Unfortunately, the Resource Kit info is Win NT4/2K version specific. Here is a quick guide: 1. On your NT4 Domain Controller, right click on 'My Computer', then select the tab labelled 'User Profiles'. 2. Select a user profile you want to migrate and click on it. Note: I am using the term "migrate" lossely. You can copy a profile to create a group profile. You can give the user 'Everyone' rights to the profile you copy this to. That is what you need to do, since your samba domain is not a member of a trust relationship with your NT4 PDC. 3. Click the 'Copy To' button. 4. In the box labelled 'Copy Profile to' add your new path, eg: c:\temp\foobar 5. Click on the button labelled 'Change' in the "Permitted to use" box. 6. Click on the group 'Everyone' and then click OK. This closes the 'chose user' box. 7. Now click OK. Follow the above for every profile you need to migrate. Side bar Notes: --------------- You should obtain the SID of your NT4 domain. You can use smbpasswd to do this. Read the man page. With Samba-3.0.0 alpha code you can import all you NT4 domain accounts using the net samsync method. This way you can retain your profile settings as well as all your users. Also Note: ---------- The above method can be used to create mandatory profiles also. To convert a group profile into a mandatory profile simply locate the NTUser.DAT file in the copied profile and rename it to NTUser.MAN. Next Note: ---------- The W2K professional resource kit has moveuser.exe: Description: moveuser.exe changes the security of a profile from one user to another. This allows the account domain to change, and/or the user name to change. Next Note: ---------- You can identify the SID by using GetSID.exe from the Windows NT Server 4.0 Resource Kit. Windows NT 4.0 stores the local profile information in the registry under the following key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList Under the ProfileList key, there will be subkeys named with the SIDs of the users who have logged on to this computer. (To find the profile information for the user whose locally cached profile you want to move, find the SID for the user with the GetSID.exe utility.) Inside of the appropriate user's subkey, you will see a string value named ProfileImagePath.