNOPSIS" .PP \fBsmbcacls\fP //server/share filename -U username [-A acls] [-M acls] [-D acls] [-S acls] [-n] [-h] .PP .SH "DESCRIPTION" .PP The \fBsmbcacls\fP program manipulates NT Access Control Lists (ACLs) on SMB file shares\&. .PP .SH "OPTIONS" .PP The following options are available to the \fBsmbcacls\fP program\&. The format of ACLs is described in the section ACL FORMAT .PP .IP .IP "\fB-A acls\fP" .IP Add the ACLs specified to the ACL list\&. Existing access control entries are unchanged\&. .IP .IP "\fB-M acls\fP" .IP Modify the mask value (permissions) for the ACLs specified on the command line\&. An error will be printed for each ACL specified that was not already present in the ACL list\&. .IP .IP "\fB-D acls\fP" .IP Delete any ACLs specfied on the command line\&. An error will be printed for each ACL specified that was not already present in the ACL list\&. .IP .IP "\fB-S acls\fP" .IP This command sets the ACLs on the file with only the ones specified on the command line\&. All other ACLs are erased\&. Note that the ACL specified must contain at least a revision, type, owner and group for the call to succeed\&. .IP .IP "\fB-U username\fP" .IP Specifies a username used to connect to the specified service\&. The username may be of the form \f(CWusername\fP in which case the user is prompted to enter in a password and the workgroup specified in the \fBsmb\&.conf\fP file is used, or \f(CWusername%password\fP or \f(CWDOMAIN\eusername%password\fP and the password and workgroup names are used as provided\&. .IP .IP "\fB-n\fP" .IP This option displays all ACL information in numeric format\&. The default is to convert SIDs to names and ACE types and masks to a readable string format\&. .IP .IP "\fB-h\fP" .IP Print usage information on the \fBsmbcacls\fP program .IP .PP .SH "ACL FORMAT" .PP The format of an ACL is one or more ACL entries separated by either spaces, commas or newlines\&. An ACL entry is one of the following: .PP .nf REVISION: OWNER: GROUP: ACL::// .fi .PP The revision of the ACL specifies the internal Windows NT ACL revision for the security descriptor\&. If not specified it defaults to 1\&. .PP The owner and group specify the owner and group sids for the object\&. If a SID in the format \f(CWS-1-x-y-z\fP is specified this is used, otherwise the name specified is resolved using the server on which the file or directory resides\&. .PP ACLs specify permissions granted to the SID\&. This SID again can be specified in \f(CWS-1-x-y-z\fP format or as a name in which case it is resolved against the server on which the file or directory resides\&. The type, flags and mask values determine the type of access granted to the SID\&. .PP The type can be either 0 or 1 corresponding to ALLOWED or DENIED access to the SID\&. The flags values are generally zero for file ACLs and either 9 or 2 for directory ACLs\&. Some common flags are: .PP .nf #define SEC_ACE_FLAG_OBJECT_INHERIT 0x1 #define SEC_ACE_FLAG_CONTAINER_INHERIT 0x2 #define SEC_ACE_FLAG_NO_PROPAGATE_INHERIT 0x4 #define SEC_ACE_FLAG_INHERIT_ONLY 0x8 .fi .PP The mask is a value which expresses the access right granted to the SID\&. It can be given as a hexadecimal value or by using one of the following text strings which map to the NT file permissions of the same name\&. .PP .IP .IP "" \f(CWR\fP Allow read access .IP .IP "" \f(CWW\fP Allow write access .IP .IP "" \f(CWX\fP Execute permission on the object .IP .IP "" \f(CWD\fP Delete the object .IP .IP "" \f(CWP\fP Change permissions .IP .IP "" \f(CWO\fP Take ownership .IP .PP The following combined permissions can be specified: .PP .IP .IP "" \f(CWREAD\fP Equivalent to \f(CWRX\fP permissions .IP "" \f(CWCHANGE\fP Equivalent to \f(CWRXWD\fP permissions .IP "" \f(CWFULL\fP Equivalent to \f(CWRWXDPO\fP permissions .IP .PP .SH "EXIT STATUS" .PP .SH "AUTHOR" .PP The original Samba software and related utilities were created by Andrew Tridgell\&. Samba is now developed by the Samba Team as an Open Source project\&. .PP \fBsmbcacls\fP was written by Andrew Tridgell and Tim Potter\&.