Samba Projects Directory


This is a list of who's working on what in Samba. It's not guaranteed
to be uptodate or accurate but I hope it will help us getting

If you are working on something to do with Samba and you aren't here
then please let me know! Also, if you are listed below and you have
any corrections or updates then please let me know.

Email contact:

Documentation and FAQ

Docs and FAQ files for the Samba suite of software.

Contact with the diffs. These are urgently 
required. The man pages were last guaranteed up to date as of version
1.7.07, and although many changes have been made since then there is still
a lot of work to be done.

The FAQ is being added to on an ad hoc basis, see the web pages for info.

Mark Preston was working on a set of formatted docs for Samba. Is this
still happening? Contact

Status last updated 2nd October 1996

Netbeui support

This aimed to produce patches so that Samba can be used with clients
that do not have TCP/IP. It will try to remain as portable as possible.
Contact Brian.Onn@Canada.Sun.COM (Brian Onn) Unfortunately it died, and
although a lot of people have expressed interest nobody has come forward
to do it. The Novell port (see Samba web pages) includes NetBEUI 
functionality in a proprietrary library which should still be helpful as 
we have the interfaces. Alan Cox ( has the information 
required to write the state machine if someone is going to do the work.

Status last updated 2nd October 1996


A mountable smb filesystem for Linux using the userfs userspace filesystem

Contact (Volker Lendecke)

This works really well, and is measurably more efficient than commercial
client software. It is now part of the Linux kernel. Long filename support
is in alpha.

Status last updated 2nd October 1996


Aims to produce a complete rfc1001/1002 implementation. The current
nmbd is a partial implementation.

Contact Fabrice Cetre (

Status last updated 23rd August 1994

Admin Tool

Aims to produce a nice smb.conf editor and other useful tools for
administering a Samba system.

Contact: Steve Brown (

In the design phase.

Status last updated 4th September 1994

Lanman Client.

Contact: (John Stewart)

Aims to produce a reliable LANMAN Client implementation for LINUX,
and possibly other variations of UNIX. Project ably started by
Tor Lillqvist;

Status last updated 17th January 1995