#!/bin/bash if [ "$1" = "" ]; then echo "Please provide version string, eg: 1.2.0" exit 1 fi if [ ! -d "lib/talloc" ]; then echo "Run this script from the samba base directory." exit 1 fi curbranch=`git branch |grep "^*" | tr -d "* "` version=$1 strver=`echo ${version} | tr "." "-"` # Checkout the release tag git branch -f talloc-release-script-${strver} talloc-${strver} if [ ! "$?" = "0" ]; then echo "Unable to checkout talloc-${strver} release" exit 1 fi function cleanquit { #Clean up git checkout $curbranch git branch -d talloc-release-script-${strver} exit $1 } # NOTE: use cleanquit after this point git checkout talloc-release-script-${strver} # Test configure agrees with us confver=`grep "^AC_INIT" lib/talloc/configure.ac | tr -d "AC_INIT(talloc, " | tr -d ")"` if [ ! "$confver" = "$version" ]; then echo "Wrong version, requested release for ${version}, found ${confver}" cleanquit 1 fi # Check exports and signatures are up to date pushd lib/talloc ./script/abi_checks.sh talloc talloc.h abicheck=$? popd if [ ! "$abicheck" = "0" ]; then echo "ERROR: ABI Checks produced warnings!" cleanquit 1 fi git clean -f -x -d lib/talloc git clean -f -x -d lib/replace # Now build tarball cp -a lib/talloc talloc-${version} cp -a lib/replace talloc-${version}/libreplace pushd talloc-${version} ./autogen.sh popd tar cvzf talloc-${version}.tar.gz talloc-${version} rm -fr talloc-${version} cleanquit 0