/* Unix SMB/CIFS implementation. security descriptor description language functions Copyright (C) Andrew Tridgell 2005 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include "includes.h" #include "libcli/security/security.h" #include "librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_misc.h" #include "system/locale.h" struct flag_map { const char *name; uint32_t flag; }; /* map a series of letter codes into a uint32_t */ static bool sddl_map_flags(const struct flag_map *map, const char *str, uint32_t *flags, size_t *len) { const char *str0 = str; if (len) *len = 0; *flags = 0; while (str[0] && isupper(str[0])) { int i; for (i=0;map[i].name;i++) { size_t l = strlen(map[i].name); if (strncmp(map[i].name, str, l) == 0) { *flags |= map[i].flag; str += l; if (len) *len += l; break; } } if (map[i].name == NULL) { DEBUG(1, ("Unknown flag - %s in %s\n", str, str0)); return false; } } return true; } /* a mapping between the 2 letter SID codes and sid strings */ static const struct { const char *code; const char *sid; uint32_t rid; } sid_codes[] = { { "WD", SID_WORLD }, { "CO", SID_CREATOR_OWNER }, { "CG", SID_CREATOR_GROUP }, { "NU", SID_NT_NETWORK }, { "IU", SID_NT_INTERACTIVE }, { "SU", SID_NT_SERVICE }, { "AN", SID_NT_ANONYMOUS }, { "ED", SID_NT_ENTERPRISE_DCS }, { "PS", SID_NT_SELF }, { "AU", SID_NT_AUTHENTICATED_USERS }, { "RC", SID_NT_RESTRICTED }, { "SY", SID_NT_SYSTEM }, { "LS", SID_NT_LOCAL_SERVICE }, { "NS", SID_NT_NETWORK_SERVICE }, { "BA", SID_BUILTIN_ADMINISTRATORS }, { "BU", SID_BUILTIN_USERS }, { "BG", SID_BUILTIN_GUESTS }, { "PU", SID_BUILTIN_POWER_USERS }, { "AO", SID_BUILTIN_ACCOUNT_OPERATORS }, { "SO", SID_BUILTIN_SERVER_OPERATORS }, { "PO", SID_BUILTIN_PRINT_OPERATORS }, { "BO", SID_BUILTIN_BACKUP_OPERATORS }, { "RE", SID_BUILTIN_REPLICATOR }, { "BR", SID_BUILTIN_RAS_SERVERS }, { "RU", SID_BUILTIN_PREW2K }, { "RD", SID_BUILTIN_REMOTE_DESKTOP_USERS }, { "NO", SID_BUILTIN_NETWORK_CONF_OPERATORS }, { "IF", SID_BUILTIN_INCOMING_FOREST_TRUST }, { "LA", NULL, DOMAIN_RID_ADMINISTRATOR }, { "LG", NULL, DOMAIN_RID_GUEST }, { "LK", NULL, DOMAIN_RID_KRBTGT }, { "ER", NULL, DOMAIN_RID_ENTERPRISE_READONLY_DCS }, { "DA", NULL, DOMAIN_RID_ADMINS }, { "DU", NULL, DOMAIN_RID_USERS }, { "DG", NULL, DOMAIN_RID_GUESTS }, { "DC", NULL, DOMAIN_RID_DOMAIN_MEMBERS }, { "DD", NULL, DOMAIN_RID_DCS }, { "CA", NULL, DOMAIN_RID_CERT_ADMINS }, { "SA", NULL, DOMAIN_RID_SCHEMA_ADMINS }, { "EA", NULL, DOMAIN_RID_ENTERPRISE_ADMINS }, { "PA", NULL, DOMAIN_RID_POLICY_ADMINS }, { "RO", NULL, DOMAIN_RID_READONLY_DCS }, { "RS", NULL, DOMAIN_RID_RAS_SERVERS } }; /* decode a SID It can either be a special 2 letter code, or in S-* format */ static struct dom_sid *sddl_decode_sid(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, const char **sddlp, const struct dom_sid *domain_sid) { const char *sddl = (*sddlp); int i; /* see if its in the numeric format */ if (strncmp(sddl, "S-", 2) == 0) { struct dom_sid *sid; char *sid_str; size_t len = strspn(sddl+2, "-0123456789"); sid_str = talloc_strndup(mem_ctx, sddl, len+2); if (!sid_str) { return NULL; } (*sddlp) += len+2; sid = dom_sid_parse_talloc(mem_ctx, sid_str); talloc_free(sid_str); return sid; } /* now check for one of the special codes */ for (i=0;i<ARRAY_SIZE(sid_codes);i++) { if (strncmp(sid_codes[i].code, sddl, 2) == 0) break; } if (i == ARRAY_SIZE(sid_codes)) { DEBUG(1,("Unknown sddl sid code '%2.2s'\n", sddl)); return NULL; } (*sddlp) += 2; if (sid_codes[i].sid == NULL) { return dom_sid_add_rid(mem_ctx, domain_sid, sid_codes[i].rid); } return dom_sid_parse_talloc(mem_ctx, sid_codes[i].sid); } static const struct flag_map ace_types[] = { { "AU", SEC_ACE_TYPE_SYSTEM_AUDIT }, { "AL", SEC_ACE_TYPE_SYSTEM_ALARM }, { "OA", SEC_ACE_TYPE_ACCESS_ALLOWED_OBJECT }, { "OD", SEC_ACE_TYPE_ACCESS_DENIED_OBJECT }, { "OU", SEC_ACE_TYPE_SYSTEM_AUDIT_OBJECT }, { "OL", SEC_ACE_TYPE_SYSTEM_ALARM_OBJECT }, { "A", SEC_ACE_TYPE_ACCESS_ALLOWED }, { "D", SEC_ACE_TYPE_ACCESS_DENIED }, { NULL, 0 } }; static const struct flag_map ace_flags[] = { { "OI", SEC_ACE_FLAG_OBJECT_INHERIT }, { "CI", SEC_ACE_FLAG_CONTAINER_INHERIT }, { "NP", SEC_ACE_FLAG_NO_PROPAGATE_INHERIT }, { "IO", SEC_ACE_FLAG_INHERIT_ONLY }, { "ID", SEC_ACE_FLAG_INHERITED_ACE }, { "SA", SEC_ACE_FLAG_SUCCESSFUL_ACCESS }, { "FA", SEC_ACE_FLAG_FAILED_ACCESS }, { NULL, 0 }, }; static const struct flag_map ace_access_mask[] = { { "RP", SEC_ADS_READ_PROP }, { "WP", SEC_ADS_WRITE_PROP }, { "CR", SEC_ADS_CONTROL_ACCESS }, { "CC", SEC_ADS_CREATE_CHILD }, { "DC", SEC_ADS_DELETE_CHILD }, { "LC", SEC_ADS_LIST }, { "LO", SEC_ADS_LIST_OBJECT }, { "RC", SEC_STD_READ_CONTROL }, { "WO", SEC_STD_WRITE_OWNER }, { "WD", SEC_STD_WRITE_DAC }, { "SD", SEC_STD_DELETE }, { "DT", SEC_ADS_DELETE_TREE }, { "SW", SEC_ADS_SELF_WRITE }, { "GA", SEC_GENERIC_ALL }, { "GR", SEC_GENERIC_READ }, { "GW", SEC_GENERIC_WRITE }, { "GX", SEC_GENERIC_EXECUTE }, { NULL, 0 } }; /* decode an ACE return true on success, false on failure note that this routine modifies the string */ static bool sddl_decode_ace(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, struct security_ace *ace, char *str, const struct dom_sid *domain_sid) { const char *tok[6]; const char *s; int i; uint32_t v; struct dom_sid *sid; ZERO_STRUCTP(ace); /* parse out the 6 tokens */ tok[0] = str; for (i=0;i<5;i++) { char *ptr = strchr(str, ';'); if (ptr == NULL) return false; *ptr = 0; str = ptr+1; tok[i+1] = str; } /* parse ace type */ if (!sddl_map_flags(ace_types, tok[0], &v, NULL)) { return false; } ace->type = v; /* ace flags */ if (!sddl_map_flags(ace_flags, tok[1], &v, NULL)) { return false; } ace->flags = v; /* access mask */ if (strncmp(tok[2], "0x", 2) == 0) { ace->access_mask = strtol(tok[2], NULL, 16); } else { if (!sddl_map_flags(ace_access_mask, tok[2], &v, NULL)) { return false; } ace->access_mask = v; } /* object */ if (tok[3][0] != 0) { NTSTATUS status = GUID_from_string(tok[3], &ace->object.object.type.type); if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(status)) { return false; } ace->object.object.flags |= SEC_ACE_OBJECT_TYPE_PRESENT; } /* inherit object */ if (tok[4][0] != 0) { NTSTATUS status = GUID_from_string(tok[4], &ace->object.object.inherited_type.inherited_type); if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(status)) { return false; } ace->object.object.flags |= SEC_ACE_INHERITED_OBJECT_TYPE_PRESENT; } /* trustee */ s = tok[5]; sid = sddl_decode_sid(mem_ctx, &s, domain_sid); if (sid == NULL) { return false; } ace->trustee = *sid; talloc_free(sid); return true; } static const struct flag_map acl_flags[] = { { "P", SEC_DESC_DACL_PROTECTED }, { "AR", SEC_DESC_DACL_AUTO_INHERIT_REQ }, { "AI", SEC_DESC_DACL_AUTO_INHERITED }, { NULL, 0 } }; /* decode an ACL */ static struct security_acl *sddl_decode_acl(struct security_descriptor *sd, const char **sddlp, uint32_t *flags, const struct dom_sid *domain_sid) { const char *sddl = *sddlp; struct security_acl *acl; size_t len; *flags = 0; acl = talloc_zero(sd, struct security_acl); if (acl == NULL) return NULL; acl->revision = SECURITY_ACL_REVISION_ADS; if (isupper(sddl[0]) && sddl[1] == ':') { /* its an empty ACL */ return acl; } /* work out the ACL flags */ if (!sddl_map_flags(acl_flags, sddl, flags, &len)) { talloc_free(acl); return NULL; } sddl += len; /* now the ACEs */ while (*sddl == '(') { char *astr; len = strcspn(sddl+1, ")"); astr = talloc_strndup(acl, sddl+1, len); if (astr == NULL || sddl[len+1] != ')') { talloc_free(acl); return NULL; } acl->aces = talloc_realloc(acl, acl->aces, struct security_ace, acl->num_aces+1); if (acl->aces == NULL) { talloc_free(acl); return NULL; } if (!sddl_decode_ace(acl->aces, &acl->aces[acl->num_aces], astr, domain_sid)) { talloc_free(acl); return NULL; } switch (acl->aces[acl->num_aces].type) { case SEC_ACE_TYPE_ACCESS_ALLOWED_OBJECT: case SEC_ACE_TYPE_ACCESS_DENIED_OBJECT: case SEC_ACE_TYPE_SYSTEM_AUDIT_OBJECT: case SEC_ACE_TYPE_SYSTEM_ALARM_OBJECT: acl->revision = SECURITY_ACL_REVISION_ADS; break; default: break; } talloc_free(astr); sddl += len+2; acl->num_aces++; } (*sddlp) = sddl; return acl; } /* decode a security descriptor in SDDL format */ struct security_descriptor *sddl_decode(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, const char *sddl, const struct dom_sid *domain_sid) { struct security_descriptor *sd; sd = talloc_zero(mem_ctx, struct security_descriptor); sd->revision = SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION_1; sd->type = SEC_DESC_SELF_RELATIVE; while (*sddl) { uint32_t flags; char c = sddl[0]; if (sddl[1] != ':') goto failed; sddl += 2; switch (c) { case 'D': if (sd->dacl != NULL) goto failed; sd->dacl = sddl_decode_acl(sd, &sddl, &flags, domain_sid); if (sd->dacl == NULL) goto failed; sd->type |= flags | SEC_DESC_DACL_PRESENT; break; case 'S': if (sd->sacl != NULL) goto failed; sd->sacl = sddl_decode_acl(sd, &sddl, &flags, domain_sid); if (sd->sacl == NULL) goto failed; /* this relies on the SEC_DESC_SACL_* flags being 1 bit shifted from the SEC_DESC_DACL_* flags */ sd->type |= (flags<<1) | SEC_DESC_SACL_PRESENT; break; case 'O': if (sd->owner_sid != NULL) goto failed; sd->owner_sid = sddl_decode_sid(sd, &sddl, domain_sid); if (sd->owner_sid == NULL) goto failed; break; case 'G': if (sd->group_sid != NULL) goto failed; sd->group_sid = sddl_decode_sid(sd, &sddl, domain_sid); if (sd->group_sid == NULL) goto failed; break; } } return sd; failed: DEBUG(2,("Badly formatted SDDL '%s'\n", sddl)); talloc_free(sd); return NULL; } /* turn a set of flags into a string */ static char *sddl_flags_to_string(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, const struct flag_map *map, uint32_t flags, bool check_all) { int i; char *s; /* try to find an exact match */ for (i=0;map[i].name;i++) { if (map[i].flag == flags) { return talloc_strdup(mem_ctx, map[i].name); } } s = talloc_strdup(mem_ctx, ""); /* now by bits */ for (i=0;map[i].name;i++) { if ((flags & map[i].flag) != 0) { s = talloc_asprintf_append_buffer(s, "%s", map[i].name); if (s == NULL) goto failed; flags &= ~map[i].flag; } } if (check_all && flags != 0) { goto failed; } return s; failed: talloc_free(s); return NULL; } /* encode a sid in SDDL format */ static char *sddl_encode_sid(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, const struct dom_sid *sid, const struct dom_sid *domain_sid) { int i; char *sidstr; sidstr = dom_sid_string(mem_ctx, sid); if (sidstr == NULL) return NULL; /* seen if its a well known sid */ for (i=0;sid_codes[i].sid;i++) { if (strcmp(sidstr, sid_codes[i].sid) == 0) { talloc_free(sidstr); return talloc_strdup(mem_ctx, sid_codes[i].code); } } /* or a well known rid in our domain */ if (dom_sid_in_domain(domain_sid, sid)) { uint32_t rid = sid->sub_auths[sid->num_auths-1]; for (;i<ARRAY_SIZE(sid_codes);i++) { if (rid == sid_codes[i].rid) { talloc_free(sidstr); return talloc_strdup(mem_ctx, sid_codes[i].code); } } } talloc_free(sidstr); /* TODO: encode well known sids as two letter codes */ return dom_sid_string(mem_ctx, sid); } /* encode an ACE in SDDL format */ static char *sddl_encode_ace(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, const struct security_ace *ace, const struct dom_sid *domain_sid) { char *sddl = NULL; TALLOC_CTX *tmp_ctx; const char *sddl_type="", *sddl_flags="", *sddl_mask="", *sddl_object="", *sddl_iobject="", *sddl_trustee=""; tmp_ctx = talloc_new(mem_ctx); if (tmp_ctx == NULL) { DEBUG(0, ("talloc_new failed\n")); return NULL; } sddl_type = sddl_flags_to_string(tmp_ctx, ace_types, ace->type, true); if (sddl_type == NULL) { goto failed; } sddl_flags = sddl_flags_to_string(tmp_ctx, ace_flags, ace->flags, true); if (sddl_flags == NULL) { goto failed; } sddl_mask = sddl_flags_to_string(tmp_ctx, ace_access_mask, ace->access_mask, true); if (sddl_mask == NULL) { sddl_mask = talloc_asprintf(tmp_ctx, "0x%08x", ace->access_mask); if (sddl_mask == NULL) { goto failed; } } if (ace->type == SEC_ACE_TYPE_ACCESS_ALLOWED_OBJECT || ace->type == SEC_ACE_TYPE_ACCESS_DENIED_OBJECT || ace->type == SEC_ACE_TYPE_SYSTEM_AUDIT_OBJECT || ace->type == SEC_ACE_TYPE_SYSTEM_AUDIT_OBJECT) { if (ace->object.object.flags & SEC_ACE_OBJECT_TYPE_PRESENT) { sddl_object = GUID_string( tmp_ctx, &ace->object.object.type.type); if (sddl_object == NULL) { goto failed; } } if (ace->object.object.flags & SEC_ACE_INHERITED_OBJECT_TYPE_PRESENT) { sddl_iobject = GUID_string(tmp_ctx, &ace->object.object.inherited_type.inherited_type); if (sddl_iobject == NULL) { goto failed; } } } sddl_trustee = sddl_encode_sid(tmp_ctx, &ace->trustee, domain_sid); if (sddl_trustee == NULL) { goto failed; } sddl = talloc_asprintf(mem_ctx, "%s;%s;%s;%s;%s;%s", sddl_type, sddl_flags, sddl_mask, sddl_object, sddl_iobject, sddl_trustee); failed: talloc_free(tmp_ctx); return sddl; } /* encode an ACL in SDDL format */ static char *sddl_encode_acl(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, const struct security_acl *acl, uint32_t flags, const struct dom_sid *domain_sid) { char *sddl; int i; /* add any ACL flags */ sddl = sddl_flags_to_string(mem_ctx, acl_flags, flags, false); if (sddl == NULL) goto failed; /* now the ACEs, encoded in braces */ for (i=0;i<acl->num_aces;i++) { char *ace = sddl_encode_ace(sddl, &acl->aces[i], domain_sid); if (ace == NULL) goto failed; sddl = talloc_asprintf_append_buffer(sddl, "(%s)", ace); if (sddl == NULL) goto failed; talloc_free(ace); } return sddl; failed: talloc_free(sddl); return NULL; } /* encode a security descriptor to SDDL format */ char *sddl_encode(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, const struct security_descriptor *sd, const struct dom_sid *domain_sid) { char *sddl; TALLOC_CTX *tmp_ctx; /* start with a blank string */ sddl = talloc_strdup(mem_ctx, ""); if (sddl == NULL) goto failed; tmp_ctx = talloc_new(mem_ctx); if (sd->owner_sid != NULL) { char *sid = sddl_encode_sid(tmp_ctx, sd->owner_sid, domain_sid); if (sid == NULL) goto failed; sddl = talloc_asprintf_append_buffer(sddl, "O:%s", sid); if (sddl == NULL) goto failed; } if (sd->group_sid != NULL) { char *sid = sddl_encode_sid(tmp_ctx, sd->group_sid, domain_sid); if (sid == NULL) goto failed; sddl = talloc_asprintf_append_buffer(sddl, "G:%s", sid); if (sddl == NULL) goto failed; } if ((sd->type & SEC_DESC_DACL_PRESENT) && sd->dacl != NULL) { char *acl = sddl_encode_acl(tmp_ctx, sd->dacl, sd->type, domain_sid); if (acl == NULL) goto failed; sddl = talloc_asprintf_append_buffer(sddl, "D:%s", acl); if (sddl == NULL) goto failed; } if ((sd->type & SEC_DESC_SACL_PRESENT) && sd->sacl != NULL) { char *acl = sddl_encode_acl(tmp_ctx, sd->sacl, sd->type>>1, domain_sid); if (acl == NULL) goto failed; sddl = talloc_asprintf_append_buffer(sddl, "S:%s", acl); if (sddl == NULL) goto failed; } talloc_free(tmp_ctx); return sddl; failed: talloc_free(sddl); return NULL; }