%xsldoc.ent; ]> $Id: para.mod.xsl,v 1.16 2004/01/13 14:17:45 j-devenish Exp $ &ramon; &james; 2000 2001 2002 2003 Ramon Casellas &rev_2003_05; Paragraphs <filename>para.mod.xsl</filename> The file para.mod.xsl contains the XSL template for para, simpara and formalpara. Use normal paragraph spacing instead of parskip spacing Uses docbooktolatexnoparskip. &essential_preamble; \docbooktolatexnoparskip Use parkip spacing, if user desires it Uses docbooktolatexrestoreparskip. &essential_preamble; \docbooktolatexrestoreparskip Process para and simpara elements Starts new lines above and below its contents. Thus, consecutive paras will have one blank line between them. In &latex;, there is no distinction between para and simpara. The accuracy of block elements within paras is unknown. The use of para within footnotes is unproven. &test_blocks; Process formalpara elements Starts new lines above and below its contents. The title is typeset using The accuracy of block elements within formalparas is unknown. The use of formalpara within footnotes is unproven. Calls . &test_blocks; { {{ } }}\ Delimite a formalpara's title from its para Emits a full stop (period). &no_var; This template can be used to emit any &LaTeX; sequence that you desire. You can make the appearance be conditional upon some attribute or document location, for instance. However, a 'space' will always be generated between this delimiter and the subsequent para contents. . Suppressed paragraphs These paragraphs are not separated like normal paragraphs. &no_var; This template exists to handle &latex; problems with par in certain contexts. These problems should be periodically reviewed by the &db2latex; team. &test_blocks;