!== !== DOMAIN.txt for Samba release 2.0.0-alpha1 31 Aug 1998 !== Contributor: Samba Team Updated: June 27, 1997 Subject: Network Logons and Roving Profiles =========================================================================== A domain and a workgroup are exactly the same thing in terms of network browsing. The difference is that a distributable authentication database is associated with a domain, for secure login access to a network. Also, different access rights can be granted to users if they successfully authenticate against a domain logon server (samba does not support this, but NT server and other systems based on NT server do). The SMB client logging on to a domain has an expectation that every other server in the domain should accept the same authentication information. However the network browsing functionality of domains and workgroups is identical and is explained in BROWSING.txt. Issues related to the single-logon network model are discussed in this document. Samba supports domain logons, network logon scripts, and user profiles. The support is still experimental, but it seems to work. The support is also not complete. Samba does not yet support the sharing of the Windows NT-style SAM database with other systems. However this is only one way of having a shared user database: exactly the same effect can be achieved by having all servers in a domain share a distributed NIS or Kerberos authentication database. When an SMB client in a domain wishes to logon it broadcast requests for a logon server. The first one to reply gets the job, and validates its password using whatever mechanism the Samba administrator has installed. It is possible (but very stupid) to create a domain where the user database is not shared between servers, ie they are effectively workgroup servers advertising themselves as participating in a domain. This demonstrates how authentication is quite different from but closely involved with domains. Another thing commonly associated with single-logon domains is remote administration over the SMB protocol. Again, there is no reason why this cannot be implemented with an underlying username database which is different from the Windows NT SAM. Support for the Remote Administration Protocol is planned for a future release of Samba. The domain support works for WfWg, and Win95 clients and NT 4.0 and 3.51. Domain support is currently at an early experimental stage for NT 4.0 and NT 3.51. Support for Windows OS/2 clients is still being worked on and is still experimental. Support for profiles is confirmed as working for Win95, NT 4.0 and NT 3.51. It is possible to specify: the profile location; script file to be loaded on login; the user's home directory; and for NT a kick-off time could also now easily be supported. With NT Workstations, all this does not require the use or intervention of an NT 4.0 or NT 3.51 server: Samba can now replace the logon services provided by an NT server, to a limited and experimental degree (for example, running "User Manager for Domains" will not provide you with access to a domain created by a Samba Server). With Win95, the help of an NT server can be enlisted, both for profile storage and for user authentication. For details on user authentication, see security_level.txt. For details on profile storage, see below. Using these features you can make your clients verify their logon via the Samba server; make clients run a batch file when they logon to the network and download their preferences, desktop and start menu. Configuration Instructions: Network Logons ========================================== To use domain logons and profiles you need to do the following: 1) Setup nmbd and smbd by configuring smb.conf so that Samba is acting as the master browser. See _INSTALL.txt and BROWSING.txt for details. 2) Setup a WINS server (see NetBIOS.txt) and configure all your clients to use that WINS service. 3) Create a share called [netlogon] in your smb.conf. This share should be readable by all users, and probably should not be writeable. This share will hold your network logon scripts, and the CONFIG.POL file (Note: for details on the CONFIG.POL file, how to use it, what it is, refer to the Microsoft Windows NT Administration documentation. The format of these files is not known, so you will need to use Microsoft tools). For example I have used: [netlogon] path = /data/dos/netlogon writeable = no guest ok = no Note that it is important that this share is not writeable by ordinary users, in a secure environment: ordinary users should not be allowed to modify or add files that another user's computer would then download when they log in. 4) in the [global] section of smb.conf set the following: domain logons = yes logon script = %U.bat The choice of batch file is, of course, up to you. The above would give each user a separate batch file as the %U will be changed to their username automatically. The other standard % macros may also be used. You can make the batch files come from a subdirectory by using something like: logon script = scripts\%U.bat 5) create the batch files to be run when the user logs in. If the batch file doesn't exist then no batch file will be run. In the batch files you need to be careful to use DOS style cr/lf line endings. If you don't then DOS may get confused. I suggest you use a DOS editor to remotely edit the files if you don't know how to produce DOS style files under unix. 6) Use smbclient with the -U option for some users to make sure that the \\server\NETLOGON share is available, the batch files are visible and they are readable by the users. 