#!/usr/bin/perl # This code was developped by IDEALX (http://IDEALX.org/) and # contributors (their names can be found in the CONTRIBUTORS file). # # Copyright (C) 2001-2002 IDEALX # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, # USA. # Purpose of smbldap-usermod : user (posix,shadow,samba) modification use strict; use FindBin; use FindBin qw($RealBin); use lib "$RealBin/"; use smbldap_tools; use smbldap_conf; ##################### use Getopt::Std; my %Options; my $nscd_status; my $ok = getopts('A:B:C:D:E:F:H:IJN:S:xme:f:u:g:G:d:l:s:c:ok:?h', \%Options); if ( (!$ok) || (@ARGV < 1) || ($Options{'?'}) || ($Options{'h'}) ) { print "Usage: $0 [-awmugdsckxABCDEFGHI?h] username\n"; print "Available options are:\n"; print " -c gecos\n"; print " -d home directory\n"; #print " -m move home directory\n"; #print " -f inactive days\n"; print " -u uid\n"; print " -o uid can be non unique\n"; print " -g gid\n"; print " -G supplementary groups (comma separated)\n"; print " -l login name\n"; print " -s shell\n"; print " -N canonical name\n"; print " -S surname\n"; print " For samba users:\n"; print " -e expire date (\"YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS\")\n"; print " -x creates rid and primaryGroupID in hex instead of decimal (for Samba 2.2.2 unpatched only)\n"; print " -A can change password ? 0 if no, 1 if yes\n"; print " -B must change password ? 0 if no, 1 if yes\n"; print " -C sambaHomePath (SMB home share, like '\\\\PDC-SRV\\homes')\n"; print " -D sambaHomeDrive (letter associated with home share, like 'H:')\n"; print " -E sambaLogonScript (DOS script to execute on login)\n"; print " -F sambaProfilePath (profile directory, like '\\\\PDC-SRV\\profiles\\foo')\n"; print " -H sambaAcctFlags (samba account control bits like '[NDHTUMWSLKI]')\n"; print " -I disable an user. Can't be used with -H or -J\n"; print " -J enable an user. Can't be used with -H or -I\n"; print " -?|-h show this help message\n"; exit (1); } if ($< != 0) { print "You must be root to modify an user\n"; exit (1); } # Read only first @ARGV my $user = $ARGV[0]; # Read user data my $user_entry = read_user_entry($user); if (!defined($user_entry)) { print "$0: user $user doesn't exist\n"; exit (1); } my $samba = 0; if (grep ($_ =~ /^sambaSamAccount$/i, $user_entry->get_value('objectClass'))) { $samba = 1; } # get the dn of the user my $dn= $user_entry->dn(); my $tmp; my @mods; # Process options my $changed_uid; my $_userUidNumber; my $_userRid; if (defined($tmp = $Options{'u'})) { if (defined($Options{'o'})) { $nscd_status = system "/etc/init.d/nscd status >/dev/null 2>&1"; if ($nscd_status == 0) { system "/etc/init.d/nscd stop > /dev/null 2>&1"; } if (getpwuid($tmp)) { if ($nscd_status == 0) { system "/etc/init.d/nscd start > /dev/null 2>&1"; } print "$0: uid number $tmp exists\n"; exit (6); } if ($nscd_status == 0) { system "/etc/init.d/nscd start > /dev/null 2>&1"; } } push(@mods, 'uidNumber', $tmp); $_userUidNumber = $tmp; if ($samba) { # as rid we use 2 * uid + 1000 my $_userRid = 2 * $_userUidNumber + 1000; if (defined($Options{'x'})) { $_userRid= sprint("%x", $_userRid); } push(@mods, 'sambaSID', $SID.'-'.$_userRid); } $changed_uid = 1; } my $changed_gid; my $_userGidNumber; my $_userGroupRid; if (defined($tmp = $Options{'g'})) { $_userGidNumber = parse_group($tmp); if ($_userGidNumber < 0) { print "$0: group $tmp doesn't exist\n"; exit (6); } push(@mods, 'gidNumber', $_userGidNumber); if ($samba) { # as grouprid we use 2 * gid + 1001 my $_userGroupRid = 2 * $_userGidNumber + 1001; if (defined($Options{'x'})) { $_userGroupRid = sprint("%x", $_userGroupRid); } push(@mods, 'sambaPrimaryGroupSid', $SID.'