#!/usr/bin/perl ## ## Example script of how you could import a smbpasswd file into an LDAP ## directory using the Mozilla PerLDAP module. ## ## writen by jerry@samba.org ## ## ported to Net::LDAP by dkrovich@slackworks.com use Net::LDAP; ################################################# ## set these to a value appropriate for your site ## $DN="ou=people,dc=plainjoe,dc=org"; $ROOTDN="cn=Manager,dc=plainjoe,dc=org"; # If you use perl special character in your # rootpw, escape them: # $rootpw = "secr\@t" instead of $rootpw = "secr@t" $rootpw = "n0pass"; $LDAPSERVER="scooby"; ## ## end local site variables ################################################# $ldap = Net::LDAP->new($LDAPSERVER) or die "Unable to connect to LDAP server $LDAPSERVER"; ## Bind as $ROOTDN so you can do updates $mesg = $ldap->bind($ROOTDN, password => $rootpw); $mesg->error() if $mesg->code(); while ( $string = <STDIN> ) { chomp ($string); ## Get the account info from the smbpasswd file @smbentry = split (/:/, $string); ## Check for the existence of a system account @getpwinfo = getpwnam($smbentry[0]); if (! @getpwinfo ) { print STDERR "**$smbentry[0] does not have a system account... \n"; next; } ## Calculate RID = uid*2 +1000 $rid=@getpwinfo[2]*2+1000; ## check and see if account info already exists in LDAP. $result = $ldap->search ( base => "$DN", scope => "sub", filter => "(uid=$smbentry[0])" ); ## If no LDAP entry exists, create one. if ( $result->count == 0 ) { $new_entry = Net::LDAP::Entry->new(); $new_entry->add( dn => "uid=$smbentry[0],$DN", uid => $smbentry[0], rid => $rid, lmPassword => $smbentry[2], ntPassword => $smbentry[3], acctFlags => $smbentry[4], cn => $smbentry[0], pwdLastSet => hex(substr($smbentry[5],4)), objectclass => 'sambaAccount' ); $result = $ldap->add( $new_entry ); $result->error() if $result->code(); print "Adding [uid=" . $smbentry[0] . "," . $DN . "]\n"; ## Otherwise, supplement/update the existing entry. } elsif ($result->count == 1) { # Put the search results into an entry object $entry = $result->entry(0); print "Updating [" . $entry->dn . "]\n"; ## Add the objectclass: sambaAccount attribute if it's not there @values = $entry->get_value( "objectclass" ); $flag = 1; foreach $item (@values) { print "$item\n"; if ( "$item" eq "sambaAccount" ) { $flag = 0; } } if ( $flag ) { ## Adding sambaAccount objectclass requires adding at least rid: ## uid attribute already exists we know since we searched on it $entry->add(objectclass => "sambaAccount", rid => $rid ); } ## Set the other attribute values $entry->replace(rid => $rid, lmPassword => $smbentry[2], ntPassword => $smbentry[3], acctFlags => $smbentry[4], pwdLastSet => hex(substr($smbentry[5],4))); ## Apply changes to the LDAP server $updatemesg = $entry->update($ldap); $updatemesg->error() if $updatemesg->code(); ## If we get here, the LDAP search returned more than one value ## which shouldn't happen under normal circumstances. } else { print STDERR "LDAP search returned more than one entry for $smbentry[0]... skipping!\n"; next; } } $ldap->unbind(); exit 0;