To : "C.Lee Taylor" <> Cc : Bart <>, Attchmnt: Subject : Re: [Samba] Profiles ... ----- Message Text ----- On Fri, 17 Jan 2003, C.Lee Taylor wrote: > John H Terpstra wrote: > > On Thu, 16 Jan 2003, C.Lee Taylor wrote: > > > > > >>Bart wrote: > >> > >>>Or ju put the documents on the home drive and change the target of the > >>>'my documents' folder to this home drive. > >>> > >>>that way you have security & all the docs on a mounted drive. > >> > >> We did that with Win98SE, and found that some times it would change > >>back or to something that should cause problems ... that is why I was > >>hoping, there was away around this ... but then it seems not. > > > > > > Did you check the Win98 Resource Kit for how to configure this? > No, just searched the registery for the set strings, changed them and > tested. Also used for other info ... Don't have > access to the Resource kits, unless they have not put them up on the net > and it's legal for us to use them wihtout paying? That method does not work well. You need the Win98 Group Policy Editor to set this up. It can be found on the Original full product Win98 installation CD under tools/reskit/netadmin/poledit. You install this using the Add/Remove Programs facility and then click on the 'Have Disk' tab. Use the Group Policy Editor to create a policy file that specifies the location of user profiles and/or the 'My Documents' etc. stuff. You then save these settings in a file called Config.POL that needs to be placed in the root of the [NETLOGON] share. If your Win98 is configured to log onto the Samba Domain, it will automatically read this file and update the Win98 registry of the machine that is logging on. All of this is covered in the Win98 Resource Kit documentation. If you do not do it this way, then every so often Win98 will check the integrity of the registry and will restore it's settings from the back-up copy of the registry it stores on each Win98 machine. Hence, your symptoms of things changing back to original settings. Hope this helps. I have omitted quite a lot of detail you will need to figure out. Yell if you need more help. - John T. -- John H Terpstra Email: