#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# adssearch.pl 	- query an Active Directory server and
#		  display objects in a human readable format
# Copyright (C) Guenther Deschner <gd@samba.org> 2003-2005
# TODO: add range retrieval
#	write sddl-converter, decode userParameters
#	chase referrals
#	apparently only win2k3 allows simple-binds with machine-accounts.
#	make sasl support independent from Authen::SASL::Cyrus v >0.11
use strict;

use Net::LDAP;
use Net::LDAP::Control;
use Convert::ASN1;
use Time::Local;
use POSIX qw(strftime);
use Getopt::Long;

my $have_sasl;
my $works_sasl;
my $pref_version;
	my $class = 'Authen::SASL';
	$pref_version = "0.32";
        if ( eval "require $class;" ) {
                $have_sasl = 1;
        if ( eval "Net::LDAP->VERSION($pref_version);" ) {
                $works_sasl = 1;

# users may set defaults here
my $base 	= "";
my $binddn 	= "";
my $password 	= "";
my $server 	= "";

my $tdbdump	= "/usr/bin/tdbdump";
my $testparm	= "/usr/bin/testparm";
my $net		= "/usr/bin/net";
my $dig		= "/usr/bin/dig";
my $nmblookup	= "/usr/bin/nmblookup";
my $secrets_tdb = "/etc/samba/secrets.tdb";
my $klist	= "/usr/bin/klist";
my $kinit	= "/usr/bin/kinit";
my $ads_h 	= "/home/gd/ads.h";
my $page_size	= "1000";
my $workgroup	= "";
my $machine	= "";
my $realm	= "";

# parse input
my (

	'base|b=s'	=> \$opt_base,
	'D|DN=s'	=> \$opt_binddn,
	'debug=i'	=> \$opt_debug,
	'extendeddn|e'	=> \$opt_display_extendeddn,
	'help'		=> \$opt_help,
	'host|h=s'	=> \$opt_host,
	'machine|P'	=> \$opt_machine,
	'metadata|m'	=> \$opt_display_metadata,
	'nodiffs'	=> \$opt_notify_nodiffs,
	'notify|n'	=> \$opt_notify,
	'password|w=s'	=> \$opt_password,
	'port=i'	=> \$opt_port,
	'rawdisplay'	=> \$opt_display_raw,
	'realm|R=s'	=> \$opt_realm,
	'rootDSE'	=> \$opt_dump_rootdse,
	'saslmech|Y=s'	=> \$opt_saslmech,
	'schema|c'	=> \$opt_dump_schema,
	'scope|s=s'	=> \$opt_scope,
	'simpleauth|x'	=> \$opt_simpleauth,
	'tls|Z'		=> \$opt_starttls,
	'user|U=s'	=> \$opt_user,
	'wknguid'	=> \$opt_dump_wknguid,
	'workgroup|k=s'	=> \$opt_workgroup,

# activate controls
my $paging	= 1 if !$opt_notify;

if (!@ARGV && !$opt_dump_schema && !$opt_dump_rootdse && !$opt_notify || $opt_help) {
	exit 1;

# get the query
my $query 	= shift;
my @attrs	= @ARGV;

# some global vars
my ($filter, $dse, $uri);
my ($attr, $value);
my (@ctrls, @ctrls_s);
my ($ctl_paged, $cookie);
my ($page_count, $total_entry_count);
my ($sasl_hd, $async_ldap_hd, $sync_ldap_hd);
my ($mesg, $usn);
my (%entry_store);
my $async_search;
my (%ads_atype, %ads_gtype, %ads_uf);

# fixed values and vars
my $set   	= "X";
my $unset 	= "-";

# get defaults
my $scope 	= $opt_scope 	|| "sub"; 
my $port 	= $opt_port;

my %ads_controls = (
"LDAP_SERVER_NOTIFICATION_OID"	 	=> "1.2.840.113556.1.4.528",
"LDAP_SERVER_EXTENDED_DN_OID" 		=> "1.2.840.113556.1.4.529",
"LDAP_PAGED_RESULT_OID_STRING"		=> "1.2.840.113556.1.4.319",
"LDAP_SERVER_SD_FLAGS_OID"		=> "1.2.840.113556.1.4.801",
"LDAP_SERVER_SORT_OID"			=> "1.2.840.113556.1.4.473",
"LDAP_SERVER_RESP_SORT_OID"		=> "1.2.840.113556.1.4.474",
"LDAP_CONTROL_VLVREQUEST"		=> "2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.9",
"LDAP_CONTROL_VLVRESPONSE"		=> "2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.10",
"LDAP_SERVER_RANGE_RETRIEVAL"		=> "1.2.840.113556.1.4.802", #unsure
"LDAP_SERVER_SHOW_DELETED_OID"		=> "1.2.840.113556.1.4.417",
"LDAP_SERVER_CROSSDOM_MOVE_TARGET_OID" 	=> "1.2.840.113556.1.4.521",
"LDAP_SERVER_LAZY_COMMIT_OID"		=> "1.2.840.113556.1.4.619",
"LDAP_SERVER_TREE_DELETE_OID"		=> "1.2.840.113556.1.4.805",
"LDAP_SERVER_DIRSYNC_OID"		=> "1.2.840.113556.1.4.841",
"LDAP_SERVER_VERIFY_NAME_OID"		=> "1.2.840.113556.1.4.1338",
"LDAP_SERVER_DOMAIN_SCOPE_OID"		=> "1.2.840.113556.1.4.1339",
"LDAP_SERVER_SEARCH_OPTIONS_OID"	=> "1.2.840.113556.1.4.1340",
"LDAP_SERVER_PERMISSIVE_MODIFY_OID" 	=> "1.2.840.113556.1.4.1413",
"LDAP_SERVER_ASQ_OID"			=> "1.2.840.113556.1.4.1504",
"NONE (Get stats control)"		=> "1.2.840.113556.1.4.970",
"LDAP_SERVER_QUOTA_CONTROL_OID"		=> "1.2.840.113556.1.4.1852",