7) you will probabaly find that your clients automatically mount the \\SERVER\NETLOGON share as drive z: while logging in. You can put some useful programs there to execute from the batch files. NOTE: You must be using "security = user" or "security = server" for domain logons to work correctly. Share level security won't work correctly. Configuration Instructions: Setting up Roaming User Profiles ================================================================ In the [global] section of smb.conf set the following (for example): logon path = \\profileserver\profileshare\profilepath\%U\moreprofilepath The default for this option is \\%N\%U\profile, namely \\sambaserver\username\profile. The \\N%\%U service is created automatically by the [homes] service. If you are using a samba server for the profiles, you _must_ make the share specified in the logon path browseable. Windows 95 appears to check that it can see the share and any subdirectories within that share specified by the logon path option, rather than just connecting straight away. It also attempts to create the components of the full path for you. If the creation of any component fails, or if it cannot see any component of the path, the profile creation / reading fails. [lkcl 26aug96 - we have discovered a problem where Windows clients can maintain a connection to the [homes] share in between logins. The [homes] share must NOT therefore be used in a profile path.] Windows 95 ---------- When a user first logs in on Windows 95, the file user.DAT is created, as are folders "Start Menu", "Desktop", "Programs" and "Nethood". These directories and their contents will be merged with the local versions stored in c:\windows\profiles\username on subsequent logins, taking the most recent from each. You will need to use the [global] options "preserve case = yes", "short case preserve = yes" and "case sensitive = no" in order to maintain capital letters in shortcuts in any of the profile folders. The user.DAT file contains all the user's preferences. If you wish to enforce a set of preferences, rename their user.DAT file to user.MAN, and deny them write access to this file. 2) On the Windows 95 machine, go to Control Panel | Passwords and select the User Profiles tab. Select the required level of roaming preferences. Press OK, but do _not_ allow the computer to reboot. 3) On the Windows 95 machine, go to Control Panel | Network | Client for Microsoft Networks | Preferences. Select 'Log on to NT Domain'. Then, ensure that the Primary Logon is 'Client for Microsoft Networks'. Press OK, and this time allow the computer to reboot. Under Windows 95, Profiles are downloaded from the Primary Logon. If you have the Primary Logon as 'Client for Novell Networks', then the profiles and logon script will be downloaded from your Novell Server. If you have the Primary Logon as 'Windows Logon', then the profiles will be loaded from the local machine - a bit against the concept of roaming profiles, if you ask me. You will now find that the Microsoft Networks Login box contains [user, password, domain] instead of just [user, password]. Type in the samba server's domain name (or any other domain known to exist, but bear in mind that the user will be authenticated against this domain and profiles downloaded from it, if that domain logon server supports it), user name and user's password. Once the user has been successfully validated, the Windows 95 machine will inform you that 'The user has not logged on before' and asks you if you wish to save the user's preferences? Select 'yes'. Once the Windows 95 client comes up with the desktop, you should be able to examine the contents of the directory specified in the "logon path" on the samba server and verify that the "Desktop", "Start Menu", "Programs" and "Nethood" folders have been created. These folders will be cached locally on the client, and updated when the user logs off (if you haven't made them read-only by then :-). You will find that if the user creates further folders or short-cuts, that the client will merge the profile contents downloaded with the contents of the profile directory already on the local client, taking the newest folders and short-cuts from each set. If you have made the folders / files read-only on the samba server, then you will get errors from the w95 machine on logon and logout, as it attempts to merge the local and the remote profile. Basically, if you have any errors reported by the w95 machine, check the unix file permissions and ownership rights on the profile directory contents, on the samba server. If you have problems creating user profiles, you can reset the user's local desktop cache, as shown below. When this user then next logs in, they will be told that they are logging in "for the first time". 1) instead of logging in under the [user, password, domain] dialog], press escape. 2) run the regedit.exe program, and look in: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Windows\CurrentVersion\ProfileList you will find an entry, for each user, of ProfilePath. Note the contents of this key (likely to be c:\windows\profiles\username), then delete the key ProfilePath for the required user. [Exit the registry editor]. 3) WARNING - before deleting the contents of the directory listed in the ProfilePath (this is likely to be c:\windows\profiles\username), ask them if they have any important files stored on their desktop or in their start menu. delete the contents of the directory ProfilePath (making a backup if any of the files are needed). This will have the effect of removing the local (read-only hidden system file) user.DAT in their profile directory, as well as the local "desktop", "nethood", "start menu" and "programs" folders. 