%xsldoc.ent; ]> $Id: authorgroup.mod.xsl,v 1.10 2003/12/30 13:38:54 j-devenish Exp $ &ramon; &james; 2000200120022003 Ramon Casellas &rev_2003_05; Authorgroups <filename>authorgroup.mod.xsl</filename> The file authorgroup.mod.xsl contains the XSL templates for author, editor, othercreditpersonname, authorblurb, authorgroup and authorinitials.
Pertinent Variables
Process authorgroup elements Formats a list of authors for typsetting as a formatted block (not inline). Applies templates for author elements, inserting and between authors' names. &no_var; person.list The nodes to be formatted. By default, the template will select child::author, child::corpauthor, child::othercredit and child::editor for the current node. May be called from any template when the current node has author, editor, corpauthor or othercredit children. This template uses person.name.list from db2latex/xsl/common/common.xsl to format the list of authors. For compatibility with &latex;, is called on the output of person.name.list. This may pose problems but has not been investigated. &test_article; &test_biblio; &test_bind; &test_book; &test_ieeebiblio; &test_minimal; Process names of authors and similar elements Formats a person's name for inline display. &no_var; This template uses person.name from db2latex/xsl/common/common.xsl to format the names of author, editor, othercredit and personname elements. For compatibility with &latex;, is called on the output of person.name.list. This may pose problems but has not been investigated. See . Process authorinitials elements Represents authorinitials by applying templates normally and then appending . The use of should be replaced with the normal localisation mechanism. &test_book; &test_article; &test_ieeebiblio; &test_minimal;