# Mapping should be kept in the form # username(USER) or groupname(WEBUSERS) = driveletter (W:), samba share name (WEB) # ie. user = W:,WEB or webusers = W:,WEB # Problem found when testing, if there is a duplicate entry only the last one is used, # not the first or both, another problem is that when testing I found a bug in Config::Simple, if you have a tab # infront of your # on a comment it breaks ... # logging = yes # Should Logging be enabled (YES,ON,1 or NO,OFF,0)(if not specified defaults to no) # logdir = "/root/perl" # What is the base directory the logs should be stored. # logfile = "userlogs.txt" # What should the file be named. # logtype = file (default) # file will log to the file specified, syslog is well... the system logs ;) [global] logging = yes logdir = "/home/samba/netlogon" logfile = "UserLogs.txt" logtype = system mkprofile = 1 timesync = yes sambaconf = "/etc/samba/smb.conf" # Change and uncomment the below value to force the servername, some clients ocassionally # have trouble picking up the right servername so it may need to be set. It CANNOT be left blank AND uncommented. # servername = staticservername [common] public = P:, public home = H:, /home [groupmap] admin = Y:, UTILS adm = R:, NETLOGON [usermap] user1 = G:, GHOST beanbags = Q:, STAR avinst = P:\\vexira\\vexprof.bat # Here is where things get confusing, you can assign a computer, or make a group of computers. # The same context will go for ip address's as well. # Use the following examples for help. # To define a single computer to do commands # mymachinename = command1, command2 # To define a group of computers to do commands # mymachinegroup = machinename1, machinename2 # [preformcommands] # mymachinegroup = command1,command2 [machines] #emints 1 is jf emints1 = school-w88zfod9, school-o8axvv6t, school-mmtudgbo, school-dpokmajd, school-m84hx4iw, school-74548k1j, school-vou4gdap, school-qfuw5uho #emints 2 is kh emints2 = school-w7loulcx, school-2tbh64eu, school-uunqieuz, school-pow35do4, school-x0v0cbiz, school-zu5qyjhw, school-l4q4j32o [ip] ipgroup1 = -, ipgroup2 = # This is the section where you can specify things according to the operating system of the client. # The clients OS -- Windows 95/98/ME (Win95), Windows NT (WinNT), # Windows 2000 (Win2K), Windows XP (WinXP), and Windows 2003 # (Win2K3). Anything else will be known as ``UNKNOWN'' # That snippet is directly from man smb.conf. # [os] Win95 = REM your computer is windows 9x based WinNT = Win2K = WinXP = Win2K3 = UNKNOWN = [preformcommands] emints1 = START \\\\JF-TEACHER\\Brother, START \\\\JF-TEACHER\\Canon, REGEDIT /S P:\\SETHOME-JF.REG, your in emints 1 emints2 = START \\\\s0034292474\\Brother, START \\\\s0034292474\\Canon, REGEDIT /S P:\\SETHOME-KH.REG ipgroup1 = echo your in the ip group ipgroup2 = echo your in the ip group 2, start command.com