mailto( manpage(findsmb htmlcommand((1)))(1)(2 May 2000)(Samba)(SAMBA) label(NAME) manpagename(findsmb)(list info about machines that respond to SMB name queries on a subnet) label(SYNOPSIS) manpagesynopsis() bf(findsmb) [link(subnet broadcast address)(subnetbroadcastaddress)] label(DESCRIPTION) manpagedescription() This perl script is part of the bf(Samba) suite. bf(findsmb) is a perl script that prints out several pieces of information about machines on a subnet that respond to SMB name query requests. It uses url(bf(nmblookup))(nmblookup.1.html) and url(bf(smbclient))(smbclient.1.html) to obtain this information. label(OPTIONS) manpageoptions() startdit() label(subnetbroadcastaddress) dit(bf(subnet broadcast address)) Without this option, bf(findsmb) will probe the subnet of the machine where bf(findsmb) is run. This value is passed to bf(nmblookup) as part of the bf(-B) option enddit() label(EXAMPLES) manpagesection(EXAMPLES) The output of bf(findsmb) lists the following information for all machines that respond to the initial bf(nmblookup) for any name: IP address, NetBIOS name, Workgroup name, operating system, and SMB server version. There will be a "+" in front of the workgroup name for machines that are local master browsers for that workgroup. There will be an "*" in front of the workgroup name for machines that are the domain master browser for that workgroup. Machines that are running Windows, Windows 95 or Windows 98 will not show any information about the operating system or server version. The command must be run on a system without bf(nmbd) running. If bf(nmbd) is running on the system, you will only get the IP address and the DNS name of the machine. To get proper responses from Windows 95 and Windows 98 machines, the command must be run as root. For example running: tt(findsmb) on a machine without bf(nmbd) running would yield output similar to the following verb( IP ADDR NETBIOS NAME WORKGROUP/OS/VERSION --------------------------------------------------------------------- MINESET-TEST1 [DMVENGR] LINUXBOX *[MYGROUP] [Unix] [Samba 2.0.6] HERBNT2 [HERB-NT] GANDALF [MVENGR] [Unix] [Samba 2.0.5a for IRIX] SAUNA [WORKGROUP] [Unix] [Samba 1.9.18p10] FROGSTAR [ENGR] [Unix] [Samba 2.0.0 for IRIX] HERBDHCP1 +[HERB] SCNT2 +[MVENGR] [Windows NT 4.0] [NT LAN Manager 4.0] FROGSTAR-PC [MVENGR] [Windows 5.0] [Windows 2000 LAN Manager] HERBNT1 *[HERB-NT] [Windows NT 4.0] [NT LAN Manager 4.0] ) label(VERSION) manpagesection(VERSION) This man page is correct for version 2.0 of the Samba suite. label(SEEALSO) manpageseealso() url(bf(nmblookup (1)))(nmblookup.1.html), url(bf(smbclient (1)))(smbclient.1.html) label(AUTHOR) manpageauthor() This perl script was developed by Herb Lewis of SGI. The original Samba software and related utilities were created by Andrew Tridgell email( Samba is now developed by the Samba Team as an Open Source project similar to the way the Linux kernel is developed. See url(bf(samba (7)))(samba.7.html) to find out how to get a full list of contributors and details on how to submit bug reports, comments etc.