my %ads_capabilities = (
"LDAP_CAP_ACTIVE_DIRECTORY_OID"		=> "1.2.840.113556.1.4.800",
"LDAP_CAP_ACTIVE_DIRECTORY_V51_OID" 	=> "1.2.840.113556.1.4.1670",
"LDAP_CAP_ACTIVE_DIRECTORY_LDAP_INTEG_OID" => "1.2.840.113556.1.4.1791",

my %ads_extensions = (
"LDAP_SERVER_FAST_BIND_OID"		=> "1.2.840.113556.1.4.1781", 
"NONE (TTL refresh extended op)" 	=> "",

my %ads_matching_rules = (
"LDAP_MATCHING_RULE_BIT_AND"		=> "1.2.840.113556.1.4.803",
"LDAP_MATCHING_RULE_BIT_OR"		=> "1.2.840.113556.1.4.804",

my %wknguids = (

my %ads_systemflags = (
"FLAG_DONT_REPLICATE"			=> 0x00000001,	# 1
"FLAG_REPLICATE_TO_GC"			=> 0x00000002,	# 2
"FLAG_ATTRIBUTE_CONSTRUCT"		=> 0x00000004,	# 4
"FLAG_CATEGORY_1_OBJECT"		=> 0x00000010,	# 16
"FLAG_DELETE_WITHOUT_TOMBSTONE"		=> 0x02000000,	# 33554432
"FLAG_DOMAIN_DISALLOW_MOVE"		=> 0x04000000,	# 67108864
"FLAG_DOMAIN_DISALLOW_RENAME"		=> 0x08000000,	# 134217728
#"FLAG_CONFIG_CAN_MOVE_RESTRICTED"	=> 0x10000000,	# 268435456	# only setable on creation
#"FLAG_CONFIG_CAN_MOVE"			=> 0x20000000,	# 536870912	# only setable on creation
#"FLAG_CONFIG_CAN_RENAME"		=> 0x40000000,	# 1073741824	# only setable on creation
"FLAG_DISALLOW_DELETE"			=> 0x80000000,	# 2147483648

my %ads_mixed_domain = (

my %ads_ds_func = (
"DS_BEHAVIOR_WIN2000"			=> 0,	# untested
"DS_BEHAVIOR_WIN2003"			=> 2,

my %ads_instance_type = (
"IT_WRITE"				=> 0x4,
"IT_NC_ABOVE"				=> 0x8,

my %ads_uacc = (
	"ACCOUNT_NEVER_EXPIRES"	=> 0x000000, # 0 
	"ACCOUNT_OK"		=> 0x800000, # 8388608
	"ACCOUNT_LOCKED_OUT"	=> 0x800010, # 8388624

my %munged_dial = (
	"CtxCfgPresent"		=> \&dump_int,
	"CtxCfgFlags1"		=> \&dump_int,
	"CtxCallback"		=> \&dump_string,
	"CtxShadow"		=> \&dump_string,
	"CtxMaxConnectionTime"	=> \&dump_int,
	"CtxMaxDisconnectionTime"=> \&dump_int,
	"CtxMaxIdleTime"	=> \&dump_int,
	"CtxKeyboardLayout"	=> \&dump_int,
	"CtxMinEncryptionLevel"	=> \&dump_int,
	"CtxWorkDirectory"	=> \&dump_string,
	"CtxNWLogonServer"	=> \&dump_string,
	"CtxWFHomeDir"		=> \&dump_string,
	"CtxWFHomeDirDrive"	=> \&dump_string,
	"CtxWFProfilePath"	=> \&dump_string,
	"CtxInitialProgram"	=> \&dump_string,
	"CtxCallbackNumber"	=> \&dump_string,

$SIG{__WARN__} = sub {
	use Carp;
	Carp::cluck (shift);

# parse ads.h

# if there is data missing, we try to autodetect with samba-tools (if installed)
# this might fill up workgroup, machine, realm

# get a workgroup
$workgroup	= $workgroup || $opt_workgroup || "";

# get the server
$server 	= process_servername($opt_host) || 
		  detect_server($workgroup,$opt_realm) || 
		  die "please define server to query with -h host\n";

# get the base
$base 		= $opt_base || 

# get the realm
$realm		= $opt_realm || 

# get sasl mechs
my @sasl_mechs	= get_sasl_mechs_from_rootdse($server,$dse);
my $sasl_mech	= "GSSAPI";
if ($opt_saslmech) {
	$sasl_mech = sprintf("%s", (check_sasl_mech($opt_saslmech) == 0)?uc($opt_saslmech):"");

