Interface differences between TDB and NTDB. - ntdb shares 'struct TDB_DATA' with tdb, but TDB defines the TDB_DATA typedef, whereas ntdb defines NTDB_DATA (ie. both are compatible). If you include both ntdb.h and tdb.h, #include tdb.h first, otherwise you'll get a compile error when tdb.h re-defined struct TDB_DATA. Example: #include <tdb.h> #include <ntdb.h> - ntdb functions return NTDB_SUCCESS (ie 0) on success, and a negative error on failure, whereas tdb functions returned 0 on success, and -1 on failure. tdb then used tdb_error() to determine the error; this API is nasty if we ever want to support threads, so is not supported. Example: #include <tdb.h> #include <ntdb.h> void tdb_example(struct tdb_context *tdb, TDB_DATA key, TDB_DATA d) { if (tdb_store(tdb, key, d) == -1) { printf("store failed: %s\n", tdb_errorstr(tdb)); } } void ntdb_example(struct ntdb_context *ntdb, NTDB_DATA key, NTDB_DATA d) { enum NTDB_ERROR e; e = ntdb_store(ntdb, key, d); if (e) { printf("store failed: %s\n", ntdb_errorstr(e)); } } - ntdb's ntdb_fetch() returns an error, tdb's returned the data directly (or tdb_null, and you were supposed to check tdb_error() to find out why). Example: #include <tdb.h> #include <ntdb.h> void tdb_example(struct tdb_context *tdb, TDB_DATA key) { TDB_DATA data; data = tdb_fetch(tdb, key); if (!data.dptr) { printf("fetch failed: %s\n", tdb_errorstr(tdb)); } } void ntdb_example(struct ntdb_context *ntdb, NTDB_DATA key) { NTDB_DATA data; enum NTDB_ERROR e; e = ntdb_fetch(ntdb, key, &data); if (e) { printf("fetch failed: %s\n", ntdb_errorstr(e)); } } - ntdb's ntdb_nextkey() frees the old key's dptr, in tdb you needed to do this manually. Example: #include <tdb.h> #include <ntdb.h> void tdb_example(struct tdb_context *tdb) { TDB_DATA key, next, data; for (key = tdb_firstkey(tdb); key.dptr; key = next) { printf("Got key!\n"); next = tdb_nextkey(tdb, key); free(key.dptr); } } void ntdb_example(struct ntdb_context *ntdb) { NTDB_DATA k, data; enum NTDB_ERROR e; for (e = ntdb_firstkey(ntdb,&k); !e; e = ntdb_nextkey(ntdb,&k)) printf("Got key!\n"); } - Unlike tdb_open/tdb_open_ex, ntdb_open does not allow NULL names, even for NTDB_INTERNAL dbs, and thus ntdb_name() never returns NULL. Example: #include <tdb.h> #include <ntdb.h> struct tdb_context *tdb_example(void) { return tdb_open(NULL, 0, TDB_INTERNAL, O_RDWR, 0); } struct ntdb_context *ntdb_example(void) { return ntdb_open("example", NTDB_INTERNAL, O_RDWR, 0); } - ntdb uses a linked list of attribute structures to implement logging and alternate hashes. tdb used tdb_open_ex, which was not extensible. Example: #include <tdb.h> #include <ntdb.h> /* Custom hash function */ static unsigned int my_tdb_hash_func(TDB_DATA *key) { return key->dsize; } struct tdb_context *tdb_example(void) { return tdb_open_ex("example.tdb", 0, TDB_DEFAULT, O_CREAT|O_RDWR, 0600, NULL, my_hash_func); } /* Custom hash function */ static unsigned int my_ntdb_hash_func(const void *key, size_t len, uint32_t seed, void *data) { return len; } struct ntdb_context *ntdb_example(void) { union ntdb_attribute hash; hash.base.attr = NTDB_ATTRIBUTE_HASH; = NULL; hash.hash.fn = my_ntdb_hash_func; return ntdb_open("example.ntdb", NTDB_DEFAULT, O_CREAT|O_RDWR, 0600, &hash); } - tdb's tdb_open/tdb_open_ex took an explicit hash size, defaulting to 131. ntdb's uses an attribute for this, defaulting to 8192. Example: #include <tdb.h> #include <ntdb.h> struct tdb_context *tdb_example(void) { return tdb_open("example.tdb", 10007, TDB_DEFAULT, O_CREAT|O_RDWR, 0600); } struct ntdb_context *ntdb_example(void) { union ntdb_attribute hashsize; hashsize.base.attr = NTDB_ATTRIBUTE_HASHSIZE; = NULL; hashsize.hashsize.size = 16384; return ntdb_open("example.ntdb", NTDB_DEFAULT, O_CREAT|O_RDWR, 