#include "idl_types.h" /* IDL structures for DNS operations DNS is not traditionally encoded using IDL/NDR. This is a bit of an experiment, and I may well switch us back to a more traditional encoding if it doesn't work out */ import "misc.idl"; [ helper("librpc/ndr/ndr_dnsp.h"), helpstring("DNS records"), version(0.0), uuid("a047c001-5f22-40b0-9d52-7042c43f711a") ] interface dns { const int DNS_SERVICE_PORT = 53; typedef [public,bitmap16bit] bitmap { DNS_RCODE = 0x000F, DNS_FLAG_BROADCAST = 0x0010, DNS_FLAG_RECURSION_AVAIL = 0x0080, DNS_FLAG_RECURSION_DESIRED = 0x0100, DNS_FLAG_TRUNCATION = 0x0200, DNS_FLAG_AUTHORITATIVE = 0x0400, DNS_OPCODE = 0x7800, DNS_FLAG_REPLY = 0x8000 } dns_operation; /* the opcodes are in the operation field, masked with DNS_OPCODE */ typedef [public] enum { DNS_OPCODE_QUERY = (0x0<<11), DNS_OPCODE_IQUERY = (0x1<<11), DNS_OPCODE_STATUS = (0x2<<11), DNS_OPCODE_REGISTER = (0x5<<11), DNS_OPCODE_RELEASE = (0x6<<11), DNS_OPCODE_WACK = (0x7<<11), DNS_OPCODE_REFRESH = (0x8<<11), DNS_OPCODE_REFRESH2 = (0x9<<11), DNS_OPCODE_MULTI_HOME_REG = (0xf<<11) } dns_opcode; /* rcode values */ typedef [public] enum { DNS_RCODE_OK = 0x0, DNS_RCODE_FORMERR = 0x1, DNS_RCODE_SERVFAIL = 0x2, DNS_RCODE_NXDOMAIN = 0x3, DNS_RCODE_NOTIMP = 0x4, DNS_RCODE_REFUSED = 0x5, DNS_RCODE_YXDOMAIN = 0x6, DNS_RCODE_YXRRSET = 0x7, DNS_RCODE_NXRRSET = 0x8, DNS_RCODE_NOTAUTH = 0x9, DNS_RCODE_NOTZONE = 0xA } dns_rcode; typedef [public,enum16bit] enum { DNS_QCLASS_IP = 0x01 } dns_qclass; /* These vese values could have been merged with NBT_QTYPE values, but DNS_QTYPE_SRV and NBT_QTYPE_STATUS have the same numeric value. */ typedef [public,enum16bit] enum { DNS_QTYPE_ZERO = 0x0000, DNS_QTYPE_A = 0x0001, DNS_QTYPE_NS = 0x0002, DNS_QTYPE_MD = 0x0003, DNS_QTYPE_MF = 0x0004, DNS_QTYPE_CNAME = 0x0005, DNS_QTYPE_SOA = 0x0006, DNS_QTYPE_MB = 0x0007, DNS_QTYPE_MG = 0x0008, DNS_QTYPE_MR = 0x0009, DNS_QTYPE_NULL = 0x000A, DNS_QTYPE_WKS = 0x000B, DNS_QTYPE_PTR = 0x000C, DNS_QTYPE_HINFO = 0x000D, DNS_QTYPE_MINFO = 0x000E, DNS_QTYPE_MX = 0x000F, DNS_QTYPE_TXT = 0x0010, DNS_QTYPE_RP = 0x0011, DNS_QTYPE_AFSDB = 0x0012, DNS_QTYPE_X25 = 0x0013, DNS_QTYPE_ISDN = 0x0014, DNS_QTYPE_RT = 0x0015, DNS_QTYPE_SIG = 0x0018, DNS_QTYPE_KEY = 0x0019, DNS_QTYPE_AAAA = 0x001C, DNS_QTYPE_LOC = 0x001D, DNS_QTYPE_NXT = 0x001E, DNS_QTYPE_NETBIOS= 0x0020, DNS_QTYPE_SRV = 0x0021, DNS_QTYPE_ATMA = 0x0022, DNS_QTYPE_NAPTR = 0x0023, DNS_QTYPE_DNAME = 0x0027, DNS_QTYPE_DS = 0x002B, DNS_QTYPE_RRSIG = 0x002E, DNS_QTYPE_NSEC = 0x002F, DNS_QTYPE_DNSKEY = 0x0030, DNS_QTYPE_DHCID = 0x0031, DNS_QTYPE_ALL = 0x00FF, DNS_QTYPE_WINS = 0xFF01, DNS_QTYPE_WINSR = 0xFF02 } dns_qtype; typedef [public] struct { dnsp_name name; dns_qtype question_type; dns_qclass question_class; } dns_name_question; typedef [public] struct { uint16 length; uint8 data[length]; } dns_rdata_data; typedef [nodiscriminant,public] union { [case(DNS_QTYPE_A)] ipv4address ipv4_address; [default] dns_rdata_data data; } dns_rdata; typedef [flag(LIBNDR_PRINT_ARRAY_HEX),public] struct { dnsp_name name; dns_qtype rr_type; dns_qclass rr_class; uint32 ttl; [switch_is(rr_type)] dns_rdata rdata; } dns_res_rec; typedef [flag(NDR_NOALIGN|NDR_BIG_ENDIAN|NDR_PAHEX),public] struct { uint16 id; dns_operation operation; uint16 qdcount; uint16 ancount; uint16 nscount; uint16 arcount; dns_name_question questions[qdcount]; dns_res_rec answers[ancount]; dns_res_rec nsrecs[nscount]; dns_res_rec additional[arcount]; [flag(NDR_REMAINING)] DATA_BLOB padding; } dns_name_packet; /* this is a convenience hook for ndrdump */ void decode_dns_name_packet( [in] dns_name_packet packet ); }