# set bind type
my $sasl_bind = 1 if (!$opt_simpleauth);

# get username
my $user 	= check_user($opt_user) || $ENV{'USER'} || "";

# gen upn
my $upn		= sprintf("%s", gen_upn($opt_machine ? "$machine\$" : $user, $realm));

# get binddn
$binddn		= $opt_binddn || $upn;

# get the password
$password 	= $password || $opt_password;
if (!$password) {
	$password = $opt_machine ? get_machine_password($workgroup) : get_password();

my %attr_handler = (
	"accountExpires"		=> \&dump_nttime,
	"badPasswordTime"		=> \&dump_nttime,			
	"creationTime"			=> \&dump_nttime,
	"currentTime"			=> \&dump_timestr,
	"domainControllerFunctionality" => \&dump_ds_func,
	"domainFunctionality" 		=> \&dump_ds_func,
	"dSCorePropagationData"		=> \&dump_timestr,
	"forceLogoff"			=> \&dump_nttime_abs,
	"forestFunctionality" 		=> \&dump_ds_func,
	"groupType"			=> \&dump_gtype,
	"instanceType"			=> \&dump_instance_type,
	"lastLogon"			=> \&dump_nttime,
	"lastLogonTimestamp"		=> \&dump_nttime,
	"lockoutTime"			=> \&dump_nttime,
	"lockoutDuration"		=> \&dump_nttime_abs,
	"lockOutObservationWindow"	=> \&dump_nttime_abs,
#	"logonHours"			=> \&dump_not_yet,
	"maxPwdAge"			=> \&dump_nttime_abs,
	"minPwdAge"			=> \&dump_nttime_abs,
	"modifyTimeStamp"		=> \&dump_timestr,
#	"msRADIUSFramedIPAddress"	=> \&dump_ipaddr,
#	"msRASSavedFramedIPAddress" 	=> \&dump_ipaddr,
	"ntMixedDomain"			=> \&dump_mixed_domain,
	"nTSecurityDescriptor"		=> \&dump_secdesc,
	"objectGUID"			=> \&dump_guid,
	"objectSid"			=> \&dump_sid,
	"pwdLastSet"			=> \&dump_nttime,
	"sAMAccountType"		=> \&dump_atype,
	"systemFlags"			=> \&dump_systemflags,
	"supportedControl",		=> \&dump_controls,
	"supportedCapabilities",	=> \&dump_capabilities,
	"supportedExtension",		=> \&dump_extension,
	"tokenGroups",			=> \&dump_sid,
	"userAccountControl"		=> \&dump_uac,
	"msDS-User-Account-Control-Computed" => \&dump_uacc,
	"userFlags"			=> \&dump_uf,
	"userParameters"		=> \&dump_munged_dial,
	"whenChanged"			=> \&dump_timestr,
	"whenCreated"			=> \&dump_timestr,

# subfunctions #

sub usage {
	print "usage: $0 [--base|-b base] [--debug level] [--debug level] [--DN|-D binddn] [--extendeddn|-e] [--help] [--host|-h host] [--machine|-P] [--metadata|-m] [--nodiffs] [--notify|-n] [--password|-w password] [--port port] [--rawdisplay] [--realm|-R realm] [--rootdse] [--saslmech|-Y saslmech] [--schema|-c] [--scope|-s scope] [--simpleauth|-x] [--starttls|-Z] [--user|-U user] [--wknguid] [--workgroup|-k workgroup] filter [attrs]\n";
	print "\t--base|-b [base]\n\t\tUse base [base]\n";
	print "\t--debug [level]\n\t\tUse debuglevel (for Net::LDAP)\n";
	print "\t--DN|-D [binddn]\n\t\tUse binddn or principal\n";
	print "\t--extendeddn|-e\n\t\tDisplay extended dn (LDAP_SERVER_EXTENDED_DN_OID)\n";
	print "\t--help\n\t\tDisplay help page\n";
	print "\t--host|-h [host]\n\t\tQuery Host [host] (either a hostname or an LDAP uri)\n";
	print "\t--machine|-P\n\t\tUse samba3 machine account stored in $secrets_tdb (needs root access)\n";
	print "\t--metdata|-m\n\t\tDisplay replication metadata\n";
	print "\t--nodiffs\n\t\tDisplay no diffs but full entry dump when running in notify mode\n";
	print "\t--notify|-n\n\t\tActivate asynchronous change notification (LDAP_SERVER_NOTIFICATION_OID)\n";
	print "\t--password|-w [password]\n\t\tUse [password] for binddn\n";
	print "\t--port [port]\n\t\tUse [port] when connecting ADS\n";
	print "\t--rawdisplay\n\t\tDo not interpret values\n";
	print "\t--realm|-R [realm]\n\t\tUse [realm] when trying to construct bind-principal\n";
	print "\t--rootdse\n\t\tDisplay RootDSE (anonymously)\n";
	print "\t--saslmech|-Y [saslmech]\n\t\tUse SASL Mechanism [saslmech] when binding\n";
	print "\t--schema|-c\n\t\tDisplay DSE-Schema\n";
	print "\t--scope|-s [scope]\n\t\tUse scope [scope] (sub, base, one)\n";
	print "\t--simpleauth|-x\n\t\tUse simple bind (otherwise SASL binds are performed)\n";
	print "\t--starttls|-Z\n\t\tUse Start TLS extended operation to secure LDAP traffic\n";
	print "\t--user|-U [user]\n\t\tUse [user]\n";
	print "\t--wknguid\n\t\tDisplay well known guids\n";
	print "\t--workgroup|-k [workgroup]\n\t\tWhen LDAP-Server is not known try to find a Domain-Controller for [workgroup]\n";

sub write_ads_list {
	my ($mod,$attr,$value) = @_;
	my $ofh = select(STDOUT);
	$~ = "ADS_LIST";

format ADS_LIST =
@<<<< @>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>: @*
$mod, $attr, $value

sub write_ads {
	my ($mod,$attr,$value) = @_;
	my $ofh = select(STDOUT);
	$~ = "ADS";

format ADS =
@<<<< @>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>: ^<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
$mod, $attr, $value
~~				^<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

sub detect_server {

	my $workgroup = shift;
	my $realm = shift;
	my $result;
	my $found;

