mailto( manpage(wbinfo htmlcommand((1)))(1)(13 Jun 2000)(Samba)(SAMBA) label(NAME) manpagename(wbinfo)(Query information from winbind daemon) label(SYNOPSIS) manpagesynopsis() bf(wbinfo) link(-u)(minusu) [link(-g)(minusg)] [link(-n name)(minusn)] [link(-s sid)(minuss)] [link(-U uid)(minusU)] [link(-G gid)(minusG)] [link(-S sid)(minusS)] [link(-Y sid)(minusY)] label(DESCRIPTION) manpagedescription() This program is part of the bf(Samba) suite version 3.0 and describes functionality not yet implemented in the main version of Samba. The bf(wbinfo) program queries and returns information created and used by the url(bf(winbindd(8)))(winbindd.8.html) daemon. The url(bf(winbindd(8)))(winbindd.8.html) daemon must be configured and running for the bf(wbinfo) program to be able to return information. label(OPTIONS) manpageoptions() The following options are available to the bf(wbinfo) program: startdit() label(minusu) dit(bf(-u)) This option will list all users available in the Windows NT domain for which the url(bf(winbindd(8)))(winbindd.8.html) daemon is operating in. Users in all trusted domains will also be listed. Note that this operation does not assign user ids to any users that have not already been seen by url(bf(winbindd(8)))(winbindd.8.html). label(minusg) dit(bf(-g)) This option will list all groups available in the Windows NT domain for which the url(bf(winbindd(8)))(winbindd.8.html) daemon is operating in. Groups in all trusted domains will also be listed. Note that this operation does not assign group ids to any groups that have not already been seen by url(bf(winbindd(8)))(winbindd.8.html). label(minusn) dit(bf(-n name)) The bf(-n) option queries url(bf(winbindd(8)))(winbindd.8.html) for the SID associated with the name specified. Domain names can be specified before the user name by using the winbind separator character. For example tt(DOM1/Administrator) refers to the tt(Administrator) user in the domain tt(DOM1). If no domain is specified then the domain used is the one specified in the bf(smb.conf) bf(workgroup) parameter. label(minuss) dit(bf(-s sid)) Use bf(-s) to resolve a SID to a name. This is the inverse of the bf(-n) option above. SIDs must be specified as ASCII strings in the traditional Microsoft format. For example tt(S-1-5-21-1455342024-3071081365-2475485837-500). label(minusU) dit(bf(-U uid)) Try to convert a UNIX user id to a Windows NT SID. If the uid specified does not refer to one within the bf(winbind uid range) then the operation will fail. label(minusG) dit(bf(-G gid)) Try to convert a UNIX group id to a Windows NT SID. If the gid specified does not refer to one within the bf(winbind gid range) then the operation will fail. label(minusS) dit(bf(-S sid)) Convert a SID to a UNIX user id. If the SID does not correspond to a UNIX user mapped by url(bf(winbindd(8)))(winbindd.8.html) then the operation will fail. label(minusY) dit(bf(-Y sid)) Convert a SID to a UNIX group id. If the SID does not correspond to a UNIX group mapped by url(bf(winbindd(8)))(winbindd.8.html) then the operation will fail. enddit() label(EXIT STATUS) manpagesection(EXIT STATUS) The bf(wbinfo) program returns 0 if the operation succeeded, or 1 if the operation failed. If the url(bf(winbindd(8)))(winbindd.8.html) daemon is not working bf(wbinfo) will always return failure. label(SEEALSO) manpageseealso() url(bf(winbindd(8)))(winbindd.8.html) label(AUTHOR) manpageauthor() The original Samba software and related utilities were created by Andrew Tridgell. Samba is now developed by the Samba Team as an Open Source project. bf(wbinfo) was written by Tim Potter.