!== CVS_ACCESS.txt for Samba release 2.0.4 18 May 1999
Contributor:    Modified from the Web pages by Jeremy Allison.
Date:           23 Dec 1997
Status:         Current

How to get access to Samba source code via cvs.

CVS Access to samba.org

The machine samba.org runs a publicly accessible CVS 
repository for access to the source code of several packages, 
including samba, rsync and jitterbug. This document describes 
how to get anonymous read-only access to this source code. 

Access via cvsweb

You can access the source code via your favourite WWW browser. 
This allows you to access the contents of individual files in 
the repository and also to look at the revision history and 
commit logs of individual files. You can also ask for a diff 
listing between any two versions on the repository.

Use the URL : http://samba.org/cgi-bin/cvsweb

Access via cvs

You can also access the source code via a normal cvs client. 
This gives you much more control over you can do with the 
repository and allows you to checkout whole source trees 
and keep them uptodate via normal cvs commands. This is the 
preferred method of access if you are a developer and not
just a casual browser.

To download the latest cvs source code, point your
browser at the URL :


and click on the 'How to get cvs' link. CVS is free
software under the GNU GPL (as is Samba).

To gain access via anonymous cvs use the following steps. 
For this example it is assumed that you want a copy of the 
samba source code. For the other source code repositories 
on this system just substitute the correct package name

1. Install a recent copy of cvs. All you really need is a 
  copy of the cvs client binary. 

2. Run the command 

  cvs -d :pserver:cvs@samba.org:/cvsroot login

When it asks you for a password type 'cvs' (not including
the quotes).

3. Run the command 

  cvs -d :pserver:cvs@samba.org:/cvsroot co samba

This will create a directory called samba containing the 
latest samba source code. This currently corresponds to the 
1.9.18alpha development tree. 

4. Whenever you want to merge in the latest code changes use 
the following command from within the samba directory: 

  cvs update -d -P

NOTE: If you instead want the latest source code for the 
1.9.17 stable tree then replace step 4 with the command: 

  cvs -d :pserver:cvs@samba.org:/cvsroot co -r BRANCH_1_9_17 samba

Access to the NT DOMAIN Controller code

The Samba PDC code is being separately developed on a
branch named BRANCH_NTDOM. To gain access to the latest
source code (this changes daily) do the following:

1). Log onto cvs 

  cvs -d :pserver:cvs@samba.org:/cvsroot login          
When it asks you for a password type 'cvs' (not including
the quotes).

2). Check out the BRANCH_NTDOM by typing :

  cvs -d :pserver:cvs@samba.org:/cvsroot co -r BRANCH_NTDOM samba

This will create a directory called samba containing the
latest snapshot of the domain controller code.

3). To keep this code up to date after it has been
changed in the cvs repository, cd into the samba
directory you created above and type :

  cvs update -d -P

How it's done.

If you are interested in how anonymous cvs access is set up and 
want to set it up on your own system then you might like to checkout 
the pserver source code using the the command :

 cvs -d :pserver:cvs@samba.org:/cvsroot co pserver

You really have to know what you are doing to do this. Please don't 
email samba-bugs with basic cvs or unix security questions. 

Reporting problems.

If you have any problems with this system please email 