	# try net cache (nbt records)
	if ( -x $net && $workgroup ) {
		my $key = sprintf("NBT/%s#1C", uc($workgroup));
		chomp($result = `$net cache search $key 2>&1 /dev/null`);
		$result =~ s/^.*Value: //;
		$result =~ s/:.*//;
		return $result if $result;
		printf("%10s query failed for [%s]\n", "net cache", $key);

	# try dns SRV entries
	if ( -x $dig && $realm ) {
		my $key = sprintf("_ldap._tcp.%s", lc($realm));
		chomp($result = `$dig $key SRV +short +search | egrep "^[0-9]" | head -1`);
		$result =~ s/.* //g;
		$result =~ s/.$//g;
		return $result if $result;
		printf("%10s query failed for [%s]\n", "dns", $key);

	# try netbios broadcast query
	if ( -x $nmblookup && $workgroup ) {
		my $key = sprintf("%s#1C", uc($workgroup));
		my $pattern = sprintf("%s<1c>", uc($workgroup));
		chomp($result = `$nmblookup $key -d 0 | grep '$pattern'`);
		$result =~ s/\s.*//;
		return $result if $result;
		printf("%10s query failed for [%s]\n", "nmblookup", $key);

	return "";

sub get_samba_info {

	if (! -x $testparm) { return -1; }
	my $tmp;
	open(TESTPARM, "$testparm -s -v 2> /dev/null |");
	while (my $line = <TESTPARM>) {
		if ($line =~ /netbios name/) {
			($tmp, $machine) = split(/=/, $line);
			$machine =~ s/\s+|\t+//g;
		if ($line =~ /realm/) {
			($tmp, $realm) = split(/=/, $line);
			$realm =~ s/\s+|\t+//g;
		if ($line =~ /workgroup/) {
			($tmp, $workgroup) = split(/=/, $line);
			$workgroup =~ s/\s+|\t+//g;
	return 0;

sub gen_upn {
	my $machine = shift;
	my $realm = shift;
	if ($machine && $realm) {
		return sprintf("%s\@%s", lc($machine), uc($realm));
	return undef;

sub get_password {
	if (!$password && $opt_simpleauth && check_ticket($user)) {
		return prompt_password($user);
	return "";

sub get_user {
	my $user = shift || prompt_user();
	return $user;

sub get_machine_password {

	my $workgroup = shift || "";
	$workgroup = uc($workgroup);

	my ($found, $tmp);
	-x $tdbdump || die "tdbdump is not installed. cannot proceed autodetection\n";
	-r $secrets_tdb || die "cannot read $secrets_tdb. cannot proceed autodetection\n";

	# get machine-password
	my $key = sprintf("SECRETS/MACHINE_PASSWORD/%s", $workgroup);
	open(SECRETS,"$tdbdump $secrets_tdb |");
	while(my $line = <SECRETS>) {
		if ($found) {
			$line =~ s/\\00//;
			($line,$password) = split(/"/, $line);
		if ($line =~ /$key/) {
			$found = 1;

	if ($found) {
		print "Successfully autodetected machine password for workgroup: $workgroup\n";
		return $password;
	} else {
		warn "No machine password available for $workgroup\n";
	return "";

sub prompt_password {

	my $acct = shift || "";
	if ($acct =~ /\%/) {
		($acct, $password) = split(/\%/, $acct);
		return $password;
	system "stty -echo";
	print "Enter password for $acct:";
	my $password = <STDIN>;
	print "\n";
	system "stty echo";
	return $password;

sub prompt_user {

	print "Enter Username:";
	my $user = <STDIN>;
	print "\n";
	return $user;

sub check_ticket {
	return system("$klist -t");

sub get_ticket {

	my $KRB5_CONFIG = "/tmp/.krb5.conf.telads-$<";

	open(KRB5CONF, "> $KRB5_CONFIG") || die "cannot write $KRB5_CONFIG";
	printf  KRB5CONF "# autogenerated by $0\n";
	printf  KRB5CONF "[libdefaults]\n\tdefault_realm = %s\n\tclockskew = %d\n", uc($realm), 60*60;
	printf  KRB5CONF "[realms]\n\t%s = {\n\t\tkdc = %s\n\t}\n", uc($realm), $server;

	if ( system("KRB5_CONFIG=$KRB5_CONFIG $kinit $user") != 0) {
		return -1;

	return 0;

sub check_user {
	my $acct = shift || "";
	if ($acct =~ /\%/) {
		($acct, $password) = split(/\%/, $acct);
	return $acct;

sub check_ctrls ($$@) {

	# bogus function??
	my $server = shift || "";
	$dse = shift || get_dse($server) || return -1;
	my @ctrls = @_;

	my $dse_controls = $dse->get_value('supportedControl', asref => '1');
	my @dse_controls = @$dse_controls;

	foreach my $i (@ctrls) {
		# we could use -> supported_control but this 
		# is only available in newer versions of perl-ldap
#		if ( ! $dse->supported_control( $i ) ) {
		if ( grep(/$i->type()/, @dse_controls) ) { 
			printf("required control: %s is not supported by ADS-server.\n", $i->type());
			return -1;
	return 0;

sub get_base_from_rootdse {

	my $server = shift || "";
	$dse = shift || get_dse($server,$async_ldap_hd) || return -1;
	return $dse->get_value('defaultNamingContext');

