<samba:parameter name="passdb backend"
                 advanced="1" developer="1"

    <para>This option allows the administrator to chose which backend
    will be used for storing user and possibly group information.  This allows 
    you to swap between dfferent storage mechanisms without recompile. </para>

    <para>The parameter value is divided into two parts, the backend's name, and a 'location'
    string that has meaning only to that particular backed.  These are separated
    by a : character.</para>

    <para>Available backends can include:
		<para><command moreinfo="none">smbpasswd</command> - The default smbpasswd
		backend. Takes a path to the smbpasswd file as an optional argument.
		<para><command moreinfo="none">tdbsam</command> - The TDB based password storage
                backend.  Takes a path to the TDB as an optional argument (defaults to passdb.tdb 
                in the <smbconfoption name="private dir"/> directory.</para>
		<para><command moreinfo="none">ldapsam</command> - The LDAP based passdb 
                backend.  Takes an LDAP URL as an optional argument (defaults to 
                <command moreinfo="none">ldap://localhost</command>)</para>
		<para>LDAP connections should be secured where possible.  This may be done using either
                Start-TLS (see <smbconfoption name="ldap ssl"/>) or by
                specifying <parameter moreinfo="none">ldaps://</parameter> in
                the URL argument. </para>

                <para>Multiple servers may also be specified in double-quotes, if your
                LDAP libraries supports the LDAP URL notation.
                (OpenLDAP does).   


	Examples of use are:
passdb backend = tdbsam:/etc/samba/private/passdb.tdb 


passdb backend = ldapsam:"ldap://ldap-1.example.com ldap://ldap-2.example.com"

<value type="default">smbpasswd</value>