4) search for the user's .PWL password-cacheing file in the c:\windows directory, and delete it. 5) log off the windows 95 client. 6) check the contents of the profile path (see "logon path" described above), and delete the user.DAT or user.MAN file for the user, making a backup if required. If all else fails, increase samba's debug log levels to between 3 and 10, and / or run a packet trace program such as tcpdump or netmon.exe, and look for any error reports. If you have access to an NT server, then first set up roaming profiles and / or netlogons on the NT server. Make a packet trace, or examine the example packet traces provided with NT server, and see what the differences are with the equivalent samba trace. Windows NT Workstation 4.0 -------------------------- When a user first logs in to a Windows NT Workstation, the profile NTuser.DAT is created. The profile location can be now specified through the "logon path" parameter, in exactly the same way as it can for Win95. [lkcl 10aug97 - i tried setting the path to \\samba-server\homes\profile, and discovered that this fails because a background process maintains the connection to the [homes] share which does _not_ close down in between user logins. you have to have \\samba-server\%L\profile, where user is the username created from the [homes] share]. There is a parameter that is now available for use with NT Profiles: "logon drive". This should be set to "h:" or any other drive, and should be used in conjunction with the new "logon home" parameter. The entry for the NT 4.0 profile is a _directory_ not a file. The NT help on profiles mentions that a directory is also created with a .PDS extension. The user, while logging in, must have write permission to create the full profile path (and the folder with the .PDS extension) [lkcl 10aug97 - i found that the creation of the .PDS directory failed, and had to create these manually for each user, with a shell script. also, i presume, but have not tested, that the full profile path must be browseable just as it is for w95, due to the manner in which they attempt to create the full profile path: test existence of each path component; create path component]. In the profile directory, NT creates more folders than 95. It creates "Application Data" and others, as well as "Desktop", "Nethood", "Start Menu" and "Programs". The profile itself is stored in a file NTuser.DAT. Nothing appears to be stored in the .PDS directory, and its purpose is currently unknown. You can use the System Control Panel to copy a local profile onto a samba server (see NT Help on profiles: it is also capable of firing up the correct location in the System Control Panel for you). The NT Help file also mentions that renaming NTuser.DAT to NTuser.MAN turns a profile into a mandatory one. [lkcl 10aug97 - i notice that NT Workstation tells me that it is downloading a profile from a slow link. whether this is actually the case, or whether there is some configuration issue, as yet unknown, that makes NT Workstation _think_ that the link is a slow one is a matter to be resolved]. [lkcl 20aug97 - after samba digest correspondance, one user found, and another confirmed, that profiles cannot be loaded from a samba server unless "security = user" and "encrypt passwords = yes" (see the file ENCRYPTION.txt) or "security = server" and "password server = ip.address. of.yourNTserver" are used. either of these options will allow the NT workstation to access the samba server using LAN manager encrypted passwords, without the user intervention normally required by NT workstation for clear-text passwords]. [lkcl 25aug97 - more comments received about NT profiles: the case of the profile _matters_. the file _must_ be called NTuser.DAT or, for a mandatory profile, NTuser.MAN]. Windows NT Server ----------------- There is nothing to stop you specifying any path that you like for the location of users' profiles. Therefore, you could specify that the profile be stored on a samba server, or any other SMB server, as long as that SMB server supports encrypted passwords. Sharing Profiles between W95 and NT Workstation 4.0 --------------------------------------------------- The default logon path is \\%N\U%. NT Workstation will attempt to create a directory "\\samba-server\username.PDS" if you specify the logon path as "\\samba-server\username" with the NT User Manager. Therefore, you will need to specify (for example) "\\samba-server\username\profile". NT 4.0 will attempt to create "\\samba-server\username\profile.PDS", which is more likely to succeed. If you then want to share the same Start Menu / Desktop with W95, you will need to specify "logon path = \\samba-server\username\profile" [lkcl 10aug97 this has its drawbacks: i created a shortcut to telnet.exe, which attempts to run from the c:\winnt\system32 directory. this directory is obviously unlikely to exist on a Win95-only host]. If you have this set up correctly, you will find separate user.DAT and NTuser.DAT files in the same profile directory. [lkcl 25aug97 - there are some issues to resolve with downloading of NT profiles, probably to do with time/date stamps. i have found that NTuser.DAT is never updated on the workstation after the first time that it is copied to the local workstation profile directory. this is in contrast to w95, where it _does_ transfer / update profiles correctly].