#!/usr/bin/perl -w # # Convert OpenLDAP schema files into Fedora DS format with RFC2252 compliant printing # # First Release : Mike Jackson <mj@sci.fi> 14 June 2005 # http://www.netauth.com/~jacksonm/ldap/ol-schema-migrate.pl # Professional LDAP consulting for large and small projects # # - 6 Dec 2005 # - objectclass element ordering # # Second Release : Alyseo <info@alyseo.com> 05 Februrary 2006 # Francois Billard <francois@alyseo.com> # Yacine Kheddache <yacine@alyseo.com> # http://www.alyseo.com/ # # - 05 Februrary 2006 # - parsing improvement to accept non-RFC compliant schemas (like ISPMAN) # - adding RFC element : Usage, No-user-modification, collective keywords # - 08 Februrary 2006 # - adding help & usage # - now this script can also beautify your schemas: "-b" # - count attributes and objects class: "-c" # - display items that can not be converted (empty OID...): "-d" # - 15 February 2006 # - adding workaround for Fedora DS bug 181465: # https://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=181465 # - adding duplicated OID check: "-d" # Useful to manually correct nasty schemas like: # https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&atid=108390&aid=1429276&group_id=8390 # - 13 September 2007 # Based on Samba Team GPL Compliance Officer request, license has been updated from # GPL to GPLv3+ # # - Fedora DS bug you need to correct by hand : # https://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=179956 # # GPLv3+ license # my $optionCount = 0; my $optionPrint = 0; my $optionBadEntries = 0; my $optionHelp = 0; my $filename = "" ; foreach (@ARGV) { $optionHelp = 1 if ( /^-h$/); $optionCount = 1 if ( /^-c$/); $optionPrint = 1 if ( /^-b$/); $optionBadEntries = 1 if ( /^-d$/); $filename = $_ if ( ! /^-b$/ && ! /^-c$/ && ! /^-d$/); } die "Usage : ol-schema-migrate-v2.pl [ -c ] [ -b ] [ -d ] schema\n" . " -c\tcount attribute and object class\n" . " -b\tconvert and beautify your schema\n" . " -d\tdisplay unrecognized elements, find empty and duplicated OID\n" . " -h\tthis help\n" if ($filename eq "" || ($optionHelp || (!$optionCount && !$optionPrint && !$optionBadEntries))); if($optionCount) { print "Schema verification counters:\n"; my $ldapdata = &getSourceFile($filename); print "".(defined($ldapdata->{attributes}) ? @{$ldapdata->{attributes}} : 0) . " attributes\n"; print "".(defined($ldapdata->{objectclass}) ? @{$ldapdata->{objectclass}} : 0) . " object classes\n\n" } if($optionPrint) { my $ldapdata = &getSourceFile($filename); &printit($ldapdata); } if($optionBadEntries) { print "Display unrecognized entries:\n"; my $ldapdata = &getSourceFile($filename); my $errorsAttr = 0; my $errorsObjc = 0; my $errorsDup = 0; my $emptyOid = 0; my %dup; foreach (@{$ldapdata->{attributes}}) { my $attr = $_; push @{$dup{$attr->{OID}}{attr}}, {NAME => $attr->{NAME}, LINENUMBER => $attr->{LINENUMBER}}; $attr->{DATA} =~ s/\n/ /g; $attr->{DATA} =~ s/\r//g; $attr->{DATA} =~ s/attribute[t|T]ypes?:?