## TODO list - First In, Last in the list... ## (BF: Bug Report / FR: Feature Request) FR * add 'LDAP port' for both slave and master LDAP server in smbldap_conf.pm FR * use RFC2307 best practices (Luke, next time you visit Paris, have a beer at IDEALX'cantina ;-) FR * add mail (sendmail/postfix/qmail/courier) support FR * bugfix, really : allow non-root users to change passwd (currently the config must be unreadable because of bindpasswd) FR * make smbldap-tools to use system configuration files (/etc/login.defs and /etc/ldap.conf for example) FR * rewrite smbldap-tools using perl-ldap. In fact, this 0.x release use ldap system tools (ldapadd,ldapdelete,ldapmodify) FR * add shadowAccounts manipulation support FR * internationalize the SMBLDAP-TOOLS FR * add smbldap-sar : Samba System Activity Report to help supporting Samba/LDAP sysadmin activity FR * add smbldap-backup/smbldap-restore to backup and restore a SAM (in LDAP) database. No sorcery, just LDIF, but usefull for non-LDAP gurus FR * adding migration tools from migration from W2K and NetWare to Samba-LDAP FR * adapt smbldap-tools to use Samba 3.0 # - The End