# Copyright (c) 2009-2011 testtools developers. See LICENSE for details. """Test suites and related things.""" __metaclass__ = type __all__ = [ 'ConcurrentTestSuite', 'iterate_tests', 'sorted_tests', ] from testtools.helpers import safe_hasattr, try_imports Queue = try_imports(['Queue.Queue', 'queue.Queue']) import threading import unittest import testtools def iterate_tests(test_suite_or_case): """Iterate through all of the test cases in 'test_suite_or_case'.""" try: suite = iter(test_suite_or_case) except TypeError: yield test_suite_or_case else: for test in suite: for subtest in iterate_tests(test): yield subtest class ConcurrentTestSuite(unittest.TestSuite): """A TestSuite whose run() calls out to a concurrency strategy.""" def __init__(self, suite, make_tests, wrap_result=None): """Create a ConcurrentTestSuite to execute suite. :param suite: A suite to run concurrently. :param make_tests: A helper function to split the tests in the ConcurrentTestSuite into some number of concurrently executing sub-suites. make_tests must take a suite, and return an iterable of TestCase-like object, each of which must have a run(result) method. :param wrap_result: An optional function that takes a thread-safe result and a thread number and must return a ``TestResult`` object. If not provided, then ``ConcurrentTestSuite`` will just use a ``ThreadsafeForwardingResult`` wrapped around the result passed to ``run()``. """ super(ConcurrentTestSuite, self).__init__([suite]) self.make_tests = make_tests if wrap_result: self._wrap_result = wrap_result def _wrap_result(self, thread_safe_result, thread_number): """Wrap a thread-safe result before sending it test results. You can either override this in a subclass or pass your own ``wrap_result`` in to the constructor. The latter is preferred. """ return thread_safe_result def run(self, result): """Run the tests concurrently. This calls out to the provided make_tests helper, and then serialises the results so that result only sees activity from one TestCase at a time. ConcurrentTestSuite provides no special mechanism to stop the tests returned by make_tests, it is up to the make_tests to honour the shouldStop attribute on the result object they are run with, which will be set if an exception is raised in the thread which ConcurrentTestSuite.run is called in. """ tests = self.make_tests(self) try: threads = {} queue = Queue() semaphore = threading.Semaphore(1) for i, test in enumerate(tests): process_result = self._wrap_result( testtools.ThreadsafeForwardingResult(result, semaphore), i) reader_thread = threading.Thread( target=self._run_test, args=(test, process_result, queue)) threads[test] = reader_thread, process_result reader_thread.start() while threads: finished_test = queue.get() threads[finished_test][0].join() del threads[finished_test] except: for thread, process_result in threads.values(): process_result.stop() raise def _run_test(self, test, process_result, queue): try: test.run(process_result) finally: queue.put(test) class FixtureSuite(unittest.TestSuite): def __init__(self, fixture, tests): super(FixtureSuite, self).__init__(tests) self._fixture = fixture def run(self, result): self._fixture.setUp() try: super(FixtureSuite, self).run(result) finally: self._fixture.cleanUp() def sort_tests(self): self._tests = sorted_tests(self, True) def _flatten_tests(suite_or_case, unpack_outer=False): try: tests = iter(suite_or_case) except TypeError: # Not iterable, assume it's a test case. return [(suite_or_case.id(), suite_or_case)] if (type(suite_or_case) in (unittest.TestSuite,) or unpack_outer): # Plain old test suite (or any others we may add). result = [] for test in tests: # Recurse to flatten. result.extend(_flatten_tests(test)) return result else: # Find any old actual test and grab its id. suite_id = None tests = iterate_tests(suite_or_case) for test in tests: suite_id = test.id() break # If it has a sort_tests method, call that. if safe_hasattr(suite_or_case, 'sort_tests'): suite_or_case.sort_tests() return [(suite_id, suite_or_case)] def sorted_tests(suite_or_case, unpack_outer=False): """Sort suite_or_case while preserving non-vanilla TestSuites.""" tests = _flatten_tests(suite_or_case, unpack_outer=unpack_outer) tests.sort() return unittest.TestSuite([test for (sort_key, test) in tests])