/* Unix SMB/CIFS implementation. security descriptror utility functions Copyright (C) Andrew Tridgell 2004 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include "includes.h" #include "libcli/security/security_descriptor.h" #include "libcli/security/dom_sid.h" /* return a blank security descriptor (no owners, dacl or sacl) */ struct security_descriptor *security_descriptor_initialise(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx) { struct security_descriptor *sd; sd = talloc(mem_ctx, struct security_descriptor); if (!sd) { return NULL; } sd->revision = SD_REVISION; /* we mark as self relative, even though it isn't while it remains a pointer in memory because this simplifies the ndr code later. All SDs that we store/emit are in fact SELF_RELATIVE */ sd->type = SEC_DESC_SELF_RELATIVE; sd->owner_sid = NULL; sd->group_sid = NULL; sd->sacl = NULL; sd->dacl = NULL; return sd; } struct security_acl *security_acl_dup(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, const struct security_acl *oacl) { struct security_acl *nacl; nacl = talloc (mem_ctx, struct security_acl); if (nacl == NULL) { return NULL; } nacl->aces = (struct security_ace *)talloc_memdup (nacl, oacl->aces, sizeof(struct security_ace) * oacl->num_aces); if ((nacl->aces == NULL) && (oacl->num_aces > 0)) { goto failed; } nacl->revision = oacl->revision; nacl->size = oacl->size; nacl->num_aces = oacl->num_aces; return nacl; failed: talloc_free (nacl); return NULL; } struct security_acl *security_acl_concatenate(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, const struct security_acl *acl1, const struct security_acl *acl2) { struct security_acl *nacl; int i; if (!acl1 && !acl2) return NULL; if (!acl1){ nacl = security_acl_dup(mem_ctx, acl2); return nacl; } if (!acl2){ nacl = security_acl_dup(mem_ctx, acl1); return nacl; } nacl = talloc (mem_ctx, struct security_acl); if (nacl == NULL) { return NULL; } nacl->revision = acl1->revision; nacl->size = acl1->size + acl2->size; nacl->num_aces = acl1->num_aces + acl2->num_aces; if (nacl->num_aces == 0) return nacl; nacl->aces = (struct security_ace *)talloc_array (mem_ctx, struct security_ace, acl1->num_aces+acl2->num_aces); if ((nacl->aces == NULL) && (nacl->num_aces > 0)) { goto failed; } for (i = 0; i < acl1->num_aces; i++) nacl->aces[i] = acl1->aces[i]; for (i = 0; i < acl2->num_aces; i++) nacl->aces[i + acl1->num_aces] = acl2->aces[i]; return nacl; failed: talloc_free (nacl); return NULL; } /* talloc and copy a security descriptor */ struct security_descriptor *security_descriptor_copy(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, const struct security_descriptor *osd) { struct security_descriptor *nsd; nsd = talloc_zero(mem_ctx, struct security_descriptor); if (!nsd) { return NULL; } if (osd->owner_sid) { nsd->owner_sid = dom_sid_dup(nsd, osd->owner_sid); if (nsd->owner_sid == NULL) { goto failed; } } if (osd->group_sid) { nsd->group_sid = dom_sid_dup(nsd, osd->group_sid); if (nsd->group_sid == NULL) { goto failed; } } if (osd->sacl) { nsd->sacl = security_acl_dup(nsd, osd->sacl); if (nsd->sacl == NULL) { goto failed; } } if (osd->dacl) { nsd->dacl = security_acl_dup(nsd, osd->dacl); if (nsd->dacl == NULL) { goto failed; } } nsd->revision = osd->revision; nsd->type = osd->type; return nsd; failed: talloc_free(nsd); return NULL; } /* add an ACE to an ACL of a security_descriptor */ static NTSTATUS security_descriptor_acl_add(struct security_descriptor *sd, bool add_to_sacl, const struct security_ace *ace) { struct security_acl *acl = NULL; if (add_to_sacl) { acl = sd->sacl; } else { acl = sd->dacl; } if (acl == NULL) { acl = talloc(sd, struct security_acl); if (acl == NULL) { return NT_STATUS_NO_MEMORY; } acl->revision = SECURITY_ACL_REVISION_NT4; acl->size = 0; acl->num_aces = 0; acl->aces = NULL; } acl->aces = talloc_realloc(acl, acl->aces, struct security_ace, acl->num_aces+1); if (acl->aces == NULL) { return NT_STATUS_NO_MEMORY; } acl->aces[acl->num_aces] = *ace; switch (acl->aces[acl->num_aces].type) { case SEC_ACE_TYPE_ACCESS_ALLOWED_OBJECT: case SEC_ACE_TYPE_ACCESS_DENIED_OBJECT: case