-'.$_userGroupRid); } $changed_gid = 1; } if (defined($tmp = $Options{'s'})) { push(@mods, 'loginShell' => $tmp); } if (defined($tmp = $Options{'c'})) { push(@mods, 'gecos' => $tmp, 'description' => $tmp); if ($samba == 1) { push(@mods, 'displayName' => $tmp); } } if (defined($tmp = $Options{'d'})) { push(@mods, 'homeDirectory' => $tmp); } if (defined($tmp = $Options{'N'})) { push(@mods, 'cn' => $tmp); } if (defined($tmp = $Options{'S'})) { push(@mods, 'sn' => $tmp); } if (defined($tmp = $Options{'G'})) { # remove user from old groups my $groups = find_groups_of $user; my @grplines = split(/\n/, $groups); my $grp; foreach $grp (@grplines) { my $gname = ""; if ( $grp =~ /dn: cn=([^,]+),/) { $gname = $1; #print "xx $gname\n"; } if ($gname ne "") { group_remove_member($gname, $user); } } # add user to new groups add_grouplist_user($tmp, $user); } # # A : sambaPwdCanChange # B : sambaPwdMustChange # C : sambaHomePath # D : sambaHomeDrive # E : sambaLogonScript # F : sambaProfilePath # H : sambaAcctFlags my $attr; my $winmagic = 2147483647; my $samba = is_samba_user($user); if (defined($tmp = $Options{'e'})) { if ($samba == 1) { my $kickoffTime=`date --date='$tmp' +%s`; chomp($kickoffTime); push(@mods, 'sambakickoffTime' => $kickoffTime); } else { print "User $user is not a samba user\n"; } } my $_sambaPwdCanChange; if (defined($tmp = $Options{'A'})) { if ($samba == 1) { $attr = "sambaPwdCanChange"; if ($tmp != 0) { $_sambaPwdCanChange=0; } else { $_sambaPwdCanChange=$winmagic; } push(@mods, 'sambaPwdCanChange' => $_sambaPwdCanChange); } else { print "User $user is not a samba user\n"; } } my $_sambaPwdMustChange; if (defined($tmp = $Options{'B'})) { if ($samba == 1) { if ($tmp != 0) { $_sambaPwdMustChange=0; } else { $_sambaPwdMustChange=$winmagic; } push(@mods, 'sambaPwdMustChange' => $_sambaPwdMustChange); } else { print "User $user is not a samba user\n"; } } if (defined($tmp = $Options{'C'})) { if ($samba == 1) { #$tmp =~ s/\\/\\\\/g; push(@mods, 'sambaHomePath' => $tmp); } else { print "User $user is not a samba user\n"; } } my $_sambaHomeDrive; if (defined($tmp = $Options{'D'})) { if ($samba == 1) { $tmp = $tmp.":" unless ($tmp =~ /:/); push(@mods, 'sambaHomeDrive' => $tmp); } else { print "User $user is not a samba user\n"; } } if (defined($tmp = $Options{'E'})) { if ($samba == 1) { #$tmp =~ s/\\/\\\\/g; push(@mods, 'sambaLogonScript' => $tmp); } else { print "User $user is not a samba user\n"; } } if (defined($tmp = $Options{'F'})) { if ($samba == 1) { #$tmp =~ s/\\/\\\\/g; push(@mods, 'sambaProfilePath' => $tmp); } else { print "User $user is not a samba user\n"; } } if ($samba == 1 and (defined $Options{'H'} or defined $Options{'I'} or defined $Options{'J'})) { my $_sambaAcctFlags; if (defined($tmp = $Options{'H'})) { #$tmp =~ s/\\/\\\\/g; $_sambaAcctFlags=$tmp; } else { # I or J my $flags; $flags = $user_entry->get_value('sambaAcctFlags'); if (defined($tmp = $Options{'I'})) { if ( !($flags =~ /D/) ) { my $letters; if ($flags =~ /(\w+)/) { $letters = $1; } $_sambaAcctFlags="\[D$letters\]"; } } elsif (defined($tmp = $Options{'J'})) { if ( $flags =~ /D/ ) { my $letters; if ($flags =~ /(\w+)/) { $letters = $1; } $letters =~ s/D//; $_sambaAcctFlags="\[$letters\]"; } } } if ("$_sambaAcctFlags" ne '') { push(@mods, 'sambaAcctFlags' => $_sambaAcctFlags); } } elsif (!