\s*\(//; $attr->{DATA} =~ s/\Q$attr->{OID}// if(defined $attr->{OID}); $attr->{DATA} =~ s/NAME\s*\Q$attr->{NAME}// if(defined $attr->{NAME}); $attr->{DATA} =~ s/DESC\s*'\Q$attr->{DESC}'// if(defined $attr->{DESC}); $attr->{DATA} =~ s/$attr->{OBSOLETE}// if(defined $attr->{OBSOLETE}); $attr->{DATA} =~ s/SUP\s*\Q$attr->{SUP}// if(defined $attr->{SUP}); $attr->{DATA} =~ s/EQUALITY\s*\Q$attr->{EQUALITY}// if(defined $attr->{EQUALITY}); $attr->{DATA} =~ s/ORDERING\s*\Q$attr->{ORDERING}// if(defined $attr->{ORDERING}); $attr->{DATA} =~ s/SUBSTR\s*\Q$attr->{SUBSTR}// if(defined $attr->{SUBSTR}); $attr->{DATA} =~ s/SYNTAX\s*\Q$attr->{SYNTAX}// if(defined $attr->{SYNTAX}); $attr->{DATA} =~ s/SINGLE-VALUE// if(defined $attr->{SINGLEVALUE}); $attr->{DATA} =~ s/NO-USER-MODIFICATION// if(defined $attr->{NOUSERMOD}); $attr->{DATA} =~ s/COLLECTIVE// if(defined $attr->{COLLECTIVE}); $attr->{DATA} =~ s/USAGE\s*\Q$attr->{USAGE}// if(defined $attr->{USAGE}); $attr->{DATA} =~ s/\)\s$//; $attr->{DATA} =~ s/^\s+(\S)/\n$1/ ; $attr->{DATA} =~ s/(\S)\s+$/$1\n/; do { $errorsAttr ++; do { $emptyOid ++; print "Warning : no OID for attributes element at line $attr->{LINENUMBER} \n"; } if( !defined($attr->{OID})); print "### Unknow element embedded in ATTRIBUTE at line $attr->{LINENUMBER} :\n$attr->{DATA}\n" } if($attr->{DATA} =~ /\w/); } foreach (@{$ldapdata->{objectclass}}) { my $objc = $_; push @{$dup{$objc->{OID}}{objc}} , {NAME => $objc->{NAME}, LINENUMBER => $objc->{LINENUMBER}}; $objc->{DATA} =~ s/\n/ /g; $objc->{DATA} =~ s/\r//g; $objc->{DATA} =~ s/^object[c|C]lasse?s?:?\s*\(?//; $objc->{DATA} =~ s/\Q$objc->{OID}// if(defined $objc->{OID}); $objc->{DATA} =~ s/NAME\s*\Q$objc->{NAME}\E// if(defined $objc->{NAME}); $objc->{DATA} =~ s/DESC\s*'\Q$objc->{DESC}\E'// if(defined $objc->{DESC}); $objc->{DATA} =~ s/OBSOLETE// if(defined $objc->{OBSOLETE}); $objc->{DATA} =~ s/SUP\s*\Q$objc->{SUP}// if(defined $objc->{SUP}); $objc->{DATA} =~ s/\Q$objc->{TYPE}// if(defined $objc->{TYPE}); $objc->{DATA} =~ s/MUST\s*\Q$objc->{MUST}\E\s*// if(defined $objc->{MUST}); $objc->{DATA} =~ s/MUST\s*\(?\s*\Q$objc->{MUST}\E\s*\)?// if(defined $objc->{MUST}); $objc->{DATA} =~ s/MAY\s*\Q$objc->{MAY}\E// if(defined $objc->{MAY}); $objc->{DATA} =~ s/\)\s$//; $objc->{DATA} =~ s/^\s+(\S)/\n$1/ ; $objc->{DATA} =~ s/(\S)\s+$/$1\n/; do { print "#" x 80 ."\n"; $errorsObjc ++; do { $emptyOid++ ; print "Warning : no OID for object class element at line $objc->{LINENUMBER} \n"; } if( $objc->{OID} eq ""); print "### Unknow element embedded in OBJECT CLASS at line $objc->{LINENUMBER} :\n$objc->{DATA}\n" } if($objc->{DATA} =~ /\w/); } my $nbDup = 0; foreach (keys %dup) { my $sumOid = 0; $sumOid += @{$dup{$_}{attr}} if(defined (@{$dup{$_}{attr}})); $sumOid += @{$dup{$_}{objc}} if(defined (@{$dup{$_}{objc}})); if( $sumOid > 1 && $_ ne "") { $nbDup ++; print "#" x 80 ."\n"; print "Duplicate OID founds : $_\n"; foreach (@{$dup{$_}{attr}}) { print "Attribute : $_->{NAME} (line : $_->{LINENUMBER})\n"; } foreach (@{$dup{$_}{objc}}) { print "Object class : $_->{NAME} (line : $_->{LINENUMBER})\n"; } } } print "\n$errorsAttr errors detected in ATTRIBUTES list\n"; print "$errorsObjc errors detected in OBJECT CLASS list\n"; print "$nbDup duplicate OID founds\n"; print "$emptyOid empty OID fields founds\n\n"; } sub printit { my $ldapdata = shift; &printSeparator; print "dn: cn=schema\n"; &printSeparator; # print elements in RFC2252 order foreach (@{$ldapdata->{attributes}}) { my $attr = $_; print "attributeTypes: (\n"; print " $attr->{OID}\n"; print " NAME $attr->{NAME}\n"; print " DESC '$attr->{DESC}'\n" if(defined $attr->{DESC}); print " OBSOLETE\n" if(defined $attr->{OBSOLETE}); print " SUP $attr->{SUP}\n" if(defined $attr->{SUP}); print " EQUALITY $attr->{EQUALITY}\n" if(defined $attr->{EQUALITY}); print " ORDERING $attr->{ORDERING}\n" if(defined $attr->{ORDERING}); print " SUBSTR $attr->{SUBSTR}\n" if(defined $attr->{SUBSTR}); print " SYNTAX $attr->{SYNTAX}\n" if(defined $attr->{SYNTAX}); print " SINGLE-VALUE\n" if(defined $attr->{SINGLEVALUE}); print " NO-USER-MODIFICATION\n" if(defined $attr->{NOUSERMOD}); print " COLLECTIVE\n" if(defined $attr->{COLLECTIVE}); print " USAGE $attr->{USAGE}\n" if(defined $attr->{USAGE}); print " )\n"; &printSeparator; } foreach (@{$ldapdata->{objectclass}}) { my $objc = $_; # next 3 lines : Fedora DS space sensitive bug workaround $objc->{SUP} =~ s/^\(\s*(.*?)\s*\)$/\( $1 \)/ if (defined $objc->{SUP}); $objc->{MUST} =~ s/^\(\s*(.*?)\s*\)$/\( $1 \)/ if (defined $objc->{MUST}); $objc->{MAY} =~ s/^\(\s*(.*?)\s*\)$/\( $1 \)/ if (defined $objc->{MAY}); print "objectClasses: (\n"; print " $objc->{OID}\n"; print " NAME $objc->{NAME}\n"; print " DESC '$objc->{DESC}'\n" if(defined $objc->{DESC}); print " OBSOLETE\n" if(defined $objc->{OBSOLETE}); print " SUP $objc->{SUP}\n" if(defined $objc->{SUP}); print " $objc->{TYPE}\n" if(defined $objc->{TYPE}); print " MUST $objc->{MUST}\n" if(defined $objc->{MUST}); print " MAY $objc->{MAY}\n" if(defined $objc->{MAY}); print " )\n"; &printSeparator; } } sub printSeparator { print "#\n"; print "#" x 80 . "\n"; print "#\n"; } sub getSourceFile { my @data = &getFile(shift); my %result; my $result = \%result; my @allattrs; my @allattrsLineNumber; my @allobjc; my @allobjcLineNumber; my $at = 0; my $oc = 0; my $at_string; my $oc_string; my $idx = 0; my $beginParenthesis = 0; my $endParenthesis = 0; my $lineNumber = 0; for(@data) { $lineNumber++; next if (/^\s*\#/); # skip comments if($at) { s/ +/ /; # remove embedded tabs s/\t/ /; # remove multiple spaces after the $ sign $at_string .= $_; $beginParenthesis = 0; # Use best matching elements $endParenthesis = 0; for(my $i=0;$ i < length($at_string); $i++) { $beginParenthesis++ if(substr ($at_string,$i,1) eq "("); $endParenthesis++ if(substr ($at_string,$i,1) eq ")"); } if($beginParenthesis == $endParenthesis) { push @allattrs, $at_string; $at = 0; $at_string = ""; $endParenthesis = 0; $beginParenthesis = 0; } } if (/^attribute[t|T]ype/) { my $line = $_; push @allattrsLineNumber, $lineNumber; # keep starting line number for(my $i=0;$ i < length($line); $i++) { $beginParenthesis++ if(substr ($line, $i, 1) eq "("); $endParenthesis++ if(substr ($line, $i, 1) eq ")"); } if($beginParenthesis == $endParenthesis && $beginParenthesis != 0) { push @allattrs, $line; $endParenthesis = 0; $beginParenthesis = 0; } else { $at_string = $line; $at = 1; } } ##################################### if($oc) { s/ +/ /; s/\t/ /; $oc_string .