sub get_realm_from_rootdse {

	my $server = shift || "";
	$dse = shift || get_dse($server,$async_ldap_hd) || return -1;
	my $service = $dse->get_value('ldapServiceName') || "";
	if ($service) {
		my ($t,$realm) = split(/\@/, $service);
		return $realm;
	} else {
		die "very odd: could not get realm";

sub get_sasl_mechs_from_rootdse {

	my $server = shift || "";
	$dse = shift || get_dse($server,$async_ldap_hd) || return -1;
	my $mechs = $dse->get_value('supportedSASLMechanisms', asref => 1);
	return @$mechs;

sub get_dse {

	my $server = shift || return undef;
	$async_ldap_hd = shift || get_ldap_hd($server,1);
	if (!$async_ldap_hd) {
		print "oh, no connection\n";
		return undef;
	my $mesg = $async_ldap_hd->bind() || die "cannot bind\n";
	if ($mesg->code) { die "failed to bind\n"; };
	my $dse = $async_ldap_hd->root_dse( attrs => ['*', "supportedExtension", "supportedFeatures" ] );

	return $dse;

sub process_servername {

	my $name = shift || return "";
	if ($name =~ /^ldaps:\/\//i ) {
		$name =~ s#^ldaps://##i;
		$uri = sprintf("%s://%s", "ldaps", $name);
	} else {
		$name =~ s#^ldap://##i;
		$uri = sprintf("%s://%s", "ldap", $name);
	return $name;

sub get_ldap_hd {

	my $server = shift || return undef;
	my $async = shift || "0";
	my $hd;
	die "uri unavailable" if (!$uri);
	if ($uri =~ /^ldaps:\/\//i ) {
		$port = $port || 636;
		use Net::LDAPS;
		$hd = Net::LDAPS->new( $server, async => $async, port => $port ) || 
			die "host $server not available: $!";
	} else {
		$port = $port || 389;
		$hd = Net::LDAP->new( $server, async => $async, port => $port ) || 
			die "host $server not available: $!";
	if ($opt_starttls) {
		$hd->start_tls( verify => 'none' );

	return $hd;

sub get_sasl_hd {

	if (!$have_sasl) {
		print "no sasl support\n";
		return undef;

	my $hd;
	if ($sasl_mech && $sasl_mech eq "GSSAPI") {
		my $user = sprintf("%s\@%s", $user, uc($realm));
		if (check_ticket($user) != 0 && get_ticket($user) != 0) {
			print "Could not get Kerberos ticket for user [$user]\n";
			return undef;

		$hd = Authen::SASL->new( mechanism => 'GSSAPI' ) || die "nope";
		my $conn = $hd->client_new("ldap", $server);
		if ($conn->code == -1) {
		        printf "%s\n", $conn->error();
			return undef;

	} elsif ($sasl_mech) {

		# here comes generic sasl code
		$hd = Authen::SASL->new( mechanism => $sasl_mech, 
			callback  => { 
				user => \&get_user, 
				pass => \&get_password 
		) || die "nope";
	} else {
		$sasl_bind = 0;
		print "no supported SASL mechanism found (@sasl_mechs).\n";
		print "falling back to simple bind.\n";
		return undef;

	return $hd;

sub check_sasl_mech {
	my $mech_check = shift;
	my $have_mech = 0;
	foreach my $mech (@sasl_mechs) {
		$have_mech = 1 if ($mech eq uc($mech_check));
	if (!$have_mech) {
		return -1;
	return 0;

sub parse_ads_h {

	-e "$ads_h" || die "cannot open samba3 ads.h ($ads_h): $!";
	while (my $line = <ADSH>) {
		if ($line =~ /#define.UF.*0x/) {
			my ($tmp, $name, $val) = split(/\s+/,$line);
		next if ($name =~ /UNUSED/);
			$ads_uf{$name} = hex $val;
		if ($line =~ /#define.GTYPE.*0x/) {
			my ($tmp, $name, $val) = split(/\s+/,$line);
			$ads_gtype{$name} = hex $val;
		if ($line =~ /#define.ATYPE.*0x/) {
			my ($tmp, $name, $val) = split(/\s+/,$line);
			$ads_atype{$name} = 
				(exists $ads_atype{$val}) ? $ads_atype{$val} : hex $val;

sub store_result ($) {

	my $entry = shift;
	return if (!$entry);
	$entry_store{$entry->dn} = $entry;

sub display_result_diff ($) {

	my $entry_new = shift;
	return if ( !$entry_new);

	if ( !exists $entry_store{$entry_new->dn}) {
		print "can't display any differences yet. full dump...\n";

	my $entry_old = $entry_store{$entry_new->dn};

	foreach my $attr (sort $entry_new->attributes) {
		if ( $entry_new->exists($attr) && ! $entry_old->exists($attr)) {
			display_attr_generic("add:\t", $entry_new, $attr);

	foreach my $attr (sort $entry_old->attributes) {
		if (! $entry_new->exists($attr) && $entry_old->exists($attr)) {
			display_attr_generic("del:\t", $entry_old, $attr);

		# now check for all values if they have changed, display changes
		my ($old_vals, $new_vals, @old_vals, @new_vals, %old, %new);

		$old_vals = $entry_old->get_value($attr, asref => 1);
		@old_vals = @$old_vals;
		$new_vals = $entry_new->get_value($attr, asref => 1);
		@new_vals = @$new_vals;

		if (scalar(@old_vals) == 1 && scalar(@new_vals) == 1) {
			if ($old_vals[0] ne $new_vals[0]) {
				display_attr_generic("old:\t", $entry_old, $attr);
				display_attr_generic("new:\t", $entry_new, $attr);