0600, &hashsize); } - ntdb's log function is simpler than tdb's log function. The string is already formatted, is not terminated by a '\n', and it takes an enum ntdb_log_level not a tdb_debug_level, and which has only three values: NTDB_LOG_ERROR, NTDB_LOG_USE_ERROR and NTDB_LOG_WARNING. #include <tdb.h> #include <ntdb.h> static void tdb_log(struct tdb_context *tdb, enum tdb_debug_level level, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; const char *name; switch (level) { case TDB_DEBUG_FATAL: fprintf(stderr, "FATAL: "); break; case TDB_DEBUG_ERROR: fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: "); break; case TDB_DEBUG_WARNING: fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: "); break; case TDB_DEBUG_TRACE: /* Don't print out tracing. */ return; } name = tdb_name(tdb); if (!name) { name = "unnamed"; } fprintf(stderr, "tdb(%s):", name); va_start(ap, fmt); vfprintf(stderr, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); } struct tdb_context *tdb_example(void) { struct tdb_logging_context lctx; lctx.log_fn = tdb_log; return tdb_open_ex("example.tdb", 0, TDB_DEFAULT, O_CREAT|O_RDWR, 0600, &lctx, NULL); } static void ntdb_log(struct ntdb_context *ntdb, enum ntdb_log_level level, enum NTDB_ERROR ecode, const char *message, void *data) { switch (level) { case NTDB_LOG_ERROR: fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: "); break; case NTDB_LOG_USE_ERROR: /* We made a mistake, so abort. */ abort(); break; case NTDB_LOG_WARNING: fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: "); break; } fprintf(stderr, "ntdb(%s):%s:%s\n", ntdb_name(ntdb), ntdb_errorstr(ecode), message); } struct ntdb_context *ntdb_example(void) { union ntdb_attribute log; log.base.attr = NTDB_ATTRIBUTE_LOG; = NULL; log.log.fn = ntdb_log; return ntdb_open("example.ntdb", NTDB_DEFAULT, O_CREAT|O_RDWR, 0600, &log); } - ntdb provides ntdb_deq() for comparing two NTDB_DATA, and ntdb_mkdata() for creating an NTDB_DATA. #include <tdb.h> #include <ntdb.h> void tdb_example(struct tdb_context *tdb) { TDB_DATA data, key; key.dsize = strlen("hello"); key.dptr = "hello"; data = tdb_fetch(tdb, key); if (data.dsize == key.dsize && !memcmp(data.dptr, key.dptr, key.dsize)) printf("key is same as data\n"); } free(data.dptr); } void ntdb_example(struct ntdb_context *ntdb) { NTDB_DATA data, key; key = ntdb_mkdata("hello", strlen("hello")); if (ntdb_fetch(ntdb, key, &data) == NTDB_SUCCESS) { if (ntdb_deq(key, data)) { printf("key is same as data\n"); } free(data.dptr); } } - ntdb's ntdb_parse_record() takes a type-checked callback data pointer, not a void * (though a void * pointer still works). The callback function is allowed to do read operations on the database, or write operations if you first call ntdb_lockall(). TDB's tdb_parse_record() did not allow any database access within the callback, could crash if you tried. Example: #include <tdb.h> #include <ntdb.h> static int tdb_parser(TDB_DATA key, TDB_DATA data, void *private_data) { TDB_DATA *expect = private_data; return data.dsize == expect->dsize && !memcmp(data.dptr, expect->dptr, data.dsize); } void tdb_example(struct tdb_context *tdb, TDB_DATA key, NTDB_DATA d) { switch (tdb_parse_record(tdb, key, tdb_parser, &d)) { case -1: printf("parse failed: %s\n", tdb_errorstr(tdb)); break; case 0: printf("data was different!\n"); break; case 1: printf("data was same!\n"); break; } } static int ntdb_parser(TDB_DATA key, TDB_DATA data, TDB_DATA *expect) { return ntdb_deq(data, *expect); } void ntdb_example(struct ntdb_context *ntdb, NTDB_DATA key, NTDB_DATA d) { enum NTDB_ERROR e; e = tdb_parse_record(tdb, key, tdb_parser, &d); switch (e) { case 0: printf("data was different!\n"); break; case 1: printf("data was same!