= $_; $endParenthesis = 0; # best methode to accept an elements : $beginParenthesis = 0; # left parenthesis sum == right parenthesis sum, so we are sure to for(my $i=0;$ i < length($oc_string); $i++) { # have an element. $beginParenthesis++ if(substr ($oc_string, $i, 1) eq "("); $endParenthesis++ if(substr ($oc_string, $i, 1) eq ")"); } if($beginParenthesis == $endParenthesis) { push @allobjc, $oc_string; $oc = 0; $oc_string = ""; $endParenthesis = 0; $beginParenthesis = 0; } } if (/^object[c|C]lass/) { my $line = $_; push @allobjcLineNumber, $lineNumber; # keep starting line number for(my $i=0;$ i < length($line); $i++) { $beginParenthesis++ if(substr ($line, $i, 1) eq "("); $endParenthesis++ if(substr ($line, $i, 1) eq ")"); } if($beginParenthesis == $endParenthesis && $beginParenthesis != 0) { push @allobjc, $line; $endParenthesis = 0; $beginParenthesis = 0; } else { $oc_string = $line; $oc = 1; } } } # Parsing attribute elements for(@allattrs) { s/\n/ /g; s/\r//g; s/ +/ /g; s/\t/ /g; $result->{attributes}->[$idx]->{DATA} = $_ if($optionBadEntries); # keep original data $result->{attributes}->[$idx]->{LINENUMBER} = $allattrsLineNumber[$idx]; $result->{attributes}->[$idx]->{OID} = $1 if (m/^attribute[t|T]ypes?:?\s*\(?\s*([\.\d]*?)\s+/); $result->{attributes}->[$idx]->{NAME} = $1 if (m/NAME\s+('.*?')\s*/ || m/NAME\s+(\(.*?\))/); $result->{attributes}->[$idx]->{DESC} = $1 if (m/DESC\s+'(.*?)'\s*/); $result->{attributes}->[$idx]->{OBSOLETE} = "OBSOLETE" if (m/OBSOLETE/); $result->{attributes}->[$idx]->{SUP} = $1 if (m/SUP\s+(.*?)\s/); $result->{attributes}->[$idx]->{EQUALITY} = $1 if (m/EQUALITY\s+(.*?)\s/); $result->{attributes}->[$idx]->{ORDERING} = $1 if (m/ORDERING\s+(.*?)\s/); $result->{attributes}->[$idx]->{SUBSTR} = $1 if (m/SUBSTR\s+(.*?)\s/); $result->{attributes}->[$idx]->{SYNTAX} = $1 if (m/SYNTAX\s+(.*?)(\s|\))/); $result->{attributes}->[$idx]->{SINGLEVALUE} = "SINGLE-VALUE" if (m/SINGLE-VALUE/); $result->{attributes}->[$idx]->{COLLECTIVE} = "COLLECTIVE" if (m/COLLECTIVE/); $result->{attributes}->[$idx]->{USAGE} = $1 if (m/USAGE\s+(.*?)\s/); $result->{attributes}->[$idx]->{NOUSERMOD} = "NO-USER-MODIFICATION" if (m/NO-USER-MODIFICATION/); $idx ++; } $idx = 0; # Parsing object class elements for(@allobjc) { s/\n/ /g; s/\r//g; s/ +/ /g; s/\t/ /g; $result->{objectclass}->[$idx]->{DATA} = $_ if($optionBadEntries); # keep original data $result->{objectclass}->[$idx]->{LINENUMBER} = $allobjcLineNumber[$idx]; $result->{objectclass}->[$idx]->{OID} = $1 if (m/^object[c|C]lasse?s?:?\s*\(?\s*([\.\d]*?)\s+/); $result->{objectclass}->[$idx]->{NAME} = $1 if (m/NAME\s+('.*?')\s*/ || m/NAME\s+(\(.*?\))/); $result->{objectclass}->[$idx]->{DESC} = $1 if (m/DESC\s+'(.*?)'\s*/); $result->{objectclass}->[$idx]->{OBSOLETE} = "OBSOLETE" if (m/OBSOLETE/); $result->{objectclass}->[$idx]->{SUP} = $1 if (m/SUP\s+([^()]+?)\s/ || m/SUP\s+(\(.+?\))\s/); $result->{objectclass}->[$idx]->{TYPE} = $1 if (m/((?:STRUCTURAL)|(?:AUXILIARY)|(?:ABSTRACT))/); $result->{objectclass}->[$idx]->{MUST} = $1 if (m/MUST\s+(\w+)\)?/ || m/MUST\s+(\(.*?\))(\s|\))/s); $result->{objectclass}->[$idx]->{MAY} = $1 if (m/MAY\s+(\w+)\)?/ || m/MAY\s+(\(.*?\))(\s|\))/s); $idx++; } return $result; } sub getFile { my @data; my $file = shift; die "File not found : $file\n" if(! -e $file); open FH, $file; @data = <FH>; close FH; @data; }