/* * Set printer capabilities in DsDriver Keys on remote printer * Copyright (C) Jim McDonough <jmcd@us.ibm.com> 2002. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ /* This needs to be defined for certain compilers */ #define WINVER 0x0500 #include <tchar.h> #include <windows.h> #include <stdio.h> #define SAMBA_PORT _T("Samba") TCHAR *PrintLastError(void) { static TCHAR msgtxt[1024*sizeof(TCHAR)]; FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, NULL, GetLastError(), 0, msgtxt, 0, NULL); return msgtxt; } void map_orientation(HANDLE ph, TCHAR *printer, TCHAR *port) { DWORD rot; TCHAR portrait_only[] = _T("PORTRAIT\0"); TCHAR both[] = _T("LANDSCAPE\0PORTRAIT\0"); /* orentation of 90 or 270 indicates landscape supported, 0 means it isn't */ rot = DeviceCapabilities(printer, port, DC_BINNAMES, NULL, NULL); printf("printOrientationsSupported:\n"); if (rot) { printf("\tPORTRAIT\n\tLANDSCAPE\n"); SetPrinterDataEx(ph, SPLDS_DRIVER_KEY, _T("printOrientationsSupported"), REG_MULTI_SZ, both, sizeof(both)); } else { printf("\tPORTRAIT\n"); SetPrinterDataEx(ph, SPLDS_DRIVER_KEY, _T("printOrientationsSupported"), REG_MULTI_SZ, portrait_only, sizeof(portrait_only)); } } void map_resolution(HANDLE ph, TCHAR *printer, TCHAR *port) { DWORD num, *res, maxres = 0, i; num = DeviceCapabilities(printer, port, DC_ENUMRESOLUTIONS, NULL, NULL); if ((DWORD) -1 == num) return; res = malloc(num*2*sizeof(DWORD)); num = DeviceCapabilities(printer, port, DC_ENUMRESOLUTIONS, (BYTE *) res, NULL); for (i=0; i < num*2; i++) { maxres = (res[i] > maxres) ? res[i] : maxres; } printf("printMaxResolutionSupported: %d\n", maxres); SetPrinterDataEx(ph, SPLDS_DRIVER_KEY, _T("printMaxResolutionSupported"), REG_DWORD, (BYTE *) &maxres, sizeof(maxres)); } void map_extents(HANDLE ph, TCHAR *printer, TCHAR *port) { DWORD extentval, xval, yval; extentval = DeviceCapabilities(printer, port, DC_MINEXTENT, NULL, NULL); xval = (DWORD) (LOWORD(extentval)); yval = (DWORD) (HIWORD(extentval)); printf("printMinXExtent: %d\n", xval); printf("printMinYExtent: %d\n", yval); SetPrinterDataEx(ph, SPLDS_DRIVER_KEY, _T("printMinXExtent"), REG_DWORD, (BYTE *) &xval, sizeof(xval)); SetPrinterDataEx(ph, SPLDS_DRIVER_KEY, _T("printMinYExtent"), REG_DWORD, (BYTE *) &yval, sizeof(yval)); extentval = DeviceCapabilities(printer, port, DC_MAXEXTENT, NULL, NULL); xval = (DWORD) (LOWORD(extentval)); yval = (DWORD) (HIWORD(extentval)); printf("printMaxXExtent: %d\n", xval); printf("printMaxYExtent: %d\n", yval); SetPrinterDataEx(ph, SPLDS_DRIVER_KEY, _T("printMaxXExtent"), REG_DWORD, (BYTE *) &xval, sizeof(xval)); SetPrinterDataEx(ph, SPLDS_DRIVER_KEY, _T("printMaxYExtent"), REG_DWORD, (BYTE *) &yval, sizeof(yval)); } void map_printrateunit(HANDLE ph, TCHAR *printer, TCHAR *port) { DWORD unit; TCHAR ppm[] = _T("PagesPerMinute"); TCHAR ipm[] = _T("InchesPerMinute"); TCHAR lpm[] = _T("LinesPerMinute"); TCHAR cps[] = _T("CharactersPerSecond"); unit = DeviceCapabilities(printer, port, DC_PRINTRATEUNIT, NULL, NULL); switch(unit) { case PRINTRATEUNIT_PPM: printf("printRateUnit: %s\n", ppm); SetPrinterDataEx(ph, SPLDS_DRIVER_KEY, _T("printRateUnit"), REG_SZ, ppm, sizeof(ppm)); break; case PRINTRATEUNIT_IPM: printf("printRateUnit: %s\n", ipm); SetPrinterDataEx(ph, SPLDS_DRIVER_KEY, _T("printRateUnit"), REG_SZ, ipm, sizeof(ipm)); break; case PRINTRATEUNIT_LPM: printf("printRateUnit: %s\n", lpm); SetPrinterDataEx(ph, SPLDS_DRIVER_KEY, _T("printRateUnit"), REG_SZ, lpm, sizeof(lpm)); break; case PRINTRATEUNIT_CPS: printf("printRateUnit: %s\n", cps); SetPrinterDataEx(ph, SPLDS_DRIVER_KEY, _T("printRateUnit"), REG_SZ, cps, sizeof(cps)); break; default: printf("printRateUnit: unknown value %d\n", unit); } } void map_generic_boolean(HANDLE ph, TCHAR *printer, TCHAR *port, WORD cap, TCHAR *key) { BYTE boolval; /* DeviceCapabilities doesn't always return 1 for true...just nonzero */ boolval = (BYTE) (DeviceCapabilities(printer, port, cap, NULL, NULL) ? 