\n"); break; default: printf("parse failed: %s\n", ntdb_errorstr(e)); break; } } - ntdb does locking on read-only databases (ie. O_RDONLY passed to ntdb_open). tdb did not: use the NTDB_NOLOCK flag if you want to suppress locking. Example: #include <tdb.h> #include <ntdb.h> struct tdb_context *tdb_example(void) { return tdb_open("example.tdb", 0, TDB_DEFAULT, O_RDONLY, 0); } struct ntdb_context *ntdb_example(void) { return ntdb_open("example.ntdb", NTDB_NOLOCK, O_RDONLY, NULL); } - Failure inside a transaction (such as a lock function failing) does not implicitly cancel the transaction; you still need to call ntdb_transaction_cancel(). #include <tdb.h> #include <ntdb.h> void tdb_example(struct tdb_context *tdb, TDB_DATA key, TDB_DATA d) { if (tdb_transaction_start(tdb) == -1) { printf("transaction failed: %s\n", tdb_errorstr(tdb)); return; } if (tdb_store(tdb, key, d) == -1) { printf("store failed: %s\n", tdb_errorstr(tdb)); return; } if (tdb_transaction_commit(tdb) == -1) { printf("commit failed: %s\n", tdb_errorstr(tdb)); } } void ntdb_example(struct ntdb_context *ntdb, NTDB_DATA key, NTDB_DATA d) { enum NTDB_ERROR e; e = ntdb_transaction_start(ntdb); if (e) { printf("transaction failed: %s\n", ntdb_errorstr(e)); return; } e = ntdb_store(ntdb, key, d); if (e) { printf("store failed: %s\n", ntdb_errorstr(e)); ntdb_transaction_cancel(ntdb); } e = ntdb_transaction_commit(ntdb); if (e) { printf("commit failed: %s\n", ntdb_errorstr(e)); } } - There is no NTDB_CLEAR_IF_FIRST flag; it has severe scalability and API problems. If necessary, you can emulate this by using the open hook and placing a 1-byte lock at offset 4. If your program forks and exits, you will need to place this lock again in the child before the parent exits. Example: #include <tdb.h> #include <ntdb.h> struct tdb_context *tdb_example(void) { return tdb_open("example.tdb", 0, TDB_CLEAR_IF_FIRST, O_CREAT|O_RDWR, 0600); } static enum NTDB_ERROR clear_if_first(int fd, void *unused) { /* We hold a lock offset 4 always, so we can tell if * anyone else is. */ struct flock fl; fl.l_type = F_WRLCK; fl.l_whence = SEEK_SET; fl.l_start = 4; /* ACTIVE_LOCK */ fl.l_len = 1; if (fcntl(fd, F_SETLK, &fl) == 0) { /* We must be first ones to open it! Clear it. */ if (ftruncate(fd, 0) != 0) { return NTDB_ERR_IO; } } fl.l_type = F_RDLCK; if (fcntl(fd, F_SETLKW, &fl) != 0) { return NTDB_ERR_IO; } return NTDB_SUCCESS; } struct ntdb_context *ntdb_example(void) { union ntdb_attribute open_attr; open_attr.openhook.base.attr = NTDB_ATTRIBUTE_OPENHOOK; = NULL; open_attr.openhook.fn = clear_if_first; return ntdb_open("example.ntdb", NTDB_DEFAULT, O_CREAT|O_RDWR, 0600, &open_attr); } - ntdb traversals are not reliable if the database is changed during the traversal, ie your traversal may not cover all elements, or may cover elements multiple times. As a special exception, deleting the current record within ntdb_traverse() is reliable. - There is no ntdb_traverse_read, since ntdb_traverse does not hold a lock across the entire traversal anyway. If you want to make sure that your traversal function does not write to the database, you can set and clear the NTDB_RDONLY flag around the traversal. - ntdb does not need tdb_reopen() or tdb_reopen_all(). If you call fork() after during certain operations the child should close the ntdb, or complete the operations before continuing to use the tdb: ntdb_transaction_start(): child must ntdb_transaction_cancel() ntdb_lockall(): child must call ntdb_unlockall() ntdb_lockall_read(): child must call ntdb_unlockall_read() ntdb_chainlock(): child must call ntdb_chainunlock() ntdb_parse() callback: child must return from ntdb_parse() - ntdb will not open a non-ntdb file, even if O_CREAT is specified. tdb will overwrite an unknown file in that case.