		# handle multivalued diffs
		foreach my $val (@old_vals) { $old{$val} = "dummy"; };
		foreach my $val (@new_vals) { $new{$val} = "dummy"; };
		foreach my $val (sort keys %new) {
			if (!exists $old{$val}) {
				display_value_generic("add:\t", $attr, $val);
		foreach my $val (sort keys %old) {
			if (!exists $new{$val}) {
				display_value_generic("del:\t", $attr, $val);
	print "\n";


sub sid2string ($) {

	my $binary_sid = shift;
	my $inbuf2;
	my $sid_rev;	# [1]
	my $num_auths;	# [1]
	my @id_auth;	# [6]
	my @sub_auths;
	my $subauth;	# [16]
	my $sid_strout;
	my $ia;

	my $tmp_sid = unpack 'H*', $binary_sid;

	# split the binary string
	($sid_rev, $num_auths, 
	$id_auth[0], $id_auth[1], $id_auth[2], $id_auth[3], $id_auth[4], $id_auth[5],
	$sub_auths[0], $sub_auths[1], $sub_auths[2], $sub_auths[3], $sub_auths[4], $inbuf2) 
		= unpack 'H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 h8 h8 h8 h8 h8 h*',"$binary_sid";

	# don't ask...
	for ( my $i = 0; $i < $num_auths; $i++ ) {
		$sub_auths[$i] = reverse $sub_auths[$i];

	# build the identifier authority
	if ( ($id_auth[0] != 0) || ($id_auth[1] != 0) ) {
		$ia = 	$id_auth[0].
	} else {
		$ia = 	($id_auth[5]) + 
			($id_auth[4] <<  8) + 
			($id_auth[3] << 16) + 
			($id_auth[2] << 24);

	# build the sid
	$sid_strout = sprintf("S-%lu-%lu",hex($sid_rev),hex($ia));
	for (my $i = 0; $i < $num_auths; $i++ ) {
		$sid_strout .= sprintf( "-%lu", hex($sub_auths[$i]) );

	return $sid_strout;

sub string_to_guid {
	my $string = shift;
	return undef unless $string =~ /([0-9,a-z]{8})-([0-9,a-z]{4})-([0-9,a-z]{4})-([0-9,a-z]{2})([0-9,a-z]{2})-([0-9,a-z]{2})([0-9,a-z]{2})([0-9,a-z]{2})([0-9,a-z]{2})([0-9,a-z]{2})([0-9,a-z]{2})/i;
	return 	pack("I", hex $1) . 
		pack("S", hex $2) . 
		pack("S", hex $3) . 
		pack("C", hex $4) . 
		pack("C", hex $5) .
		pack("C", hex $6) . 
		pack("C", hex $7) . 
		pack("C", hex $8) . 
		pack("C", hex $9) . 
		pack("C", hex $10) . 
		pack("C", hex $11);

#	print "$1\n$2\n$3\n$4\n$5\n$6\n$7\n$8\n$9\n$10\n$11\n";
sub bindstring_to_guid {
	my $str = shift;
	return pack("H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2", 

sub guid_to_string {
	my $guid = shift;
	my $string = sprintf "%08X-%04X-%04X-%02X%02X-%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X", 
		unpack("I", $guid), 
		unpack("S", substr($guid, 4, 2)), 
		unpack("S", substr($guid, 6, 2)),
		unpack("C", substr($guid, 8, 1)),
		unpack("C", substr($guid, 9, 1)),
		unpack("C", substr($guid, 10, 1)),
		unpack("C", substr($guid, 11, 1)),
		unpack("C", substr($guid, 12, 1)),
		unpack("C", substr($guid, 13, 1)),
		unpack("C", substr($guid, 14, 1)),
		unpack("C", substr($guid, 15, 1)); 
	return lc($string);

sub guid_to_bindstring {
	my $guid = shift;
	return unpack("H" . 2 * length($guid), $guid),

sub dump_wknguid {
	print "Dumping Well known GUIDs:\n";
	foreach my $wknguid (keys %wknguids) {

		my $guid = bindstring_to_guid($wknguids{$wknguid});
		my $str  = guid_to_string($guid);
		my $back = guid_to_bindstring($guid);

		printf "wkguid:             %s\n", $wknguid;
		printf "bind_string format: %s\n", $wknguids{$wknguid};
		printf "string format:      %s\n", guid_to_string($guid);
		printf "back to bind_string:%s\n", guid_to_bindstring($guid);
		printf "use base: \"<WKGUID=%s,%s>\"\n", guid_to_bindstring($guid), $base;

sub gen_bitmask_string_format($%) {
	my $mod = shift;
        my (%tmp) = @_;
	my @list;
	foreach my $key (sort keys %tmp) {
		push(@list, sprintf("%s %s", $tmp{$key}, $key));
	return join("\n$mod\t\t\t",@list);

sub nt_to_unixtime ($) {
	# the number of 100 nanosecond intervals since jan. 1. 1601 (utc)
	my $t64 = shift;
	$t64 =~ s/(.+).{7,7}/$1/;
	$t64 -= 11644473600;
	return $t64;

sub dump_equal {
	my $val = shift;
	my $mod = shift || die "no mod";
        my (%header) = @_;
	my %tmp;
	my $found = 0;
	foreach my $key (keys %header) {
		if ($header{$key} eq $val) {
			$tmp{"($val)"} = $key;
			$found = 1;
	if (!$found) { $tmp{$val} = ""; };
	return gen_bitmask_string_format($mod,%tmp);

sub dump_bitmask {
	my $op = shift || die "no op";
	my $val = shift; 
	my $mod = shift || die "no mod";
        my (%header) = @_;
	my %tmp;
	$tmp{""} = $val;
	foreach my $key (sort keys %header) {
		if ($op eq "&") {
			$tmp{$key} = ( $val & $header{$key} ) ? $set:$unset; 
		} elsif ($op eq "==") {
			$tmp{$key} = ( $val == $header{$key} ) ? $set:$unset; 
		} else {
			print "unknown operator: $op\n";
	return gen_bitmask_string_format($mod,%tmp);

sub dump_bitmask_and {
	return dump_bitmask("&",@_);

sub dump_bitmask_equal {
	return dump_bitmask("==",@_);

sub dump_uac {
	return dump_bitmask_and(@_,%ads_uf); # ads_uf ?

