#!/usr/bin/perl  -w
## Convert an LDIF file containing sambaAccount entries
## to the new sambaSamAccount objectclass
## Copyright Gerald (Jerry) Carter	2003
## Usage: convertSambaAccount <Domain SID> <input ldif> <output ldif>

use strict;
use Net::LDAP::LDIF;

my ( $domain, $domsid );
my ( $ldif, $ldif2 );
my ( $entry, @objclasses, $obj );
my ( $is_samba_account );
my ( %attr_map, $key );

if ( $#ARGV != 2 ) {
	print "Usage: convertSambaAccount domain_sid input_ldif output_ldif\n";
	exit 1;

%attr_map = ( 
	lmPassword	=> 'sambaLMPassword',
	ntPassword	=> 'sambaNTPassword',
	pwdLastSet	=> 'sambaPwdLastSet',
	pwdMustChange	=> 'sambaPwdMustChange',
	pwdCanChange	=> 'sambaPwdCanChange',
	homeDrive	=> 'sambaHomeDrive',
	smbHome		=> 'sambaHomePath',
	scriptPath	=> 'sambaLogonScript',
	profilePath	=> 'sambaProfilePath',
	kickoffTime	=> 'sambaKickoffTime',
	logonTime	=> 'sambaLogonTime',
	logoffTime	=> 'sambaLogoffTime',
	userWorkstations	=> 'sambaUserWorkstations',
	domain		=> 'sambaDomainName',
	acctFlags	=> 'sambaAcctFlags',

$domsid = $ARGV[0];

$ldif = Net::LDAP::LDIF->new ($ARGV[1], "r")
	or die $!;
$ldif2 = Net::LDAP::LDIF->new ($ARGV[2], "w")
	or die $!;

while ( !$ldif->eof ) {
	undef ( $entry );
	$entry = $ldif->read_entry();

	## skip entry if we find an error
	if ( $ldif->error() ) {
		print "Error msg: ",$ldif->error(),"\n";
		print "Error lines:\n",$ldif->error_lines(),"\n";

	## check to see if we have anything to do on this
	## entry.  If not just write it out
	@objclasses = $entry->get_value( "objectClass" );
	undef ( $is_samba_account );
	foreach $obj ( @objclasses ) {
		if ( "$obj" eq "sambaAccount" ) {
			$is_samba_account = 1;

	if ( !defined ( $is_samba_account ) ) {
		$ldif2->write_entry( $entry );

	## start editing the sambaAccount

	$entry->delete( 'objectclass' => [ 'sambaAccount' ] );
	$entry->add( 'objectclass' => 'sambaSamAccount' );

	$entry->add( 'sambaSID' => $domsid."-".$entry->get_value( "rid" ) );
	$entry->delete( 'rid' );
	if ( $entry->get_value( "primaryGroupID" ) ) {
		$entry->add( 'sambaPrimaryGroupSID' => $domsid."-".$entry->get_value( "primaryGroupID" ) );
		$entry->delete( 'primaryGroupID' );

	foreach $key ( keys %attr_map ) {
		if ( $entry->get_value($key) ) {
			$entry->add( $attr_map{$key} => $entry->get_value($key) );
			$entry->delete( $key );
	$ldif2->write_entry( $entry );