ntlogon.py v0.7b Copyright 2000 by Avalon Technology Group, Inc. This programme is released under the terms of the GNU Public License This programme has NO WARRANTY of any kind, use at your own risk. =================== CHANGES SINCE v0.7b =================== included patch that made machine name %m a macro substitution value. Thanks to: Nick Lopez ================== CHANGES SINCE v0.6 ================== PLEASE NOT THAT I AM CONSIDERING THIS A BETA UNTIL I GET SOME FEEDBACK FROM USERS ON WHETHER THE MACRO FEATURE WORKS FOR THEM. added the ability to define substitution macros: see the useage section removed the large docstring from the file and moved the information to the USEAGE section of this file cleaned up the code and made more flexible improved the code comments ================== CHANGES SINCE v0.5 ================== added a -v --version switch added a --pause switch which will put a pause statement between each non-blank line of the script. =============== A PERSONAL NOTE =============== When I originally posted v0.5 on Freshmeat, I really expected *some* feedback. To date this little script has been downloaded over 700 times, but absolutely nobody has sent me an e-mail to tell me if it is useful, or if it is absolutely the stupidest waste of bandwidth they have ever seen. I'd really love to know if even one person other than me and the other techs here at Avalon have found it useful. Thanks. rhacer (rhacer@exceptionalminds.com) September 27, 2000 Thanks to those that did respond to my plea! I'd still love to hear from any other users! ============ INTRODUCTION ============ As my experience with Linux and Samba increased, I had no trouble whipping up a custom Perl, Python or Bash script to create Samba Logon Scripts, but I noticed that I changed things from place to place, and that my users had *no* chance of ever figuring out how to modify those scripts themselves. In an attempt to create a company wide standard that both my co-workers and my customers could *easily* modify I hit upon the scheme I used here. I settled on an INI file feel, because most who have experience with Win boxes have some concept of INI files. ============ INSTALLATION ============ The distribution archive contains three files: README This file ntlogon.py The actual Python script (place in /usr/local/samba/bin) ntlogon.conf A sample configuration file (place in /etc) This script was created using Python v1.5.2, and I believe it uses only standard libraries. Your smb.conf file needs to contain a netlogon section similar to the following (These settings *are not* normal on a RH box. These settings are all based on the excellent book that I learned Samba from: Samba Integrating Unix and Windows by John D. Blair. It is somewhat out of date now, but that's the history of the strange file locations): [netlogon] path = /usr/local/samba/netlogon writeable = no guest ok = no root preexec = /usr/local/samba/bin/ntlogon --user=%U --os=%m root postexec = rm /usr/local/samba/netlogon/%U.bat ====== USEAGE ====== PLEASE SEE NTLOGON.CONF FOR A DETAILED CONFIGURATION EXAMPLE This programme will build a Windows NT logon script for users connecting to a Samba server. Samba macros that are curently understood: %U user name %G group name %a machine architecture %m machine netbios name This programme reads a configuration that looks strikingly similar to both the Samba configuration file, and a DOS "boot menu" AUTOEXEC.BAT file. The default file name is /etc/ntlogon.conf (though I really think it ought to be called ntlogon.batch!) You may change the filename by using the -f or --templatefile startup option. The default netlogon directory is /usr/local/samba/netlogon though this can be changed with the -d or --dir startup option. The default batch file name generated is username.bat if no username is specified the default value is logon.bat (e.g., if --user=fred is specified on the command line then the logon script generated will be stored in fred.bat) Use the --debug option to print the logon script to screen instead of the output file Use the --pause option to place a pause statement between each line of the script to assist in debugging a logon script. The file is divided into sections that have headers in square brackets [Global] [User-username] [Group-groupname] [OS-osname] The file may also contain user defined substitution macros. They are defined by placing the macro name on the left side of an equal sign, and the substitution text on the right side of the equal sign. They are also case sensitive: MAINDRIVE = G: USERDRIVE = U: SERVERNAME = myservername They are referenced by prepending a "%" sign to the variable name: NET USE %MAINDRIVE \\\\servername\\mainshare /YES NET USE %USERDRIVE \\\\%SERVERNAME\\usershare /YES ============== SPECIAL THANKS ============== Nick Lopez for the net bios name patch. =================== CONTACT INFORMATION =================== Author : Timothy Grant (rhacer) Company : Avalon Technology Group, Inc. I can be reached at tjg@exceptionalminds.com ntlogon website www.exceptionalminds.com/rhacer/ntlogon Please feel free to contact me with any suggestions, improvements, bugs you might find.