1 : 0); printf("%s: %s\n", key, boolval ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"); SetPrinterDataEx(ph, SPLDS_DRIVER_KEY, key, REG_BINARY, &boolval, sizeof(boolval)); } void map_generic_dword(HANDLE ph, TCHAR *printer, TCHAR *port, WORD cap, TCHAR *key) { DWORD dword; dword = DeviceCapabilities(printer, port, cap, NULL, NULL); if ((DWORD) -1 == dword) return; printf("%s: %d\n", key, dword); SetPrinterDataEx(ph, SPLDS_DRIVER_KEY, key, REG_DWORD, (BYTE *) &dword, sizeof(dword)); } void map_generic_multi_sz(HANDLE ph, TCHAR *printer, TCHAR *port, WORD cap, TCHAR *key, int size) { TCHAR *strings_in; TCHAR *strings_out, *strings_cur; DWORD num_items, i; num_items = DeviceCapabilities(printer, port, cap, NULL, NULL); if ((DWORD) -1 == num_items) return; strings_in = malloc(num_items * size); strings_out = calloc(num_items, size); num_items = DeviceCapabilities(printer, port, cap, strings_in, NULL); printf("%s:\n", key); for (i=0, strings_cur = strings_out; i < num_items; i++) { _tcsncpy(strings_cur, &strings_in[i*size], size); printf("\t%s\n", strings_cur); strings_cur += _tcslen(strings_cur) + 1; } SetPrinterDataEx(ph, SPLDS_DRIVER_KEY, key, REG_MULTI_SZ, strings_out, (strings_cur - strings_out + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR)); free(strings_in); free(strings_out); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { HANDLE ph; BYTE *driver_info; DWORD needed; TCHAR *printer; TCHAR *port = SAMBA_PORT; PRINTER_DEFAULTS admin_access = {NULL, NULL, PRINTER_ACCESS_ADMINISTER}; PRINTER_INFO_7 publish = {NULL, DSPRINT_PUBLISH}; if (argc < 2) { printf("Usage: %s <printername>\n", argv[0]); return -1; } printer = argv[1]; if (!(OpenPrinter(printer, &ph, &admin_access))) { printf("OpenPrinter failed, error = %s\n", PrintLastError()); return -1; } GetPrinterDriver(ph, NULL, 1, NULL, 0, &needed); if (!needed) { printf("GetPrinterDriver failed, error = %s\n", PrintLastError()); ClosePrinter(ph); return -1; } driver_info = malloc(needed); if (!(GetPrinterDriver(ph, NULL, 1, driver_info, needed, &needed))) { printf("GetPrinterDriver failed, error = %s\n", PrintLastError()); ClosePrinter(ph); return -1; } map_generic_multi_sz(ph, printer, port, DC_BINNAMES, _T("printBinNames"), 24); map_generic_boolean(ph, printer, port, DC_COLLATE, _T("printCollate")); map_generic_dword(ph, printer, port, DC_COPIES, _T("printMaxCopies")); map_generic_dword(ph, printer, port, DC_DRIVER, _T("driverVersion")); map_generic_boolean(ph, printer, port, DC_DUPLEX, _T("printDuplexSupported")); map_extents(ph, printer, port); map_resolution(ph, printer, port); map_orientation(ph, printer, port); map_generic_multi_sz(ph, printer, port, DC_PAPERNAMES, _T("printMediaSupported"), 64); #if (WINVER >= 0x0500) map_generic_boolean(ph, printer, port, DC_COLORDEVICE, _T("printColor")); map_generic_multi_sz(ph, printer, port, DC_PERSONALITY, _T("printLanguage"), 64); map_generic_multi_sz(ph, printer, port, DC_MEDIAREADY, _T("printMediaReady"),64); map_generic_dword(ph, printer, port, DC_PRINTERMEM, _T("printMemory")); map_generic_dword(ph, printer, port, DC_PRINTRATE, _T("printRate")); map_printrateunit(ph, printer, port); #ifdef DC_STAPLE map_generic_boolean(ph, printer, port, DC_STAPLE, _T("printStaplingSupported")); #endif #ifdef DC_PRINTRATEPPM map_generic_dword(ph, printer, port, DC_PRINTRATEPPM, _T("printPagesPerMinute")); #endif #endif SetPrinter(ph, 7, (BYTE *) &publish, 0); ClosePrinter(ph); return 0; }