sub dump_uacc {
	return dump_bitmask_equal(@_,%ads_uacc); 

sub dump_uf {
	return dump_bitmask_and(@_,%ads_uf);

sub dump_gtype {
	return dump_bitmask_and(@_,%ads_gtype);

sub dump_atype {
	return dump_bitmask_equal(@_,%ads_atype);

sub dump_controls {
	return dump_equal(@_,%ads_controls);

sub dump_capabilities {
	return dump_equal(@_,%ads_capabilities);

sub dump_extension {
	return dump_equal(@_,%ads_extensions);

sub dump_systemflags {
	return dump_bitmask_and(@_,%ads_systemflags);

sub dump_instance_type {
	return dump_bitmask_and(@_,%ads_instance_type);

sub dump_ds_func {
	return dump_bitmask_equal(@_,%ads_ds_func);

sub dump_mixed_domain {
	return dump_bitmask_equal(@_,%ads_mixed_domain);

sub dump_sid {
	my $bin_sid = shift;
	return sid2string($bin_sid);

sub dump_guid {
	my $guid = shift;
	return guid_to_string($guid);

sub dump_secdesc {
	my $val = shift;
	return "FIXME: write sddl-converter!";

sub dump_nttime {
	my $nttime = shift;
	if ($nttime == 0) {
		return sprintf("%s (%s)", "never", $nttime);
	my $localtime = localtime(nt_to_unixtime($nttime));
	return sprintf("%s (%s)", $localtime, $nttime);

sub dump_nttime_abs {
	if ($_[0] == 9223372036854775807) {
		return sprintf("%s (%s)", "now", $_[0]);
	if ($_[0] == -9223372036854775808 || $_[0] == 0) { # 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
		return sprintf("%s (%s)", "never", $_[0]);
	# FIXME: actually *do* abs time !
	return dump_nttime($_[0]);

sub dump_timestr {
	my $time = shift;
	my ($year,$mon,$mday,$hour,$min,$sec,$zone) = 
		unpack('a4 a2 a2 a2 a2 a2 a4', $time);
	$mon -= 1;
	my $localtime = localtime(timegm($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year));
	return sprintf("%s (%s)", $localtime, $time);

sub dump_string {
	return $_[0];

sub dump_int {
	return sprintf("%d", $_[0]);

sub dump_munged_dial {
	my $dial = shift;
	return "FIXME! decode this";

sub construct_filter {

	my $tmp = shift;

	if (!$tmp || $opt_notify) {
		return "(objectclass=*)";

	if ($tmp && $tmp !~ /^.*\=/) {
		return "(ANR=$tmp)";

	return $tmp;
	# (&(objectCategory=person)
	# (userAccountControl:$ads_matching_rules{LDAP_MATCHING_RULE_BIT_AND}:=2))

sub construct_attrs {
	my @attrs = @_;
	if (!@attrs) {

	if ($opt_notify) {

	if ($opt_display_metadata) {


	return sort @attrs;

sub print_header {

	print "\n";
	printf "%10s: %s\n", "uri", $uri;
	printf "%10s: %s\n", "port", $port;
	printf "%10s: %s\n", "base", $base;
	printf "%10s: %s\n", $sasl_bind ? "principal" : "binddn", $sasl_bind ? $upn : $binddn;
	printf "%10s: %s\n", "password", $password;
	printf "%10s: %s\n", "bind-type", $sasl_bind ? "SASL" : "simple";
	printf "%10s: %s\n", "sasl-mech", $sasl_mech if ($sasl_mech);
	printf "%10s: %s\n", "filter", $filter;
	printf "%10s: %s\n", "scope", $scope;
	printf "%10s: %s\n", "attrs", join(", ", @attrs);
	printf "%10s: %s\n", "controls", join(", ", @ctrls_s);
	printf "%10s: %s\n", "page_size", $page_size if ($paging);
	printf "%10s: %s\n", "start_tls", $opt_starttls ? "yes" : "no";
	printf "\n";

sub gen_controls {

	my $asn = Convert::ASN1->new;
		q<	ExtendedDn ::= SEQUENCE {
				mode     INTEGER

	my $ctl_extended_dn_val = $asn->encode( mode => '1');
	my $ctl_extended_dn =Net::LDAP::Control->new( 
		type => $ads_controls{'LDAP_SERVER_EXTENDED_DN_OID'},
		critical => 'true',
		value => $ctl_extended_dn_val);

	my $ctl_notification = Net::LDAP::Control->new( 
		type => $ads_controls{'LDAP_SERVER_NOTIFICATION_OID'},
		critical => 'true');

