To create "smbsh" on Linux, just type "make".

If you execute "smbsh" in *this* directory (so that it can find the required
shared library), you'll find yourself in a new shell.  You can then issue
commands referencing the "/smb" pseudo-filesystem:

  ls /smb
  ls /smb/SERVER
  ls /smb/SERVER/SHARE

Note that WORKGROUP_OR_DOMAIN is *not* used other than at that level.  This is
consistent with the smb:// URI definition.

  smbsh [-L <path to find>]
        [-p <library to load before>]
        [-a <library to load after>]
        [-d <debug value for libsmbclient>]
        [-n]                                    (do not ask for username/password)
        [-W <workgroup>]
        [-U <username%password]

So to list the contents of \\MYDESK\C$ where a username (adventure) and password
(xyzzy) are required, and with installed in /usr/share/samba, you
could try:

  smbsh -L /usr/share/samba -U adventure%xyzzy ls '/smb/MYDESK/C$'

(It's a good idea to get in the habit of surrounding windows paths in single
quotes, since they often contain spaces and other characters that'll give you
headaches when not escaped.)

This smbsh seems to work quite well on Linux 2.4 and 2.6.  The biggest problem it
has is in tracking your current working directory.  I haven't had the time to
track that down and fix it.

Derrell Lipman