$samba == 1 and (defined $Options{'H'} or defined $Options{'I'} or defined $Options{'J'})) { print "User $user is not a samba user\n"; } # Let's connect to the directory first my $ldap_master=connect_ldap_master(); # apply changes my $modify = $ldap_master->modify ( "$dn", 'replace' => { @mods } ); $modify->code && warn "failed to modify entry: ", $modify->error ; # take down session $ldap_master->unbind; $nscd_status = system "/etc/init.d/nscd status >/dev/null 2>&1"; if ($nscd_status == 0) { system "/etc/init.d/nscd restart > /dev/null 2>&1"; } ############################################################ =head1 NAME smbldap-usermod.pl - Modify a user account =head1 SYNOPSIS smbldap-usermod.pl [-c comment] [-d home_dir] [-g initial_group] [-G group[,...]] [-l login_name] [-p passwd] [-s shell] [-u uid [ -o]] [-x] [-A canchange] [-B mustchange] [-C smbhome] [-D homedrive] [-E scriptpath] [-F profilepath] [-H acctflags] login =head1 DESCRIPTION The smbldap-usermod.pl command modifies the system account files to reflect the changes that are specified on the command line. The options which apply to the usermod command are -c comment The new value of the user's comment field (gecos). -d home_dir The user's new login directory. -g initial_group The group name or number of the user's new initial login group. The group name must exist. A group number must refer to an already existing group. The default group number is 1. -G group,[...] A list of supplementary groups which the user is also a member of. Each group is separated from the next by a comma, with no intervening whitespace. The groups are subject to the same restrictions as the group given with the -g option. If the user is currently a member of a group which is not listed, the user will be removed from the group -l login_name The name of the user will be changed from login to login_name. Nothing else is changed. In particular, the user's home direcĀ tory name should probably be changed to reflect the new login name. -s shell The name of the user's new login shell. Setting this field to blank causes the system to select the default login shell. -u uid The numerical value of the user's ID. This value must be unique, unless the -o option is used. The value must be non- negative. Any files which the user owns and which are located in the directory tree rooted at the user's home direcĀ tory will have the file user ID changed automatically. Files outside of the user's home directory must be altered manually. -x Creates rid and primaryGroupID in hex instead of decimal (for Samba 2.2.2 unpatched only - higher versions always use decimal) -A can change password ? 0 if no, 1 if yes -B must change password ? 0 if no, 1 if yes -C sambaHomePath (SMB home share, like '\\\\PDC-SRV\\homes') -D sambaHomeDrive (letter associated with home share, like 'H:') -E sambaLogonScript, relative to the [netlogon] share (DOS script to execute on login, like 'foo.bat') -F sambaProfilePath (profile directory, like '\\\\PDC-SRV\\profiles\\foo') -H sambaAcctFlags, spaces and trailing bracket are ignored (samba account control bits like '[NDHTUMWSLKI]') -I disable user. Can't be used with -H or -J -J enable user. Can't be used with -H or -I =head1 SEE ALSO usermod(1) =cut #'