	$ctl_paged = Net::LDAP::Control->new( 
		type => $ads_controls{'LDAP_PAGED_RESULT_OID_STRING'},
		critical => 'true',
		size => $page_size);

	if ($paging) {
		push(@ctrls, $ctl_paged);
		push(@ctrls_s, "LDAP_PAGED_RESULT_OID_STRING" );

	if ($opt_display_extendeddn) {
		push(@ctrls, $ctl_extended_dn);
		push(@ctrls_s, "LDAP_SERVER_EXTENDED_DN_OID");
	if ($opt_notify) {
		push(@ctrls, $ctl_notification);
	return @ctrls;

sub display_value_generic ($$$) {

	my ($mod,$attr,$value) = @_;
	return unless (defined($value) and defined($attr));

	if ( ! $opt_display_raw && exists $attr_handler{$attr} ) {
		$value = $attr_handler{$attr}($value,$mod);

sub display_attr_generic ($$$) {

	my ($mod,$entry,$attr) = @_;
	return if (!$attr || !$entry);

	my $ref = $entry->get_value($attr, asref => 1);
	my @values = @$ref;

	foreach my $value (@values) {

sub display_entry_generic ($) {

	my $entry = shift;
	return if (!$entry);

	foreach my $attr ( $entry->attributes) {

sub display_ldap_err ($) {
	my $msg = shift;

	my ($package, $filename, $line, $subroutine) = caller(0);

	print "got error from ADS:\n";
	printf("%s(%d): ERROR (%s): %s\n", 
		$subroutine, $line, $msg->code, $msg->error);


sub process_result {

	my ($msg,$entry) = @_;

	if (!defined($msg)) { 

	if ($msg->code) {
		exit 1;

	if (!defined($entry)) {

	if ($entry->isa('Net::LDAP::Reference')) {
		foreach my $ref ($entry->references) {
			print "\ngot Reference: [$ref]\n";

	print "\nfound entry: ".$entry->dn."\n".("-" x 80)."\n";


sub default_callback {

	my ($res,$obj) = @_;

	if (!$opt_notify) {
		return process_result($res,$obj);

sub error_callback {

	my ($msg,$entry) = @_;

	if (!$msg) { 

	if ($msg->code) {

sub notify_callback {

	my ($msg, $obj) = @_;

	if (! defined($obj)) {

	if ($obj->isa('Net::LDAP::Reference')) {
		foreach my $ref ($obj->references) {
			print "\ngot Reference: [$ref]\n";

	while (1) {

		my $async_entry = $async_search->pop_entry;
		printf("\ngot changenotify for dn: [%s]\n%s\n", $async_entry->dn, ("-" x 80));

		my $new_usn = $async_entry->get_value('uSNChanged');
		if (!$usn || $new_usn > $usn) {
			$usn = $new_usn;
			if ($opt_notify_nodiffs) {
			} else {

sub do_bind($$) {

	my $async_ldap_hd = shift || return undef;
	my $sasl_bind = shift;

	if ($sasl_bind) {
		if (!$works_sasl) {
			print "this version of Net::LDAP does not have proper SASL support.\n";
			print "Need at least perl-ldap V. $pref_version\n";
		$sasl_hd = get_sasl_hd();
		if (!$sasl_hd) {
			print "failed to create SASL handle\n";
			return -1;
		$mesg = $async_ldap_hd->bind( 
			sasl => $sasl_hd, 
			callback => \&error_callback 
		) || die "doesnt work"; 
	} else {
		$sasl_mech = "";
		$mesg = $async_ldap_hd->bind( 
			password => $password, 
			callback => \&error_callback
		) || die "doesnt work";
	if ($mesg->code) { 
		return -1;
	return 0;

sub do_unbind() {
	if ($async_ldap_hd) {
	if ($sync_ldap_hd) {


sub main () {

	$filter = construct_filter($query);
	@attrs  = construct_attrs(@attrs);
	@ctrls  = gen_controls();
	if (check_ctrls($server,$dse,@ctrls) == -1) {
		print "not all required LDAP Controls are supported by this server\n";
		exit 1;

	if ($opt_dump_rootdse) {
		print "Dumping Root-DSE:\n";
		exit 0;

	if ($opt_dump_wknguid) {
		exit 0;

	if (do_bind($async_ldap_hd, $sasl_bind) == -1) {
		exit 1;


	if ($opt_dump_schema) {
		print "Dumping Schema:\n";
		my $ads_schema = $async_ldap_hd->schema;
		exit 0;

	while (1) {

		$async_search = $async_ldap_hd->search( 
			base => $base, 
			filter => $filter, 
			attrs => [ @attrs ],
			control => [ @ctrls ], 
			callback => \&default_callback,
			scope => $scope,
				) || die "cannot search";

		if ($opt_notify) {

			print "[$base] is registered now for change-notify\n";
			print "\nWaiting for change-notify...\n";

			my $sync_ldap_hd = get_ldap_hd($server,0);
			if (do_bind($sync_ldap_hd, $sasl_bind) == -1) {
				exit 2;

			my $sync_search = $sync_ldap_hd->search( 
				base => $base, 
				filter => $filter, 
				attrs => [ @attrs ],
				callback => \&notify_callback,
				scope => $scope,
				) || die "cannot search";


		$total_entry_count += $async_search->count;
		print "-" x 80 . "\n";
		printf("Got %d Entries in Page %d \n\n", 
			$async_search->count, $page_count);
		my ($resp) = $async_search->control( 
			$ads_controls{'LDAP_PAGED_RESULT_OID_STRING'} ) or last;
		last unless ref $resp && $ctl_paged->cookie($resp->cookie);

	if ($async_search->entries == 0) {
		print "No entries found with filter $filter\n";
	} else {
		print "Got $total_entry_count Entries in $page_count Pages\n" if ($paging);



exit 0;