SEC_ACE_TYPE_SYSTEM_AUDIT_OBJECT: case SEC_ACE_TYPE_SYSTEM_ALARM_OBJECT: acl->revision = SECURITY_ACL_REVISION_ADS; break; default: break; } acl->num_aces++; if (add_to_sacl) { sd->sacl = acl; sd->type |= SEC_DESC_SACL_PRESENT; } else { sd->dacl = acl; sd->type |= SEC_DESC_DACL_PRESENT; } return NT_STATUS_OK; } /* add an ACE to the SACL of a security_descriptor */ NTSTATUS security_descriptor_sacl_add(struct security_descriptor *sd, const struct security_ace *ace) { return security_descriptor_acl_add(sd, true, ace); } /* add an ACE to the DACL of a security_descriptor */ NTSTATUS security_descriptor_dacl_add(struct security_descriptor *sd, const struct security_ace *ace) { return security_descriptor_acl_add(sd, false, ace); } /* delete the ACE corresponding to the given trustee in an ACL of a security_descriptor */ static NTSTATUS security_descriptor_acl_del(struct security_descriptor *sd, bool sacl_del, const struct dom_sid *trustee) { int i; bool found = false; struct security_acl *acl = NULL; if (sacl_del) { acl = sd->sacl; } else { acl = sd->dacl; } if (acl == NULL) { return NT_STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND; } /* there can be multiple ace's for one trustee */ for (i=0;i<acl->num_aces;i++) { if (dom_sid_equal(trustee, &acl->aces[i].trustee)) { memmove(&acl->aces[i], &acl->aces[i+1], sizeof(acl->aces[i]) * (acl->num_aces - (i+1))); acl->num_aces--; if (acl->num_aces == 0) { acl->aces = NULL; } found = true; } } if (!found) { return NT_STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND; } acl->revision = SECURITY_ACL_REVISION_NT4; for (i=0;i<acl->num_aces;i++) { switch (acl->aces[i].type) { case SEC_ACE_TYPE_ACCESS_ALLOWED_OBJECT: case SEC_ACE_TYPE_ACCESS_DENIED_OBJECT: case SEC_ACE_TYPE_SYSTEM_AUDIT_OBJECT: case SEC_ACE_TYPE_SYSTEM_ALARM_OBJECT: acl->revision = SECURITY_ACL_REVISION_ADS; return NT_STATUS_OK; default: break; /* only for the switch statement */ } } return NT_STATUS_OK; } /* delete the ACE corresponding to the given trustee in the DACL of a security_descriptor */ NTSTATUS security_descriptor_dacl_del(struct security_descriptor *sd, const struct dom_sid *trustee) { return security_descriptor_acl_del(sd, false, trustee); } /* delete the ACE corresponding to the given trustee in the SACL of a security_descriptor */ NTSTATUS security_descriptor_sacl_del(struct security_descriptor *sd, const struct dom_sid *trustee) { return security_descriptor_acl_del(sd, true, trustee); } /* compare two security ace structures */ bool security_ace_equal(const struct security_ace *ace1, const struct security_ace *ace2) { if (ace1 == ace2) return true; if (!ace1 || !ace2) return false; if (ace1->type != ace2->type) return false; if (ace1->flags != ace2->flags) return false; if (ace1->access_mask != ace2->access_mask) return false; if (!dom_sid_equal(&ace1->trustee, &ace2->trustee)) return false; return true; } /* compare two security acl structures */ bool security_acl_equal(const struct security_acl *acl1, const struct security_acl *acl2) { int i; if (acl1 == acl2) return true; if (!acl1 || !acl2) return false; if (acl1->revision != acl2->revision) return false; if (acl1->num_aces != acl2->num_aces) return false; for (i=0;i<acl1->num_aces;i++) { if (!security_ace_equal(&acl1->aces[i], &acl2->aces[i])) return false; } return true; } /* compare two security descriptors. */ bool security_descriptor_equal(const struct security_descriptor *sd1, const struct security_descriptor *sd2) { if (sd1 == sd2) return true; if (!sd1 || !sd2) return false; if (sd1->revision != sd2->revision) return false; if (sd1->type != sd2->type) return false; if (!dom_sid_equal(sd1->owner_sid, sd2->owner_sid)) return false; if (!dom_sid_equal(sd1->group_sid, sd2->group_sid)) return false; if (!security_acl_equal(sd1->sacl, sd2->sacl)) return false; if (!security_acl_equal(sd1->dacl, sd2->dacl)) return false; return true; } /* compare two security descriptors, but allow certain (missing) parts to be masked out of the comparison */ bool security_descriptor_mask_equal(const struct security_descriptor *sd1, const struct security_descriptor *sd2, uint32_t mask) { if (sd1 == sd2) return true; if (!sd1 || !sd2) return false; if (sd1->revision != sd2->revision) return false; if ((sd1->type & mask) != (sd2->type & mask)) return false; if (!dom_sid_equal(sd1->owner_sid, sd2->owner_sid)) return false; if (!dom_sid_equal(sd1->group_sid, sd2->group_sid)) return false; if ((mask & SEC_DESC_DACL_PRESENT) && !security_acl_equal(sd1->dacl, sd2->dacl)) return false; if ((mask & SEC_DESC_SACL_PRESENT) && !security_acl_equal(sd1->sacl, sd2->sacl)) return false; return true; } static struct security_descriptor *security_descriptor_appendv(struct security_descriptor *sd, bool add_ace_to_sacl, va_list ap) { const char *sidstr; while ((sidstr = va_arg(ap, const char *))) { struct dom_sid *sid; struct security_ace *ace = talloc_zero(sd, struct security_ace); NTSTATUS status; if (ace == NULL) { talloc_free(sd); return NULL; } ace->type = va_arg(ap, unsigned int); ace->access_mask = va_arg(ap, unsigned int); ace->flags = va_arg(ap, unsigned int); sid = dom_sid_parse_talloc(ace, sidstr); if (sid == NULL) { talloc_free(sd); return NULL; } ace->trustee = *sid; if (add_ace_to_sacl) { status = security_descriptor_sacl_add(sd, ace); } else { status = security_descriptor_dacl_add(sd, ace); } /* TODO: check: would talloc_free(ace) here be correct? */ if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(status)) { talloc_free(sd); return NULL; } } return sd; } struct security_descriptor *security_descriptor_append(struct security_descriptor *sd, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, sd); sd = security_descriptor_appendv(sd, false, ap); va_end(ap); return sd; } static struct security_descriptor *security_descriptor_createv(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, uint16_t sd_type, const char *owner_sid, const char *group_sid, bool add_ace_to_sacl, va_list ap) { struct security_descriptor *sd; sd = security_descriptor_initialise(mem_ctx); if (sd == NULL) { return NULL; } sd->type |= sd_type; if (owner_sid) { sd->owner_sid = dom_sid_parse_talloc(sd, owner_sid); if (sd->owner_sid == NULL) { talloc_free(sd); return NULL; } } if (group_sid) { sd->group_sid = dom_sid_parse_talloc(sd, group_sid); if (sd->group_sid == NULL) { talloc_free(sd); return NULL; } } return security_descriptor_appendv(sd, add_ace_to_sacl, ap); } /* create a security descriptor using string SIDs. This is used by the torture code to allow the easy creation of complex ACLs This is a varargs function. The list of DACL ACEs ends with a NULL sid. Each ACE contains a set of 4 parameters: SID, ACCESS_TYPE, MASK, FLAGS a typical call would be: sd = security_descriptor_dacl_create(mem_ctx, sd_type_flags, mysid, mygroup, SID_NT_AUTHENTICATED_USERS, SEC_ACE_TYPE_ACCESS_ALLOWED, SEC_FILE_ALL, SEC_ACE_FLAG_OBJECT_INHERIT, NULL); that would create a sd with one DACL ACE */ struct security_descriptor *security_descriptor_dacl_create(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, uint16_t sd_type, const char *owner_sid, const char *group_sid, ...) { struct security_descriptor *sd = NULL; va_list ap; va_start(ap, group_sid); sd = security_descriptor_createv(mem_ctx, sd_type, owner_sid, group_sid, false, ap); va_end(ap); return sd; } struct security_descriptor *security_descriptor_sacl_create(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, uint16_t sd_type, const char *owner_sid, const char *group_sid, ...) { struct security_descriptor *sd = NULL; va_list ap; va_start(ap, group_sid); sd = security_descriptor_createv(mem_ctx, sd_type, owner_sid, group_sid, true, ap); va_end(ap); return sd; } struct security_ace *security_ace_create(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, const char *sid_str, enum security_ace_type type, uint32_t access_mask, uint8_t flags) { struct dom_sid *sid; struct security_ace *ace; ace = talloc_zero(mem_ctx, struct security_ace); if (ace == NULL) { return NULL; } sid = dom_sid_parse_talloc(ace, sid_str); if (sid == NULL) { talloc_free(ace); return NULL; } ace->trustee = *sid; ace->type = type; ace->access_mask = access_mask; ace->flags = flags; return ace; }